Prayer Secret #4 -
Stating Your Case Before God
The first 3 prayer secrets talked about in the Prayer Section of our site all lay the groundwork for you to be able to properly approach God the Father with your specific prayer requests. This particular prayer secret will now be the first of several that will get into the real heart of directly praying to God the Father.
This particular prayer secret is coming off of two very simple, but extremely powerful verses back in the Old Testament. When I first saw the three specific phrases that were in the middle of these two verses, I saw major prayer secret written all over it. I believe that God the Father is giving all of us a major revelation with the three key phrases that He has in these two verses.
The three key phrases in these two verses are that we can approach God to “reason together” with Him, that we can “state our case” before Him, and that we can “contend together” with Him.
Think of the implication of these three statements – that the one and only all-powerful and all-knowing God of this entire universe is willing and open to listen to our reasons, to our contentions, and to our cases if they are properly brought and presented before Him!
Here are the two specific verses giving us this very profound revelation from the Lord:
“Come now and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow …” (Isaiah 1:18)
“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake: And I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted.” (Isaiah 43:25)
Though both of these verses are talking about being able to get forgiveness for our sins before the Lord – I believe that God the Father is giving all of us a major revelation with these three key phrases. If we can approach God to state our cases before Him, and to try and reason and contend with Him on the matter of some our own personal sins – then I believe we can also take this same principle and apply it in our own personal prayer life with Him.
I believe God the Father is giving all of us an open invitation to enter into intimate dialogue with Him with the way that He has worded these two verses. These three key phrases are telling us that God, at times, will want to hear what we have to think about a matter. He will want to hear our thoughts, and He will want us to fully express our feelings to Him about any specific matter or topic we may want to discuss with Him.
If God is all-knowing and already knows what we are going to think before we even think it – why would He even want us to go through the process of talking with Him and voicing our opinions about certain matters? If He already knows what we will need before we will even need it – why would God even want us praying to Him in the first place? Why doesn’t God just rely on His perfect knowledge on all things and just give us what we will need without us ever having to ask for it?
I believe the answer to this question is only one possible answer. And that one answer is because God wants more than anything else that we enter in and attempt to establish a one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
If we never had to approach God for prayer to voice and express any of our thoughts, feelings and opinions on anything – then we would never be entering into any type of dialogue or personal conversation with Him. And if we cannot establish any kind of good, two-way communication and dialogue with the Lord – then no real close, personal relationship is ever going to develop between Him and us.
The only way that any kind of a good, personal relationship can be developed between two people is through good, personal, free-flowing conversation and dialogue where both parties are totally free to express all of their thoughts, opinions and feelings about anything they want to talk about.
This is what makes a best friend relationship so unique and so wonderful – because you are so in tune to your best friend and so comfortable with them – that you are totally free and comfortable in being yourself and releasing and expressing yourself to your fullest potential.
Good, personal, free-flowing dialogue and conversation is the lifeblood of any good, personal relationship between two friends or two spouses. Nothing will shut a marriage or a good friendship down faster than if one or both of the parties start to pull back on the good, personal conversations and communication they used to have.
Just as good, personal, free-flowing conversation is the lifeblood in our own personal human relationships – this same principle also applies and carries over to our own personal relationship with the Lord. This is why God has these three specific phrases mentioned in the above two verses. God the Father is giving all of us a major clue and revelation in that He is open and willing to have personal, two-way dialogue and conversation with each one of us.
As I said numerous times in some of my other articles, God the Father wants you to be available 24/7 for intimate prayer and dialogue with Him – not just one time a week in a two hour Church service. God wants you to be able to talk and dialogue with Him with the same amount of frequency and with the same amount intensity as you would with your best friend. Except with God, He wants to become your best Friend, over and above any of other best friends you may have in this life.
God has to become #1 in your life. He will not settle for or accept a #2 position. The Bible tells us that God the Father has a consuming type of fire love for all of us, and He is very possessive and jealous over every single one of us with this kind of intense and passionate love.
With the above revelation telling us that we are free to boldly approach God’s throne and not to be afraid to state our cases and contentions before Him, and not to be afraid to try and reason with Him over certain issues and topics – what this now does is open up a whole new realm of possibilities in your prayer life with God the Father if you were never aware of this possibility before.
Once you have decided that you have a certain prayer request that you would like to present before God the Father – the first thing you should decide is how strong you need to go in stating your case before Him. If your prayer request is something very simple, you do not need to get all worked up and give God 55 reasons as to why you would like Him to grant your prayer request. Just ask God once or twice and then have faith that He will answer or grant the prayer request if it is in His will for your life.
However, where this principle will really come into play is when you have a request that is on the more medium to heavier side. A perfect example of something on the heavier side is when you may be praying for someone who may be dying of cancer. This principle will really come into play on this type of emergency situation.
What you do in this type of case, is that before you start shooting healing and battle verses through and start asking God to heal the one you are praying for – stop and form out your case as to why you would like God to heal this person. Stop and analyze the person’s life that you are praying for. Form out your own personal arguments as to why God should consider healing and extending this person’s life.
What you are doing is exactly what the above two verses are trying to tell you to do – you are stating your case before God, and you are stating your reasons and contentions as to why He should consider healing the one you are praying for.
Below I will give you a personal testimony where this particular principle literally turned the tide on a healing case I was brought into by a woman I used to work with. Her 47 year old brother was dying of terminal Hodgkin’s disease. She had tried pleading the blood and asking God to heal her brother, but to no avail.
She then called me up and asked if I had any other suggestions that might get God to move on her behalf. I will give you what happened after she asked me, and then what God had me do in the battle prayer I ended up drawing up for her that literally turned the tide and got this man to be fully healed within a matter of 2 weeks.
Another analogy that I can give you that will show you how effective this kind of reasoning and contending can be with the Lord is with our criminal and civil court systems. In many civil and criminal trials, cases are sometimes won on the closing arguments from either the prosecuting attorney or the defense attorney.
When each side gives their closing arguments before a jury, each attorney will properly summarize the facts of their case, and then they will try and tell the jury why they should find in their client’s favor. What they are doing with the jury is stating their cases before them, and then trying to reason with them to try and get them to rule in their client’s favor. They are trying to persuade the jury that they have the stronger case and they are giving them their exact reasons as to why they should see things from their point of view.
I believe we can sometimes take this same kind of approach in our prayer life with God the Father, depending on what we are asking Him for. You obviously have to know when you can go into this kind of mode with God the Father. This is where the Holy Spirit will be helping you out. You will have to learn through trial and error when to take this kind of approach with God the Father.
You will need to properly analyze each one of your prayer requests and decide if you need to go into this kind of heavier mode with the Lord. If you have something that you are really wanting from the Lord, or if your prayer request is on that heavier side and you have a good release from the Holy Spirit to be approaching God with these kinds of arguments and contentions – then I would go ahead and give it a try and see what happens.
You will have nothing to lose in trying to incorporate this prayer principle into your personal prayer life with the Lord from time to time depending on exactly what it is you are asking Him for. It just may be the key to help turn the tide to get more of your personal prayers answered with Him.
One of the things I felt like the Holy Spirit has conveyed to me in reference to being able to get God to answer more of your prayers is that you have to somehow create a desire in God to want to answer your prayer in the first place.
And one of the ways that you can create a strong desire in God to want to answer more of your personal prayers is to give Him all of your personal reasons and contentions as to why He should consider answering them in the first place.
As the above two verses are trying to tell us – God wants to hear your arguments, your reasons and your contentions as to why He should answer your prayer.
If you can learn to go into this kind of mode with the Lord when the situation dictates taking this kind approach with Him – not only will you possibly be able to get more of your personal prayers answered – but you will also find yourself becoming much more closer to the Lord in your own personal relationship with Him.
The reason for this is because you will start to see and feel that God really does care for you, and that He really does want to have personal, two-way dialogue and conversation with you. You will learn that you can fully trust Him and that He will always treat you fairly, honestly and justly.
Now I want to give you two good examples of where this particular prayer secret was put into actual operation – and in both of these cases this principle completely turned the tide and got God to move to answer the prayers that were being presented to Him.
The first testimony is from the Story of Moses. Moses personally did one of the most amazing things in all of the Old Testament – he got God to change His mind from what His original intentions were going to be!
When Moses was up on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights with God the Father getting the 10 commandments and many of the other basic laws and commandments that God was wanting His people to live by, the children of Israel were down at the bottom of the mountain making a false idol by way of a golden calf.
When God sees this, He becomes so furious that He is literally wanting to consume all of the Israelites right there on the spot. However, when Moses sees how mad God is getting and what God is wanting to do to these people, Moses immediately steps into the gap for his people and begins trying to reason and plead with God as to why He should change His mind and not kill them.
Here is the verse that tells you word-for-word exactly what Moses said to God to get Him to change His mind from what His original intentions were going to be:
Then Moses pleaded with the Lord his God, and said: “Lord, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians speak, and say, ‘He brought them out to harm them, to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth?’
Turn from Your fierce wrath, and relent from this harm to Your people. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.’ So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people. (Exodus 32:11-14)
Notice what Moses does before the Lord. Instead of just asking the Lord to change His mind and not kill the Israelites for what they were doing at the bottom of that mountain – he goes one step further and starts to give God his specific reasons and contentions as to why He should not do it.
Notice this verse actually starts out with the words that Moses “pleaded with the Lord.” In other words, he was properly pleading his case before the Lord by giving God his main reasons and contentions as to why He should consider changing His mind.
And then notice what happens next. Not only is God willing to hear what Moses has to say about the matter – but then He actually “relents,” changes His mind and then answers Moses’ petition. And all of this was accomplished because Moses properly stated his case before God and gave God several good reasons as to why He should not kill any of the Israelites.
This is a perfect and classic example of someone who put all of the above revelation in actual operation with the Lord and was thus able to save quite a few people’s lives that day as a result.
Again, you have to know when you can go into this kind of mode with God the Father. But just realize that this is a possible option, and that at times, it can be a very powerful and persuasive option with the Lord.
This next testimony where this principle turned the tide was the personal one I mentioned above. Here is what happened on this case.
A woman who I used to work with called me up one day and told me that she was facing an extreme emergency. Long story short, she had a 47 year old brother who was slowly dying of terminal Hodgkin’s disease.
When she called me, he had been in the hospital for about 3 weeks battling a severe case of pneumonia. His immune system was starting to weaken and the doctors were having no luck with the antibiotics they were giving him. The one doctor told her that he had literally tried 50 different antibiotics, but none of them were working or turning the tide.
When she called me, she was frantic and did not know what else to do. I then asked her if she had been praying for him and she said she had. She said she had been pleading the blood and quoting some healing verses back to the Lord – but nothing was happening. She then asked if I had any other possible suggestions, as she was afraid her brother was going to literally die right there in the hospital. I then told her I would pray about it and see if the Lord would give me any other suggestions that she could try in her own personal prayers to Him.
As soon as I got off the phone and asked the Lord if He had any other suggestions on how to handle this crisis, two things immediately popped into my mind’s eye from the Lord.
The first thing He wanted me to have her do was to go longer on her stating her case before Him as to why He should consider extending his life. In other words, He was wanting her specific reasons as to why He should want to heal him.
The second thing that came up loud and clear was that He was wanting more battle and healing verses put into the actual prayer itself. This was a very serious life or death situation – and God was wanting some more meat put into the actual prayer itself. As a result, this battle prayer ended up coming in a little bit longer than some of the other ones that are listed in the Testimonies Section of our site.
After receiving the above advice from the Lord, I then called my friend back up and told her what I had picked up. She then asked me if I could draw up the battle prayer for her since she did not know how to really form out this kind of battle prayer with these kinds of healing and battle verses all incorporated into the battle prayer itself.
I then asked her to give me as much information as she could about her brother, so that I would know how to word out the first part of the prayer in the right way – since that would be the part of the prayer where she will be stating her case before God and giving Him her personal reasons as to why He should consider sparing and extending her brother’s life.
This compete testimony is listed in the Testimonies section of our site. The title of this testimony is “Battle Prayer Against Terminal Hodgkin’s Disease.” Just click on this blue link if you would like to see this prayer in it’s complete entirety.
I will leave you with one last thought on this particular prayer secret. Per another article we have in our site titled “God is No Respecter of Persons” – the Bible tells us that God the Father is no respecter of persons. There are also several other verses from Scripture that tell us that God will be showing no partiality or favoritism towards any man or any woman that He has ever created. What this means is that we are all on an equal footing with the Lord and we all have an equal standing with Him.
If God is no respecter of any persons – then God will be giving you the same amount of time, care and attention that He would be willing to give to anyone else – and this will also be including in your own personal prayer life with Him. You thus have just as much of a chance to get some of your own personal prayers answered with Him as anyone else would.
So the next time you have a prayer request that may be on the more heavy side, or if it is something that you are really wanting and desiring from the Lord – try drawing up your own specific reasons and contentions as to why God should grant your request. If you have to, do not be afraid to write all of it out on a piece of paper and then read it before the Lord if you think you won’t be able to recall all of the reasons once you start the prayer up with Him.
You already know that God has the full power to grant your specific prayer request. The secret then is to be able to create enough of a desire in God to want to answer your prayer request.
And by giving God your own personal reasons and contentions as to why He should consider answering your prayer – you may end up going a very long way in possibly creating enough of a desire in God to want to answer your prayer.
If God did it for Moses with the way Moses so passionately pleaded his case before Him with the rebellious children of Israel – then God can also do the same thing for you since the Bible tells us that He is no respecter of persons!
Once again, here are the three key phrases. Burn these three key phrases into your memory banks – as they could be the keys that could help turn the tide for you in getting God to answer more of your special prayer requests.
State your case
Let us reason together
Let us contend together
Just as a good defense attorney can possibly win a case with a good, convincing, closing argument before a jury – so can you if you have good enough reasons and contentions to present before the Lord on whatever it is you are asking Him for.
heavenly light

Monday, 31 May 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Prayer Secret #3 - God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
Prayer Secret #3 -
God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
This will now lead us into Prayer Secret #3. Before I start to go into some of the more heavier aspects of actually moving into prayer with the Lord – there is one more secret that I must first talk about in order to help increase your chances of getting God to answer more of your personal prayers.
If you are not fully aware of this next prayer secret and you are not abiding by it – then there is a very good chance that God is not even going to listen to what you have to say, much less even consider answering any of your specific prayers.
The verses I will list in this article are all very straight forward and need no fancy interpretation. They mean exactly what they are saying.
These particular verses are telling us that God will not be hearing the prayers of someone who is not keeping His commandments – of someone who is not living a righteous life in His eyes. Granted, we have all been made perfectly righteous before the eyes of God the Father as a result of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for all of our sins. The righteousness of Jesus has now been imputed to us.
However, this does not give us the license and the right to keep on sinning. Though we have all been made perfectly righteous before the eyes of God as a result of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we still have to make every effort on our end to try and live a good and righteous life and stay out of any unacceptable sins in the eyes of God the Father. This particular prayer secret is a major reason why some Christians are not having much success in their prayer room with God the Father.
As you will see in the verses I will list in this article, the Bible is telling all of us loud and clear that our slates have got to be fairly clean before God is going to work with us in His prayer room. However, please note this does not mean you have to be totally perfect. We all have our rough edges, our character flaws and faults, and our little vices that we have a hard time in getting any victory over.
I believe there is a certain amount of slack with the Lord for some of our imperfections, frailties and weaknesses. None of us will ever become the fourth person of the Holy Trinity. This is why Jesus had to come and die for all of us – due to the sin nature that we were all born into this world with that constantly keeps getting us into trouble.
Per the article I did titled “Sanctification,” God the Father wants to start the process of sanctifying us in this life us once we become saved and born again. But this sanctification process is a progressive and constantly ongoing process that will go on for rest of our lives. As a result, we always have to continue to keep working with the Lord on allowing Him to mold, shape and transform us into a better and more holy people.
As you continue to grow in this sanctification process where God the Father is now slowly starting to form and mold you into the express image of His Son Jesus Christ – you will find one main thing that will start to occur with the Lord – and that one main thing is that you will start to see the boundary lines that God will set up for you and your life. These boundary lines are lines being drawn in the sand by the Lord of where you can go in this life and where you cannot go – what you can do and what you cannot do.
God will make it very clear to you through the conviction of the Holy Spirit as to how far you can go with Him on certain issues. And this is where you really have to stay on top of your game with the Lord if you want to keep everything running and flowing smoothly if you are walking in God’s perfect plan and destiny for your life.
These next set of verses are telling us the following:
That the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man will avail much
That God will answer our prayers if we are keeping His commandments
That God will hear and answer the prayers of the righteous
But that God will not hear or answer the prayers of those who are not obeying His commandments
One of the verses I will list below is very extreme and intense. This verse says that your sins and your iniquities will literally separate you from God and that He will hide His face from you and not even hear your prayers and petitions.
Though Jesus has already died on the cross for all of our sins – we cannot use this as an excuse to go back into areas that we know God does not want us treading into. Perfect examples of some areas where Christians can really get themselves into major trouble with the Lord are adultery, using drugs, abusing alcohol, verbally and/or physically abusing their children or their spouses, holding any type of major unforgiveness towards others, and stealing or scamming from others.
The Lord will let you know loud and clear how far you can push some things with Him. And once you cross that line in complete and total disobedience, then you have just taken yourself right out of His prayer arena and have dramatically reduced the chances of getting any of your personal prayer needs met or answered by Him.
So before you decide to get really serious with the Lord in your own personal prayer life with Him, make sure that you do not have any blocks or hindrances in your walk with Him that would keep Him from wanting to work with you. If you do not, and you have certain sins or transgressions that have not been properly dealt with, then you will be wasting both His time and your time by even continuing to try and pray in the first place.
If you really want to get serious with the Lord in your own personal prayer life, study these next set of verses very, very carefully and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you have any personal areas that have to be dealt with so that you do not have anything that would prevent God the Father from wanting to work with you.
If you do have any blocks, hindrances, sins, transgressions or iniquities operating in your life that are unacceptable in the eyes of God – and then you get those sins and transgressions properly dealt with and removed with the help of the Holy Spirit – then you will have just opened up a major door to the throne room of God Almighty Himself – and He will now be willing to listen to any specific requests or petitions that you may have. Many Christians have made major advances and breakthroughs in their prayer life with God the Father once they were taught this basic 101 principle.
I will go ahead and list each of the verses under the appropriate captions below so that you can see exactly what God the Father is trying to tell you with the way that He has worded some of these particular verses.
1. God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
These first four verses are major. The first verse I will list below is only one sentence long, but it perfectly drives home the point on this topic. It simply says that God the Father will “hear the prayers of the righteous” – but that He is “far from the wicked.”
The second verse then really confirms the wording of the first verse when it says that the “eyes of the Lord are on the righteous” and that “His ears are open to their prayers.” It then once more ends stating that the “face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
The third verse specifically says that God the Father will answer our prayers “because” we are willing to keep His commandments. In other words, God will answer your prayers if you are keeping His commandments.
This verse also makes the statement that we have to do what is “pleasing in the sight of the Lord.” If you are doing anything that is not pleasing to Him, then again, it could prevent you from getting more of your personal prayers answered by Him.
Here are four major, powerful, foundational verses that you will need to ground on if you want to have any kind of major success in your prayer life with God the Father.
“The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” (Proverbs 15:29)
“Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (1 Peter 3:11)
“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” (1 John 3:22)
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)
Notice the last verse says that the effective, fervent prayer of a “righteous” man will avail much.
Put all four of these verses together and the message is coming through loud and clear. If you want to have any chance of having any kind of an effective and powerful prayer life with God the Father, then you are going to have to be willing to stay out of any sins or bad activities that you know will not be pleasing to Him, or that you know will be going against any of His basic laws and commandments on how we are to live in this life.
You are going to have to make every effort on your end to stay on the righteous side of the fence in your walk with the Lord and to stay away from any areas that you know will be unacceptable in His sight.
2. Your Iniquities Will Separate You From God
I have always found this next verse to be one of the more heavier verses on the consequences of continuing to live in major sin after you get to know your Lord and Savior. Even though this first verse I will list is from the Old Testament, I believe the specific wording in this verse also applies to all New Testament Christians.
Though God can now fully forgive all of your sins as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of us – this does not give you the right to keep on sinning – especially if you know that what you are doing is a direct sin against God to begin with.
This next verse will tell us that our iniquities, if they are bad enough, can literally “separate us” from God. This verse then makes the very intense statement that God will hide His face from us and that He will not even hear us if we try and speak to Him. This is about as graphic of a warning that we can possibly receive from the Lord if any of us is wallowing and walking in any heavy sin areas, and then we try to approach Him to answer any of our personal prayers.
The second verse then says that he who turns his ear away from hearing and obeying any of God’s laws, that even his prayers will be considered an abomination before the eyes of God. So not only will God turn His back on you and refuse to hear anything you may want to say to Him, but He will now consider any of your prayer requests to be an abomination in His sight if you are asking Him for something – and then at the same time you are continuing to walk and live in some of the heavier type sins.
God will not be mocked! You cannot be out having multiple affairs on your spouse, verbally and/or physically abusing your spouse or your children, scamming others in your job, abusing alcohol, doing drugs – and then think that the Lord is going to turn a blind eye to all of this because His Son has already paid the price for your transgressions.
The Bible is emphatically clear. You can only receive God’s forgiveness for the sins you already know about only if you are willing to confess those sins out to begin with, and then repent and agree to make every possible effort not to go back into those sins.
The word “repent” means to be willing to turn away from those sins. It means to be willing to have a change of mind, a change of attitude and a change of heart concerning those sins. It means to be willing to see that they are wrong in the eyes of God.
As a result of this separation that can occur between us and God, many of God’s children have lost contact with Him because they have refused to pull out of some of these heavier sins. This is not to say that they have lost their eternal salvation with Him, but they are losing any chance of having Him work full force in their lives with what little time they still have left down here to accomplish anything worthwhile for Him.
These are two very strong verses. Here they are:
“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2)
“One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.” (Proverbs 28:9)
These two verses perfectly line up with the verses mentioned in the first caption. Again, no fancy interpretation needed on these verses. They mean exactly what they are saying.
3. Holding Unforgiveness Towards Others
One very special area that God is really wanting all of us get a real grip on is holding any unforgiveness towards anyone who may have wronged us in this life. As you will see in the verse I will list below, it literally starts out with the words “And whenever you stand praying.”
From there, it goes on to state that we are to forgive anyone that we may have something against, and then it ends with the very dire warning that if we do not forgive those who have trespassed against us, then God will not forgive us our trespasses.
This verse is thus giving us two very solemn warnings. With the verse actually starting out with the words “And whenever you stand praying” – I believe that God is trying to tell all of us that we should not even bother to attempt to approach His throne room for prayer if we are holding any serious unforgiveness towards anyone else.
Here is the verse:
“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
To those of you who may be having a hard time in connecting to the Lord in your prayer life and you do not seem to be getting too many of your personal prayers answered with Him – ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you have any blocks or hindrances in your walk with the Lord that is affecting your personal prayer life with God the Father – especially in the area of unforgiveness.
If the Holy Spirit does show you that you have some areas of unforgiveness in your life that may need to be dealt with – work very closely with Him in getting those matters properly resolved with the Lord. If you do not, you may continue to stay stuck and grounded in your prayer life with God the Father. And if you cannot get any of your personal prayers answered with the Lord, then you are not going to be able to continue to move much further ahead in your walk and destiny with Him.
Your prayer life is like the oil to the engine. Shut your prayer life down – and your whole engine in the Lord will bog or shut down.
4. Husbands – Honor Your Wives
This next verse is another very interesting verse. In this verse, God is telling all husbands to honor their wives and to dwell with them “with understanding” – and that if they do not, their prayers will be “hindered.”
In other words, God is telling all husbands to treat their wives in a godly manner, with love and proper respect and not to be running roughshod over them since they are considered the weaker vessel in this verse. If you are not treating your wife with respect, love, kindness and proper understanding – then God is telling you that you are going to have a very tough time with Him in the prayer room in being able to get Him to answer any of your prayers.
The fact that God is isolating this particular quality, along with the problem of holding any unforgiveness towards anyone else, is telling you how big of a deal these two issues really are with Him. The fact that He is going to shut down your prayer life with Him if you are in violation of these two basic principles is a very serious warning.
Here is the verse:
“Likewise you husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, THAT YOUR PRAYERS MAY NOT BE HINDERED.” (1 Peter 3:7)
The Bible tells us that the husband is supposed to be the head of the household. If the husband is mistreating his wife, then God is not going to be hearing his prayers. And if the husband is not going to be able to get any of his prayers answered with the Lord, then the rest of the household could seriously suffer as a result.
There thus could be a serious domino effect that could occur in a household if the husband does not have his act together with his wife and with his God. Your prayer life is the lifeblood of your engine with the Lord. If that shuts down, your whole walk and forward momentum in the Lord could stall or completely shut down.
Husbands – make sure that your house is in order if you want to continue to propel forward at maximum speed and maximum power in your walk and call with the Lord. If you do not, God will personally shut you down until you can get your house back in order.
When you put all of the above verses together, you cannot help but see a major prayer secret. Though we have all been made perfectly righteous in the eyes of God as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins – we still have to make every effort on our end to stay out of any serious sins and transgressions – especially the kind that we know will get us into major trouble with the Lord.
You simply cannot be doing drugs, abusing alcohol, cheating on your spouse, scamming and cheating others on your job, delving into areas of the occult, chasing after other false doctrines and religions – and then think that the Lord is simply going to turn a blind eye and let a lot of these matters go without you having to suffer the consequences of treading into territories that are expressly forbidden by Him.
You play – you pay – either in this life or the next!
There thus will always be serious consequences for entering into and engaging in sins that do not get confessed and forgiven under the blood of Jesus. And one of those severe consequences is having your personal prayer life get completely shut down with God the Father.
The Bible once again could not make things any more clear. God the Father will simply not be hearing any of your personal prayers or listening to anything you may have to say if you are not making some kind of concerted effort on your end to live a good and righteous life under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
For the most part, most Christians know how far they can push the envelope with God the Father. Through the convictions of the Holy Spirit, most Christians know where their boundary lines are set at with the Lord. Tread past those boundary lines – and you could risk having God turn His face away from you and refuse to hear any of your prayers, petitions or requests. And if you cannot get God to answer any of your personal prayers in this life – then you have just taken yourself right off of His playing field and you have now just been asked to sit on the bench in His dugout!
If any of you feel like your prayer life has stalled or has been stuck in neutral for quite some time with the Lord – try asking God to show you if there are any blocks or hindrances by way of any sins or transgressions that may need to be dealt with. Be sensitive to anything the Holy Spirit may want to bring up from your past.
Whatever the Lord may bring up for you that has to be dealt with – take each one of these problems and issues head on. If you do not, and you do not get these matters totally resolved with the Lord – then you will continue to stay stuck and grounded in your prayer life with Him.
And if your personal prayer life continues to stay stuck and grounded as a result of your refusal to pull out of certain sins and transgressions that He wants you to pull out of – then you will have just taken yourself right off of His major league playing field and you will continue to stay seated on the bench in His dugout until you can agree to see and do things His way.
Some of God’s people right now are in major judgment with Him. When that happens, their calls and their walk with Him will completely shut down until they can agree to repent and turn from the sins and transgressions they have been walking in.
These verses are giving you major revelation in an area where many Christians have got themselves into major trouble with the Lord.
I will end this article with a word to the wise – God always knows best. Do things His way and your life and your walk with Him will become much easier.
Do things your way – and you will eventually end up becoming a train wreck just waiting to crash and burn. The choice is yours.
God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
This will now lead us into Prayer Secret #3. Before I start to go into some of the more heavier aspects of actually moving into prayer with the Lord – there is one more secret that I must first talk about in order to help increase your chances of getting God to answer more of your personal prayers.
If you are not fully aware of this next prayer secret and you are not abiding by it – then there is a very good chance that God is not even going to listen to what you have to say, much less even consider answering any of your specific prayers.
The verses I will list in this article are all very straight forward and need no fancy interpretation. They mean exactly what they are saying.
These particular verses are telling us that God will not be hearing the prayers of someone who is not keeping His commandments – of someone who is not living a righteous life in His eyes. Granted, we have all been made perfectly righteous before the eyes of God the Father as a result of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for all of our sins. The righteousness of Jesus has now been imputed to us.
However, this does not give us the license and the right to keep on sinning. Though we have all been made perfectly righteous before the eyes of God as a result of what Jesus did for us on the cross, we still have to make every effort on our end to try and live a good and righteous life and stay out of any unacceptable sins in the eyes of God the Father. This particular prayer secret is a major reason why some Christians are not having much success in their prayer room with God the Father.
As you will see in the verses I will list in this article, the Bible is telling all of us loud and clear that our slates have got to be fairly clean before God is going to work with us in His prayer room. However, please note this does not mean you have to be totally perfect. We all have our rough edges, our character flaws and faults, and our little vices that we have a hard time in getting any victory over.
I believe there is a certain amount of slack with the Lord for some of our imperfections, frailties and weaknesses. None of us will ever become the fourth person of the Holy Trinity. This is why Jesus had to come and die for all of us – due to the sin nature that we were all born into this world with that constantly keeps getting us into trouble.
Per the article I did titled “Sanctification,” God the Father wants to start the process of sanctifying us in this life us once we become saved and born again. But this sanctification process is a progressive and constantly ongoing process that will go on for rest of our lives. As a result, we always have to continue to keep working with the Lord on allowing Him to mold, shape and transform us into a better and more holy people.
As you continue to grow in this sanctification process where God the Father is now slowly starting to form and mold you into the express image of His Son Jesus Christ – you will find one main thing that will start to occur with the Lord – and that one main thing is that you will start to see the boundary lines that God will set up for you and your life. These boundary lines are lines being drawn in the sand by the Lord of where you can go in this life and where you cannot go – what you can do and what you cannot do.
God will make it very clear to you through the conviction of the Holy Spirit as to how far you can go with Him on certain issues. And this is where you really have to stay on top of your game with the Lord if you want to keep everything running and flowing smoothly if you are walking in God’s perfect plan and destiny for your life.
These next set of verses are telling us the following:
That the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man will avail much
That God will answer our prayers if we are keeping His commandments
That God will hear and answer the prayers of the righteous
But that God will not hear or answer the prayers of those who are not obeying His commandments
One of the verses I will list below is very extreme and intense. This verse says that your sins and your iniquities will literally separate you from God and that He will hide His face from you and not even hear your prayers and petitions.
Though Jesus has already died on the cross for all of our sins – we cannot use this as an excuse to go back into areas that we know God does not want us treading into. Perfect examples of some areas where Christians can really get themselves into major trouble with the Lord are adultery, using drugs, abusing alcohol, verbally and/or physically abusing their children or their spouses, holding any type of major unforgiveness towards others, and stealing or scamming from others.
The Lord will let you know loud and clear how far you can push some things with Him. And once you cross that line in complete and total disobedience, then you have just taken yourself right out of His prayer arena and have dramatically reduced the chances of getting any of your personal prayer needs met or answered by Him.
So before you decide to get really serious with the Lord in your own personal prayer life with Him, make sure that you do not have any blocks or hindrances in your walk with Him that would keep Him from wanting to work with you. If you do not, and you have certain sins or transgressions that have not been properly dealt with, then you will be wasting both His time and your time by even continuing to try and pray in the first place.
If you really want to get serious with the Lord in your own personal prayer life, study these next set of verses very, very carefully and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you have any personal areas that have to be dealt with so that you do not have anything that would prevent God the Father from wanting to work with you.
If you do have any blocks, hindrances, sins, transgressions or iniquities operating in your life that are unacceptable in the eyes of God – and then you get those sins and transgressions properly dealt with and removed with the help of the Holy Spirit – then you will have just opened up a major door to the throne room of God Almighty Himself – and He will now be willing to listen to any specific requests or petitions that you may have. Many Christians have made major advances and breakthroughs in their prayer life with God the Father once they were taught this basic 101 principle.
I will go ahead and list each of the verses under the appropriate captions below so that you can see exactly what God the Father is trying to tell you with the way that He has worded some of these particular verses.
1. God Will Hear the Prayers of the Righteous
These first four verses are major. The first verse I will list below is only one sentence long, but it perfectly drives home the point on this topic. It simply says that God the Father will “hear the prayers of the righteous” – but that He is “far from the wicked.”
The second verse then really confirms the wording of the first verse when it says that the “eyes of the Lord are on the righteous” and that “His ears are open to their prayers.” It then once more ends stating that the “face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
The third verse specifically says that God the Father will answer our prayers “because” we are willing to keep His commandments. In other words, God will answer your prayers if you are keeping His commandments.
This verse also makes the statement that we have to do what is “pleasing in the sight of the Lord.” If you are doing anything that is not pleasing to Him, then again, it could prevent you from getting more of your personal prayers answered by Him.
Here are four major, powerful, foundational verses that you will need to ground on if you want to have any kind of major success in your prayer life with God the Father.
“The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” (Proverbs 15:29)
“Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (1 Peter 3:11)
“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” (1 John 3:22)
“The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)
Notice the last verse says that the effective, fervent prayer of a “righteous” man will avail much.
Put all four of these verses together and the message is coming through loud and clear. If you want to have any chance of having any kind of an effective and powerful prayer life with God the Father, then you are going to have to be willing to stay out of any sins or bad activities that you know will not be pleasing to Him, or that you know will be going against any of His basic laws and commandments on how we are to live in this life.
You are going to have to make every effort on your end to stay on the righteous side of the fence in your walk with the Lord and to stay away from any areas that you know will be unacceptable in His sight.
2. Your Iniquities Will Separate You From God
I have always found this next verse to be one of the more heavier verses on the consequences of continuing to live in major sin after you get to know your Lord and Savior. Even though this first verse I will list is from the Old Testament, I believe the specific wording in this verse also applies to all New Testament Christians.
Though God can now fully forgive all of your sins as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of us – this does not give you the right to keep on sinning – especially if you know that what you are doing is a direct sin against God to begin with.
This next verse will tell us that our iniquities, if they are bad enough, can literally “separate us” from God. This verse then makes the very intense statement that God will hide His face from us and that He will not even hear us if we try and speak to Him. This is about as graphic of a warning that we can possibly receive from the Lord if any of us is wallowing and walking in any heavy sin areas, and then we try to approach Him to answer any of our personal prayers.
The second verse then says that he who turns his ear away from hearing and obeying any of God’s laws, that even his prayers will be considered an abomination before the eyes of God. So not only will God turn His back on you and refuse to hear anything you may want to say to Him, but He will now consider any of your prayer requests to be an abomination in His sight if you are asking Him for something – and then at the same time you are continuing to walk and live in some of the heavier type sins.
God will not be mocked! You cannot be out having multiple affairs on your spouse, verbally and/or physically abusing your spouse or your children, scamming others in your job, abusing alcohol, doing drugs – and then think that the Lord is going to turn a blind eye to all of this because His Son has already paid the price for your transgressions.
The Bible is emphatically clear. You can only receive God’s forgiveness for the sins you already know about only if you are willing to confess those sins out to begin with, and then repent and agree to make every possible effort not to go back into those sins.
The word “repent” means to be willing to turn away from those sins. It means to be willing to have a change of mind, a change of attitude and a change of heart concerning those sins. It means to be willing to see that they are wrong in the eyes of God.
As a result of this separation that can occur between us and God, many of God’s children have lost contact with Him because they have refused to pull out of some of these heavier sins. This is not to say that they have lost their eternal salvation with Him, but they are losing any chance of having Him work full force in their lives with what little time they still have left down here to accomplish anything worthwhile for Him.
These are two very strong verses. Here they are:
“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” (Isaiah 59:2)
“One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination.” (Proverbs 28:9)
These two verses perfectly line up with the verses mentioned in the first caption. Again, no fancy interpretation needed on these verses. They mean exactly what they are saying.
3. Holding Unforgiveness Towards Others
One very special area that God is really wanting all of us get a real grip on is holding any unforgiveness towards anyone who may have wronged us in this life. As you will see in the verse I will list below, it literally starts out with the words “And whenever you stand praying.”
From there, it goes on to state that we are to forgive anyone that we may have something against, and then it ends with the very dire warning that if we do not forgive those who have trespassed against us, then God will not forgive us our trespasses.
This verse is thus giving us two very solemn warnings. With the verse actually starting out with the words “And whenever you stand praying” – I believe that God is trying to tell all of us that we should not even bother to attempt to approach His throne room for prayer if we are holding any serious unforgiveness towards anyone else.
Here is the verse:
“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Mark 11:25)
To those of you who may be having a hard time in connecting to the Lord in your prayer life and you do not seem to be getting too many of your personal prayers answered with Him – ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you have any blocks or hindrances in your walk with the Lord that is affecting your personal prayer life with God the Father – especially in the area of unforgiveness.
If the Holy Spirit does show you that you have some areas of unforgiveness in your life that may need to be dealt with – work very closely with Him in getting those matters properly resolved with the Lord. If you do not, you may continue to stay stuck and grounded in your prayer life with God the Father. And if you cannot get any of your personal prayers answered with the Lord, then you are not going to be able to continue to move much further ahead in your walk and destiny with Him.
Your prayer life is like the oil to the engine. Shut your prayer life down – and your whole engine in the Lord will bog or shut down.
4. Husbands – Honor Your Wives
This next verse is another very interesting verse. In this verse, God is telling all husbands to honor their wives and to dwell with them “with understanding” – and that if they do not, their prayers will be “hindered.”
In other words, God is telling all husbands to treat their wives in a godly manner, with love and proper respect and not to be running roughshod over them since they are considered the weaker vessel in this verse. If you are not treating your wife with respect, love, kindness and proper understanding – then God is telling you that you are going to have a very tough time with Him in the prayer room in being able to get Him to answer any of your prayers.
The fact that God is isolating this particular quality, along with the problem of holding any unforgiveness towards anyone else, is telling you how big of a deal these two issues really are with Him. The fact that He is going to shut down your prayer life with Him if you are in violation of these two basic principles is a very serious warning.
Here is the verse:
“Likewise you husbands, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, THAT YOUR PRAYERS MAY NOT BE HINDERED.” (1 Peter 3:7)
The Bible tells us that the husband is supposed to be the head of the household. If the husband is mistreating his wife, then God is not going to be hearing his prayers. And if the husband is not going to be able to get any of his prayers answered with the Lord, then the rest of the household could seriously suffer as a result.
There thus could be a serious domino effect that could occur in a household if the husband does not have his act together with his wife and with his God. Your prayer life is the lifeblood of your engine with the Lord. If that shuts down, your whole walk and forward momentum in the Lord could stall or completely shut down.
Husbands – make sure that your house is in order if you want to continue to propel forward at maximum speed and maximum power in your walk and call with the Lord. If you do not, God will personally shut you down until you can get your house back in order.
When you put all of the above verses together, you cannot help but see a major prayer secret. Though we have all been made perfectly righteous in the eyes of God as a result of Jesus dying on the cross for all of our sins – we still have to make every effort on our end to stay out of any serious sins and transgressions – especially the kind that we know will get us into major trouble with the Lord.
You simply cannot be doing drugs, abusing alcohol, cheating on your spouse, scamming and cheating others on your job, delving into areas of the occult, chasing after other false doctrines and religions – and then think that the Lord is simply going to turn a blind eye and let a lot of these matters go without you having to suffer the consequences of treading into territories that are expressly forbidden by Him.
You play – you pay – either in this life or the next!
There thus will always be serious consequences for entering into and engaging in sins that do not get confessed and forgiven under the blood of Jesus. And one of those severe consequences is having your personal prayer life get completely shut down with God the Father.
The Bible once again could not make things any more clear. God the Father will simply not be hearing any of your personal prayers or listening to anything you may have to say if you are not making some kind of concerted effort on your end to live a good and righteous life under the direction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
For the most part, most Christians know how far they can push the envelope with God the Father. Through the convictions of the Holy Spirit, most Christians know where their boundary lines are set at with the Lord. Tread past those boundary lines – and you could risk having God turn His face away from you and refuse to hear any of your prayers, petitions or requests. And if you cannot get God to answer any of your personal prayers in this life – then you have just taken yourself right off of His playing field and you have now just been asked to sit on the bench in His dugout!
If any of you feel like your prayer life has stalled or has been stuck in neutral for quite some time with the Lord – try asking God to show you if there are any blocks or hindrances by way of any sins or transgressions that may need to be dealt with. Be sensitive to anything the Holy Spirit may want to bring up from your past.
Whatever the Lord may bring up for you that has to be dealt with – take each one of these problems and issues head on. If you do not, and you do not get these matters totally resolved with the Lord – then you will continue to stay stuck and grounded in your prayer life with Him.
And if your personal prayer life continues to stay stuck and grounded as a result of your refusal to pull out of certain sins and transgressions that He wants you to pull out of – then you will have just taken yourself right off of His major league playing field and you will continue to stay seated on the bench in His dugout until you can agree to see and do things His way.
Some of God’s people right now are in major judgment with Him. When that happens, their calls and their walk with Him will completely shut down until they can agree to repent and turn from the sins and transgressions they have been walking in.
These verses are giving you major revelation in an area where many Christians have got themselves into major trouble with the Lord.
I will end this article with a word to the wise – God always knows best. Do things His way and your life and your walk with Him will become much easier.
Do things your way – and you will eventually end up becoming a train wreck just waiting to crash and burn. The choice is yours.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Same Sex Marriages
Same Sex Marriages
Another hot potato in the political and religious arenas is the debate over whether or not our country should be legalizing same sex marriages between those who are involved in a homosexual relationship.
The homosexual movement continues to grow in force and number, and they have now got big enough where they are wanting their homosexual relationships formally legalized as real marriage unions in the states they are now living in. As a result, many liberal minded Christians are now supporting this legalization, thinking that God the Father has no problems with this union, much less have any problems with homosexuality in general.
As Christians, the only thing that should matter to us is what God the Father thinks about this issue – not what the politicians think, not what some of the liberal media thinks, and not what the world in general thinks. For those of you who really want to know what God the Father thinks about same sex marriages – the Bible once again gives us a very direct and solemn answer on this very controversial issue. It simply is a matter of putting together 3 very basic and solid verses from Scripture, and then extrapolating off of those three verses.
In the article I did titled “Homosexuality and the Bible” – I gave you the two main verses from the Bible showing you what God’s opinion really is on homosexuality in general.
The first verse was from Leviticus 20:13 – where it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman, and if he does, this act will be considered an abomination in the eyes of God. The second verse was from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – where it lists the sin of homosexuality as one of the specific sins that will literally keep you from being able to enter into heaven when you die and cross over.
As I said in that article, I believe those two specific verses from the Bible are God’s 1-2 punch answer on this issue. When God says that any kind of homosexual act will be considered an abomination in His sight – and then tops it off by saying that this kind of activity will prevent you from being able to enter into heaven – I believe these are the two strongest and strictest warnings that God can possibly give us on this one topic.
When God uses the word “abomination” to describe this specific sin – He is using the strongest and most intense word that He can possibly use to describe what He really thinks about this particular sin. There is simply no way to spin or sugarcoat what these two verses are trying to tell us. They are both direct and as plain as day.
The third verse from the Bible tells us that God the Father does not change, and that He is the same today as He was yesterday. What this tells us, without any other possible interpretation or spin that you can put on this – is that if God the Father thought homosexuality was an abomination in the Old Testament – then He will still think that it is an abomination in the New Testament. There is simply no way that God the Father is going to change His mind on this issue from Old Testament times to New Testament times – especially with the Bible telling us that God does not, cannot, and will not change!
When God first created man – He created one man and one woman and then told them to be fruitful and multiply. He did not create George for Adam or Lisa for Eve. He created Eve for Adam. Nowhere in Scripture does God the Father ever ordain or approve of any type of homosexual relationship between two men or two women.
With these first three verses now locked firmly and solidly in place – it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what God’s opinion is going to be on any type of same sex marriage. This is simply a matter of one plus one equaling two.
If any type of homosexual act is a complete and utter abomination in the eyes of God – then trying to take a homosexual relationship one step further into the grounds of holy matrimony is going to be just as much of an abomination in His sight as any type of homosexual activity was beforehand.
It is my own personal opinion that trying to legalize a homosexual relationship under the holy grounds of marriage is not only an obvious abomination before the Lord – but it may actually be another notch or two higher up on His abomination scale.
I believe that the sacrament and institution of marriage is something very holy, very sacred and very special in the eyes of God. Any homosexual who wants to try and take their abominable acts one step further into God’s holy ground of matrimony is mocking God Almighty Himself. Any liberal Christian who is thus actively supporting or engaging in this particular abomination is treading on extremely dangerous grounds with God the Father.
To those liberal Christians whose hands this article may fall into – I challenge you to go before God the Father and ask His opinion and truth on this issue. Put your request before Him and then wait for His answer. Put aside all of your biased and prejudicial views on this topic for just a moment, and simply seek God and His direct answer on this issue – keeping your mind completely open to what He will want to come back with.
If you think you are 100% correct in your assumptions that God has no problems with your homosexual lifestyle or beliefs, then you will have nothing to lose by asking God for His direct answer on this issue. If you are truly a Christian, then you should have no problem in going direct to God in a deep, intense and seeking prayer mode to get Him to answer your question on this issue.
Per the article I have already done titled “Can a Christian Lose His Salvation?” – I do believe that it is possible for a Christian to lose their salvation if they engage in a sin that is considered a sin leading to death. And with one of the verses from the New Testament already stating that homosexuals will not be entering into the kingdom of heaven – do you want to roll the dice on this issue hoping that you are not wrong – and that just because you got saved earlier on in your life will skate you through on this issue with God the Father with the way He has worded these two particular verses?
God will be our final judge when everything is all finally said and done. Sooner or later we will all face God and Jesus for our own personal judgment at the judgment seat of Christ. To those of you who consider yourself liberal-minded Christians – the choice is yours if you want to roll the dice on this issue and not get it settled with God before you die and cross over.
God has spoken out loud and clear for all the world to hear as to what His opinion really is on homosexuality and same sex marriages with the way that He has worded these two verses. These two verses on homosexuality are as plain as day and they mean exactly what they are saying.
Another hot potato in the political and religious arenas is the debate over whether or not our country should be legalizing same sex marriages between those who are involved in a homosexual relationship.
The homosexual movement continues to grow in force and number, and they have now got big enough where they are wanting their homosexual relationships formally legalized as real marriage unions in the states they are now living in. As a result, many liberal minded Christians are now supporting this legalization, thinking that God the Father has no problems with this union, much less have any problems with homosexuality in general.
As Christians, the only thing that should matter to us is what God the Father thinks about this issue – not what the politicians think, not what some of the liberal media thinks, and not what the world in general thinks. For those of you who really want to know what God the Father thinks about same sex marriages – the Bible once again gives us a very direct and solemn answer on this very controversial issue. It simply is a matter of putting together 3 very basic and solid verses from Scripture, and then extrapolating off of those three verses.
In the article I did titled “Homosexuality and the Bible” – I gave you the two main verses from the Bible showing you what God’s opinion really is on homosexuality in general.
The first verse was from Leviticus 20:13 – where it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman, and if he does, this act will be considered an abomination in the eyes of God. The second verse was from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 – where it lists the sin of homosexuality as one of the specific sins that will literally keep you from being able to enter into heaven when you die and cross over.
As I said in that article, I believe those two specific verses from the Bible are God’s 1-2 punch answer on this issue. When God says that any kind of homosexual act will be considered an abomination in His sight – and then tops it off by saying that this kind of activity will prevent you from being able to enter into heaven – I believe these are the two strongest and strictest warnings that God can possibly give us on this one topic.
When God uses the word “abomination” to describe this specific sin – He is using the strongest and most intense word that He can possibly use to describe what He really thinks about this particular sin. There is simply no way to spin or sugarcoat what these two verses are trying to tell us. They are both direct and as plain as day.
The third verse from the Bible tells us that God the Father does not change, and that He is the same today as He was yesterday. What this tells us, without any other possible interpretation or spin that you can put on this – is that if God the Father thought homosexuality was an abomination in the Old Testament – then He will still think that it is an abomination in the New Testament. There is simply no way that God the Father is going to change His mind on this issue from Old Testament times to New Testament times – especially with the Bible telling us that God does not, cannot, and will not change!
When God first created man – He created one man and one woman and then told them to be fruitful and multiply. He did not create George for Adam or Lisa for Eve. He created Eve for Adam. Nowhere in Scripture does God the Father ever ordain or approve of any type of homosexual relationship between two men or two women.
With these first three verses now locked firmly and solidly in place – it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what God’s opinion is going to be on any type of same sex marriage. This is simply a matter of one plus one equaling two.
If any type of homosexual act is a complete and utter abomination in the eyes of God – then trying to take a homosexual relationship one step further into the grounds of holy matrimony is going to be just as much of an abomination in His sight as any type of homosexual activity was beforehand.
It is my own personal opinion that trying to legalize a homosexual relationship under the holy grounds of marriage is not only an obvious abomination before the Lord – but it may actually be another notch or two higher up on His abomination scale.
I believe that the sacrament and institution of marriage is something very holy, very sacred and very special in the eyes of God. Any homosexual who wants to try and take their abominable acts one step further into God’s holy ground of matrimony is mocking God Almighty Himself. Any liberal Christian who is thus actively supporting or engaging in this particular abomination is treading on extremely dangerous grounds with God the Father.
To those liberal Christians whose hands this article may fall into – I challenge you to go before God the Father and ask His opinion and truth on this issue. Put your request before Him and then wait for His answer. Put aside all of your biased and prejudicial views on this topic for just a moment, and simply seek God and His direct answer on this issue – keeping your mind completely open to what He will want to come back with.
If you think you are 100% correct in your assumptions that God has no problems with your homosexual lifestyle or beliefs, then you will have nothing to lose by asking God for His direct answer on this issue. If you are truly a Christian, then you should have no problem in going direct to God in a deep, intense and seeking prayer mode to get Him to answer your question on this issue.
Per the article I have already done titled “Can a Christian Lose His Salvation?” – I do believe that it is possible for a Christian to lose their salvation if they engage in a sin that is considered a sin leading to death. And with one of the verses from the New Testament already stating that homosexuals will not be entering into the kingdom of heaven – do you want to roll the dice on this issue hoping that you are not wrong – and that just because you got saved earlier on in your life will skate you through on this issue with God the Father with the way He has worded these two particular verses?
God will be our final judge when everything is all finally said and done. Sooner or later we will all face God and Jesus for our own personal judgment at the judgment seat of Christ. To those of you who consider yourself liberal-minded Christians – the choice is yours if you want to roll the dice on this issue and not get it settled with God before you die and cross over.
God has spoken out loud and clear for all the world to hear as to what His opinion really is on homosexuality and same sex marriages with the way that He has worded these two verses. These two verses on homosexuality are as plain as day and they mean exactly what they are saying.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Prayer Secret #2 - The Will of God
Prayer Secret #2 -
The Will of God
Prayer Secret #1 – establishing a good, personal, intimate relationship with God the Father will now get you into the door with Him. It will get you to the point where God will now listen and consider each of your prayer requests.
Prayer Secret #2 is the next step when approaching God with a specific prayer request. This one seems to be so easy to grasp, but many Christians keep violating this basic common sense principle. Prayer Secret #2 is making sure that your prayer request always lines up with the will of God for your life.
I have a pet saying when it comes to this principle. The saying is, “Father always knows best.“ God always knows what is best for you in all situations – you do not! God’s knowledge and wisdom is always perfect – yours is not! God knows what all of your future will hold for you – you do not! Too many Christians are constantly asking God for things that He does not really want them to have.
Here is the main Scripture verse where this basic principle is being clearly stated for all of us:
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14)
Interpretation – God hears your prayer only if the prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. If it is not, then the above verse is implying that He will not hear your prayer, and thus will not grant the prayer request.
This is where each Christian has to really get a grip on any specific prayer requests they are presenting to God. If God comes back letting you know that what you are asking for is not in His perfect will for you and your life, then you have to let it go, trust that God knows best and move on.
When you approach God the Father with a specific prayer request – this is very serious business. You are asking God to bring something to you that normally would not be coming your way. You are asking God to supernaturally bring or allow this request to come your way through Him.
So the first thing you have to do before approaching God with your specific prayer request is to make sure that your prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. There are several ways you can do this.
1. Analyze Your Prayer Request
Sometimes it is quite obvious that the request is needed and in His perfect will for you and your life. You do not even need to pray about whether or not it is in His will for you and your life. The answer is already obvious and you can go ahead and shoot your prayer through.
A good example would be is that maybe you have just lost your job. You will now have to go to God and ask Him to lead you to the next new job He will want you to have. You already know this request is in His will for your life because you now need a new job to survive and put food on the table. This is quite obvious, and you can now go ahead and start pressing in and praying to God that He lead you to the next new job that He will want you to have.
Sometimes the request is not so obvious as to whether or not it is God’s will for you. Maybe you are dating someone and you would really like to marry this person. However, God has not voiced His opinion on the issue yet.
The way to properly handle this is to go to God and ask for His perfect will on the situation – whether or not you should marry this person. If you really love this person and really want to marry them, the best way to word your prayer is to tell God you would really like to marry this person, but only if it be in His perfect will for you to do so.
This way you are on safe ground with God in the way that you have worded the request. You have voiced your opinion on the matter, but you have also let Him know that He knows better than you do as to who you should be marrying in this life, and that you will not marry this person unless it is in His perfect will for you to do so.
2. The Holy Spirit
The other way to approach this is to simply ask the Holy Spirit if you should be approaching God the Father with the prayer request. I believe that the Holy Spirit knows most, if not all of the time, whether or not God will answer your specific prayer request. You can save yourself a lot of travailing and praying by getting the Holy Spirit’s answer before you waste your time and God’s time by praying on a certain issue.
For those of you who have established a good, inside connection with the Holy Spirit, the above is rather easy to do. You simply tap into Him, ask His opinion, and most of the time you will pick it up with an “inner knowing” from Him as to whether or not you should proceed any further in approaching God with the specific prayer request.
For those of you who have not yet established this kind of inner connection with the Holy Spirit, you can still go ahead and ask Him, and He will somehow get through to you as to whether or not you should be praying to God on a particular issue.
Now here are 3 short powerful stories that will really illustrate the importance of making sure that all of your prayer requests always line up with the perfect will of God for your life.
1. STORY #1 – About 10 years ago, a friend of mine told me this story and I will never forget it. One of her girlfriends had been dating a man for about two years. Everything was going great. She got to the point that she was now wanting to marry the man. She went before God and started praying, asking God if she should marry him. God came back with a one-line answer and the answer was, “He is sufficient for now.”
This type of an answer obviously was not good enough for her, so she kept pressing God for an answer as to whether or not she should marry this man. God came back with no further answers every time she asked. After about 6 months of continuing to ask God for His opinion on this matter and not getting any additional answers, she decided to make her own decision and marry the man without waiting for God’s confirmation or approval.
Six months into the marriage relationship, this man’s dark side all of a sudden started to emerge. He started to physically abuse her. The beatings got so bad that she had no other alternative but to divorce the man for fear he was going to end up killing her.
I have found from personal experience that whenever God is silent on a specific prayer request, this means to hold your position and do nothing until you receive further word from Him as to whether or not you should move in the direction that you are looking to move into.
2. STORY #2 – Here is another perfect example on this. Another one of my friends was dating a man for about 1 year. She too started asking God if she should marry him. She got no answer from God for at least 3 months. Again, she got impatient waiting for God to answer her. She went ahead and married the man without any leading from the Holy Spirit to do so and no confirming activity from the Lord that she should marry the man.
One year into the marriage, she found out that her husband had been having an affair behind her back with one of his secretaries during the entire year that they had been married! They were divorced shortly thereafter.
Do you see what happens when you go against the perfect will of God on a specific request? Total death can result. In these two cases, both girls saw their marriages end up in divorce because they were not patient enough to wait for God’s answer on their specific requests! They were both praying for marriages that obviously were not in the perfect will of God for their lives. This is why I say God always knows best.
God knew the one man had a dark side that was going to emerge once he married the girl. He knew the other man would not stay faithful once he got married to the second girl. Neither girl could have known these things were going to occur. But God does know all these things and what our futures will hold for us – and this is why your prayer requests have always got to be within His perfect will for your life or the consequences could be disastrous like they were in these two stories!
3. STORY #3 – The third story is my own personal story. About 18 years ago, I was dating a girl for about one year when she got diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told her she had a 50/50 chance of making it. She immediately started chemo and the rest of the appropriate cancer treatments. I took her to see Joyce Meyer for a healing, along with some of the other ministers in our area who were supposed to have the gift of healing operating through their ministries.
None of the ministers were able to bring any type of healing to my girlfriend. I then started to try and pray myself to see if I could get God to heal her. I will never forget what happened when I did. As I approached God the Father with the request, I felt the Holy Spirit put up a shield between me and God the Father. I initially ignored the shields and continued to try and pray through to God for this request.
As I started praying the appropriate words, I saw my words travel about two feet in front of my mouth and then drop straight to the ground. I could tell my words were not “hitting” God. I then felt the Holy Spirit start to literally pull back on my words as I was trying to release them to God. There was no anointing on my words. I had no wind at my back from the Holy Spirit to be approaching God with this request. I was really straining in trying to get my words to reach God the Father.
After about the 5th or 6th time when trying to pray to God for her healing, I immediately stopped and asked God if I should even bother to continue to pray on this issue due to the resistance I seemed to be picking up from the Holy Spirit.
I then received an immediate answer. I was given a strong knowing that God did not want to heal her and that it was His perfect will that she be brought home to Him – and if I continued to try and pray for this healing against His will, that I would just be expending useless energy. He made it loud and clear that His mind was already made up on the issue and that I was to let it go.
He then conveyed to me as to why He was not going to consider healing her. Long story short, my girlfriend was 40 years old when she came down with the cancer. 8 years prior to this, she got diagnosed with the beginning stages of emphysema. The doctors told her that if she did not quit smoking, that she would end up in a wheelchair and on an oxygen tent on a permanent basis.
For whatever reason, she would not quit smoking and she continued to smoke for another 8 years. The emphysema was starting to break into the next level and she still would not quit. She then broke out with the cancer. God made it very clear to me that He gave her 8 years to clean up her act, to heed the warnings from the doctors and to quit smoking.
Our bodies are a gift from God and He expects us to do the best we can with them – especially in the area of taking proper care of them. When she refused to take proper care of her body by giving up smoking, God decided He was not going to heal her and that she would have to be brought home much earlier than He would have really liked.
I believe to this day that had my girlfriend quit smoking 8 years before coming down with this cancer, that there would have been a very good chance that God would have healed her of the cancer. But because she did not take proper care of her body, God had no natural desire to want to heal her when this emergency presented itself. And God gave her plenty of time to get her act together before this cancer hit – 8 years!
I did not tell my girlfriend what I felt God had conveyed to me. I did not want to cause her to lose hope in the event I had not properly heard from God on this issue. She tried several other healing ministries, along with continuing all of the cancer treatments, but nothing worked. She died one year later after getting diagnosed with the cancer.
1. As you can see from the above three stories, you can save yourself a lot of blood, sweat and tears when praying to God if you can pick it up ahead of time whether or not your specific prayer requests should be brought before Him for His consideration. This is the beauty of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. One of His jobs is to help us in our prayer life with God the Father.
The Holy Spirit will always know whether or not God will want to answer your specific prayer request. By connecting up with the Holy Spirit on a specific prayer request, you will go a long way in being able to decide when to approach God in prayer and when not to.
For those of you who have not got this far in your own personal relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be able to pick Him up and read His movements, you can still approach both Him and God the Father before you attempt to pray and just simply ask God if it is His perfect will that a specific prayer request be put before Him.
I have found that God will always come through loud and clear on this issue. Remember, God wants to establish a loving, personal relationship with you – and in this personal relationship will be the benefit of being able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests.
2. God really wants to show you how to play the prayer game with Him. It is prayer that will pull down major miracles from God. You just have to learn what the ground rules are and how to play the game with Him. The Bible lays down all the ground rules that you will need to know in order to become a very effective and powerful prayer warrior.
For whatever reason, God has this thing set up in that He will not move many of the times on a certain situation unless we first go into serious prayer with Him. The art of prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a Spirit-filled believer. God can be moved to answer prayer no matter how dire the circumstances. You just need the knowledge on how to properly approach Him in order to get Him to move on certain situations.
I think you will find the remaining prayer secrets very interesting, as they will all give you several different options and strategies in which to approach God with on your specific prayer requests. I believe with knowledge comes power. With knowledge will come the ability to know how to properly play the prayer game with the Lord.
I will leave you with one last thought. One of the benefits of having established a true, personal relationship with God the Father is the ability to be able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests. Think of the consequences and the possibilities of this privilege that we now have with God the Father.
God the Father has the full supernatural power to do or accomplish whatever He should so desire. The Bible says that “With God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.”
God loves to answer prayers. Prayers to God can save lives, change circumstances and prevent catastrophes. The Bible says that God is looking to “show Himself strong” on behalf of those who have established a true, loving, personal relationship with Him. However, many Christians do not fully realize the power and potential they have if they would simply learn how to properly pray to God to get Him to move on certain situations.
Many people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own lives, they fail to see how their prayers to God can help someone else out who may be in a dire situation. One of the prayer secrets I will be discussing shortly is the power of intercession – the ability to stand in the gap for someone else, approach God as his advocate, and pray to God to help them out of a dire situation.
Many people do not really know how to properly approach and pray to God the Father. As a result, people are either dying early before their time is really up, or they are forced to live under tragic circumstances due to no fault of their own. Accidents can happen. Bad things can happen. But prayers to God the Father can either prevent the bad things from happening before they happen, or they change the situation for the better once the bad thing has happened.
Remember, our God is in the life saving business! Our God is a God of miracles. He is just looking for true prayer warriors to pull down these miracles that He is only to anxious to release!
Think of the possibilities that we all have with this privilege that we have with God – to be able to boldly approach His throne for prayer anytime, anywhere and for any situation – to be able to save the day for someone who may be at death’s door!
This is the call of the Eagle. A true Eagle of God is a “master prayer.” He has learned the fine art of being able to properly and effectively pray to God the Father in order to literally move mountains when needed. Nothing is impossible for a true Eagle of God because he knows nothing is impossible with the God he serves.
Mark my words! God will be raising up an army of Eagles in the coming years that will fly with the power and anointing of God such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. The Bible says in the latter days just before Jesus comes back, that an army will raised up. The verse is Joel 2:2. It reads:
“A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there be any such after them, even for many successive generations.”
The rest of the verses then go into how powerful this army will be and the exploits they will do under God’s anointing and power.
The Will of God
Prayer Secret #1 – establishing a good, personal, intimate relationship with God the Father will now get you into the door with Him. It will get you to the point where God will now listen and consider each of your prayer requests.
Prayer Secret #2 is the next step when approaching God with a specific prayer request. This one seems to be so easy to grasp, but many Christians keep violating this basic common sense principle. Prayer Secret #2 is making sure that your prayer request always lines up with the will of God for your life.
I have a pet saying when it comes to this principle. The saying is, “Father always knows best.“ God always knows what is best for you in all situations – you do not! God’s knowledge and wisdom is always perfect – yours is not! God knows what all of your future will hold for you – you do not! Too many Christians are constantly asking God for things that He does not really want them to have.
Here is the main Scripture verse where this basic principle is being clearly stated for all of us:
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” (1 John 5:14)
Interpretation – God hears your prayer only if the prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. If it is not, then the above verse is implying that He will not hear your prayer, and thus will not grant the prayer request.
This is where each Christian has to really get a grip on any specific prayer requests they are presenting to God. If God comes back letting you know that what you are asking for is not in His perfect will for you and your life, then you have to let it go, trust that God knows best and move on.
When you approach God the Father with a specific prayer request – this is very serious business. You are asking God to bring something to you that normally would not be coming your way. You are asking God to supernaturally bring or allow this request to come your way through Him.
So the first thing you have to do before approaching God with your specific prayer request is to make sure that your prayer request is in His perfect will for you and your life. There are several ways you can do this.
1. Analyze Your Prayer Request
Sometimes it is quite obvious that the request is needed and in His perfect will for you and your life. You do not even need to pray about whether or not it is in His will for you and your life. The answer is already obvious and you can go ahead and shoot your prayer through.
A good example would be is that maybe you have just lost your job. You will now have to go to God and ask Him to lead you to the next new job He will want you to have. You already know this request is in His will for your life because you now need a new job to survive and put food on the table. This is quite obvious, and you can now go ahead and start pressing in and praying to God that He lead you to the next new job that He will want you to have.
Sometimes the request is not so obvious as to whether or not it is God’s will for you. Maybe you are dating someone and you would really like to marry this person. However, God has not voiced His opinion on the issue yet.
The way to properly handle this is to go to God and ask for His perfect will on the situation – whether or not you should marry this person. If you really love this person and really want to marry them, the best way to word your prayer is to tell God you would really like to marry this person, but only if it be in His perfect will for you to do so.
This way you are on safe ground with God in the way that you have worded the request. You have voiced your opinion on the matter, but you have also let Him know that He knows better than you do as to who you should be marrying in this life, and that you will not marry this person unless it is in His perfect will for you to do so.
2. The Holy Spirit
The other way to approach this is to simply ask the Holy Spirit if you should be approaching God the Father with the prayer request. I believe that the Holy Spirit knows most, if not all of the time, whether or not God will answer your specific prayer request. You can save yourself a lot of travailing and praying by getting the Holy Spirit’s answer before you waste your time and God’s time by praying on a certain issue.
For those of you who have established a good, inside connection with the Holy Spirit, the above is rather easy to do. You simply tap into Him, ask His opinion, and most of the time you will pick it up with an “inner knowing” from Him as to whether or not you should proceed any further in approaching God with the specific prayer request.
For those of you who have not yet established this kind of inner connection with the Holy Spirit, you can still go ahead and ask Him, and He will somehow get through to you as to whether or not you should be praying to God on a particular issue.
Now here are 3 short powerful stories that will really illustrate the importance of making sure that all of your prayer requests always line up with the perfect will of God for your life.
1. STORY #1 – About 10 years ago, a friend of mine told me this story and I will never forget it. One of her girlfriends had been dating a man for about two years. Everything was going great. She got to the point that she was now wanting to marry the man. She went before God and started praying, asking God if she should marry him. God came back with a one-line answer and the answer was, “He is sufficient for now.”
This type of an answer obviously was not good enough for her, so she kept pressing God for an answer as to whether or not she should marry this man. God came back with no further answers every time she asked. After about 6 months of continuing to ask God for His opinion on this matter and not getting any additional answers, she decided to make her own decision and marry the man without waiting for God’s confirmation or approval.
Six months into the marriage relationship, this man’s dark side all of a sudden started to emerge. He started to physically abuse her. The beatings got so bad that she had no other alternative but to divorce the man for fear he was going to end up killing her.
I have found from personal experience that whenever God is silent on a specific prayer request, this means to hold your position and do nothing until you receive further word from Him as to whether or not you should move in the direction that you are looking to move into.
2. STORY #2 – Here is another perfect example on this. Another one of my friends was dating a man for about 1 year. She too started asking God if she should marry him. She got no answer from God for at least 3 months. Again, she got impatient waiting for God to answer her. She went ahead and married the man without any leading from the Holy Spirit to do so and no confirming activity from the Lord that she should marry the man.
One year into the marriage, she found out that her husband had been having an affair behind her back with one of his secretaries during the entire year that they had been married! They were divorced shortly thereafter.
Do you see what happens when you go against the perfect will of God on a specific request? Total death can result. In these two cases, both girls saw their marriages end up in divorce because they were not patient enough to wait for God’s answer on their specific requests! They were both praying for marriages that obviously were not in the perfect will of God for their lives. This is why I say God always knows best.
God knew the one man had a dark side that was going to emerge once he married the girl. He knew the other man would not stay faithful once he got married to the second girl. Neither girl could have known these things were going to occur. But God does know all these things and what our futures will hold for us – and this is why your prayer requests have always got to be within His perfect will for your life or the consequences could be disastrous like they were in these two stories!
3. STORY #3 – The third story is my own personal story. About 18 years ago, I was dating a girl for about one year when she got diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told her she had a 50/50 chance of making it. She immediately started chemo and the rest of the appropriate cancer treatments. I took her to see Joyce Meyer for a healing, along with some of the other ministers in our area who were supposed to have the gift of healing operating through their ministries.
None of the ministers were able to bring any type of healing to my girlfriend. I then started to try and pray myself to see if I could get God to heal her. I will never forget what happened when I did. As I approached God the Father with the request, I felt the Holy Spirit put up a shield between me and God the Father. I initially ignored the shields and continued to try and pray through to God for this request.
As I started praying the appropriate words, I saw my words travel about two feet in front of my mouth and then drop straight to the ground. I could tell my words were not “hitting” God. I then felt the Holy Spirit start to literally pull back on my words as I was trying to release them to God. There was no anointing on my words. I had no wind at my back from the Holy Spirit to be approaching God with this request. I was really straining in trying to get my words to reach God the Father.
After about the 5th or 6th time when trying to pray to God for her healing, I immediately stopped and asked God if I should even bother to continue to pray on this issue due to the resistance I seemed to be picking up from the Holy Spirit.
I then received an immediate answer. I was given a strong knowing that God did not want to heal her and that it was His perfect will that she be brought home to Him – and if I continued to try and pray for this healing against His will, that I would just be expending useless energy. He made it loud and clear that His mind was already made up on the issue and that I was to let it go.
He then conveyed to me as to why He was not going to consider healing her. Long story short, my girlfriend was 40 years old when she came down with the cancer. 8 years prior to this, she got diagnosed with the beginning stages of emphysema. The doctors told her that if she did not quit smoking, that she would end up in a wheelchair and on an oxygen tent on a permanent basis.
For whatever reason, she would not quit smoking and she continued to smoke for another 8 years. The emphysema was starting to break into the next level and she still would not quit. She then broke out with the cancer. God made it very clear to me that He gave her 8 years to clean up her act, to heed the warnings from the doctors and to quit smoking.
Our bodies are a gift from God and He expects us to do the best we can with them – especially in the area of taking proper care of them. When she refused to take proper care of her body by giving up smoking, God decided He was not going to heal her and that she would have to be brought home much earlier than He would have really liked.
I believe to this day that had my girlfriend quit smoking 8 years before coming down with this cancer, that there would have been a very good chance that God would have healed her of the cancer. But because she did not take proper care of her body, God had no natural desire to want to heal her when this emergency presented itself. And God gave her plenty of time to get her act together before this cancer hit – 8 years!
I did not tell my girlfriend what I felt God had conveyed to me. I did not want to cause her to lose hope in the event I had not properly heard from God on this issue. She tried several other healing ministries, along with continuing all of the cancer treatments, but nothing worked. She died one year later after getting diagnosed with the cancer.
1. As you can see from the above three stories, you can save yourself a lot of blood, sweat and tears when praying to God if you can pick it up ahead of time whether or not your specific prayer requests should be brought before Him for His consideration. This is the beauty of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. One of His jobs is to help us in our prayer life with God the Father.
The Holy Spirit will always know whether or not God will want to answer your specific prayer request. By connecting up with the Holy Spirit on a specific prayer request, you will go a long way in being able to decide when to approach God in prayer and when not to.
For those of you who have not got this far in your own personal relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be able to pick Him up and read His movements, you can still approach both Him and God the Father before you attempt to pray and just simply ask God if it is His perfect will that a specific prayer request be put before Him.
I have found that God will always come through loud and clear on this issue. Remember, God wants to establish a loving, personal relationship with you – and in this personal relationship will be the benefit of being able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests.
2. God really wants to show you how to play the prayer game with Him. It is prayer that will pull down major miracles from God. You just have to learn what the ground rules are and how to play the game with Him. The Bible lays down all the ground rules that you will need to know in order to become a very effective and powerful prayer warrior.
For whatever reason, God has this thing set up in that He will not move many of the times on a certain situation unless we first go into serious prayer with Him. The art of prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a Spirit-filled believer. God can be moved to answer prayer no matter how dire the circumstances. You just need the knowledge on how to properly approach Him in order to get Him to move on certain situations.
I think you will find the remaining prayer secrets very interesting, as they will all give you several different options and strategies in which to approach God with on your specific prayer requests. I believe with knowledge comes power. With knowledge will come the ability to know how to properly play the prayer game with the Lord.
I will leave you with one last thought. One of the benefits of having established a true, personal relationship with God the Father is the ability to be able to approach Him with your specific prayer requests. Think of the consequences and the possibilities of this privilege that we now have with God the Father.
God the Father has the full supernatural power to do or accomplish whatever He should so desire. The Bible says that “With God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.”
God loves to answer prayers. Prayers to God can save lives, change circumstances and prevent catastrophes. The Bible says that God is looking to “show Himself strong” on behalf of those who have established a true, loving, personal relationship with Him. However, many Christians do not fully realize the power and potential they have if they would simply learn how to properly pray to God to get Him to move on certain situations.
Many people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own lives, they fail to see how their prayers to God can help someone else out who may be in a dire situation. One of the prayer secrets I will be discussing shortly is the power of intercession – the ability to stand in the gap for someone else, approach God as his advocate, and pray to God to help them out of a dire situation.
Many people do not really know how to properly approach and pray to God the Father. As a result, people are either dying early before their time is really up, or they are forced to live under tragic circumstances due to no fault of their own. Accidents can happen. Bad things can happen. But prayers to God the Father can either prevent the bad things from happening before they happen, or they change the situation for the better once the bad thing has happened.
Remember, our God is in the life saving business! Our God is a God of miracles. He is just looking for true prayer warriors to pull down these miracles that He is only to anxious to release!
Think of the possibilities that we all have with this privilege that we have with God – to be able to boldly approach His throne for prayer anytime, anywhere and for any situation – to be able to save the day for someone who may be at death’s door!
This is the call of the Eagle. A true Eagle of God is a “master prayer.” He has learned the fine art of being able to properly and effectively pray to God the Father in order to literally move mountains when needed. Nothing is impossible for a true Eagle of God because he knows nothing is impossible with the God he serves.
Mark my words! God will be raising up an army of Eagles in the coming years that will fly with the power and anointing of God such as the world has never seen before or will ever see again. The Bible says in the latter days just before Jesus comes back, that an army will raised up. The verse is Joel 2:2. It reads:
“A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, the like of whom has never been; nor will there be any such after them, even for many successive generations.”
The rest of the verses then go into how powerful this army will be and the exploits they will do under God’s anointing and power.
Prayer Secret #1 - Your Personal Relationship With God
Prayer Secret #1 -
Your Personal Relationship With God
his, in my opinion, is the #1 secret for being able to get more of your personal prayers answered by God the Father. This particular secret is the first step you will need to take before you can expect to have any kind of major success in your prayer life with God the Father.
Here is the Scripture verse that will give us this first major prayer secret:
“IF YOU ABIDE IN ME, AND MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:7)
Look very, very carefully at this verse to see exactly what Jesus is trying to tell you. He is giving you two powerful pieces of revelation in which to grasp if you want to be able to get God the Father to answer more of your specific prayers. Here are the two main pieces of revelation.
1. Establish a Personal Relationship With God
The first part of the first sentence – “If you abide in Me” - is telling you that the very first thing that God is wanting from you in order to be able to properly approach Him for prayer is for you to establish a very strong personal relationship with Him!
Jesus is using the word “abide.” The word abide means to “continue in a state or place, to endure.” What Jesus wants from us is that we be willing to abide in Him, that we be willing to live in Him. Being willing to abide in Jesus means that we have established a very good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The #1 reason God created the human race was for intimate fellowship. God has this incredible love for the human race, and He wants more than anything else that we approach Him and enter into this one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
If you really stop and think about this, what is one of the greatest joys that a person can have this side of heaven? What is the one thing that most people long for? What is the one thing that will make you cry when you see this portrayed at the movie theaters? It is the longing for a personal, intimate, love relationship with a person of the opposite sex, the longing for a true soul mate. Why? Because that one person, more than any other person, is the one person who can really get to know you. It is the one person who can become your best friend. It is the one person who you can tell anything and everything to.
It is the most unique of all human relationships. Some have found this one true love in this life and others have not. Those of you who have found this one true love know exactly what I am talking about. Those of you who have not found this one true love at this time know the longing that you have to find this one special person.
This same longing that we have to meet this one true soul mate is the same longing that God has for all us. Except with God, this longing for us is much more intense. The fact that God would send down His one and only Son to our earth in the flesh to physically die on a cross in order to bring us back to Himself shows us more than anything else how much He really does love all of us.
The best analogy that I can give you on this is the “best friend analogy.” God wants to become your best friend, over your soul mate and over any other best friends you may have in this life. He wants to be #1 in your life and He will not settle for anything less. The Bible says that God the Father is a jealous God, a consuming fire.
Some Christians believe that if they go to church once a week, sing a few songs in church, and pay their tithe, that they are “in relationship” with God. However, God wants more than this. He wants you 7 days of the week, not just one time a week in a church service.
He wants to be able to freely communicate with you 24/7. He wants you to talk with Him just like you would talk to your best friend. He wants dynamic, free flowing conversation with you on anything you want to personally discuss with Him, no matter how small or trivial it may seem to you. And He then wants you to be open to listening to anything that He may have to say to you.
What happens to some Christians is that they have not established this kind of personal relationship with God, and then when a crisis or emergency presents itself, it is already too late to try to get God to answer their prayer.
Notice that Jesus starts the first sentence out with the word “IF.” IF you have established a personal relationship with God, THEN you can approach Him with your prayer requests, and THEN He will answer them.
Too many Christians attempt to use God. The only time they ever approach God is when they need something from Him. God thus has no natural desire to answer any prayer request they may have because they have never established any kind of true, personal relationship with Him.
One of the things I felt like the Holy Spirit has conveyed to me is that if you really want to be able to get God to answer more of your prayers, you have to create a desire in God to want to answer more of your prayers. And the #1 way that you create a desire in God to get Him to want to answer more of your prayer requests is by establishing a good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The analogy the Holy Spirit gave me to understand all of this was the “Parent-Child Analogy.” Imagine you are the parent and you have two small children. The one boy really loves you. He has established a true, loving, personal relationship with you. He wants to hang out with you. He comes home from school and tells you everything that happened to him that day. He tells you all the little things that may have gone right or wrong during the day. He values your opinion.
When he gets older and more mature, all of sudden he wants to hear more about you, your life and your problems. He wants to know more about you, your past, why you do what you do and why you think the way that you do. This child is truly abiding in you, truly living in you. You feel like you and him are “one in spirit.” As you grow older, your personal relationship deepens and keeps getting better and better.
Then you have the other child. He could care less about you and your personality. The only time he will ever approach you is when he needs something specific from you. He will even go as far as to act like he cares about you, but once he gets what he wants from you, he is back to ignoring you until the next time he needs something from you. As he grows older, you grow farther and farther apart. When he is finally able to leave home on his own, you never hear from him unless he once again needs something specific from you. He hardly ever calls or comes over.
Now if you are the loving father over these two children, which of the two will you have a strong natural desire to help out when they may need your help on something? You will have no natural desire to help the one who has been using you over all of those years.
However, with the child who has established a true, loving, personal relationship with you, you will bend over backwards to give that child anything and everything that he may need. Why? Because he loves you for you! He does not love you for what you can do for him. He loves you for the person that you are and for the friend that you have become for him over all those years.
In fact, your love for this loving son will be so great, many of the times you will give him what he will need before he will even ask you for it. Why? Because you are so in tune with him, you will know what he will need sometimes before he will even know what he will need. Then you will want to give it to him before he will even ask you for it because your love for him is so great. You have a very strong, natural desire to want to make him happy, all because of the good, personal relationship that he has established with you over all those years.
It is the exact same way with God the Father! Establish a true, loving, intimate, personal relationship with God the Father and see if your whole life does not do a complete 180! Nothing will touch the heart of God deeper than you attempting to establish a good, close, personal relationship with Him – with you truly wanting Him for who He is, not for what He can do for you by way of material blessings.
Again – as a word of caution – God cannot be tricked or duped. You cannot try and enter into this kind of personal relationship with God in order to try and get Him to give you all of your wants and desires. Your motives must be pure!
You enter into a personal relationship with the Lord because you want to get to know Him personally! You do not enter into this kind of a personal relationship with Him to see how much He can give you. You have to want God for who He is – not for what He can do for you. The Bible tells us to seek the face of God – not His hand.
For those of you who have truly established this kind of close, intimate, personal relationship with God, I am sure you can testify that this is truly the greatest experience that anyone of us can have this side of heaven – that this one and only true God in the entire universe can actually make direct contact with you, communicate and talk directly with you, and establish a real, intimate, personal relationship with you.
For those of you who have not really established this kind of close, personal relationship with God, the one thing that I can tell you is that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. God will handle and relate to you on the level that you are currently operating at with Him. This kind of intimate, personal relationship with the Lord is not built up overnight, but over time.
God can satisfy and meet the deeper longings of your soul and spirit that no human could ever reach! He can truly give you a perfect, pure, and unconditional love that no other person will be able to give you in this life.
He will be able to love you better and deeper than anyone else in your life – including the good natural love that you can get from your parents, your children, your marriage mates and some of your better friends.
You can totally trust God because He is totally and completely perfect in all of His ways. He will not hurt you or harm you in any way. God has no dark side to His personality, so He is completely trustworthy. He is totally incapable of hurting you in any way.
Some Christians are afraid to go deeper with God in their own personal relationship with Him because they have been terribly hurt in other relationships, whether it be from their parents, their lovers or some of their friends.
All humans are imperfect and are thus not capable of giving you any kind of perfect, true love. Since God is completely and totally perfect in His very nature and in all of His ways – then He, and only He, is the only One who can give you that perfect, pure, true and unconditional love that you are really looking for in this life.
2. The Bible
Now we come to the second secret that is in the above verse. Note the second part of the first sentence then says, “My words abide in you.” I believe Jesus is telling us two things in this sentence.
His “Words” are literally meaning His Words. If you have established a good, loving, personal relationship with God, then He will talk to you just like you will talk to Him. And if He is talking to you, then His words will be abiding in you! This will be as a direct result of the free flowing dialogue that you will have with God as a result of having established a close, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The other meaning to His words abiding in you is that He is referring to the Bible. If you really want to enter into a close, personal relationship with God, then you have to be willing to spend some type of regular quality time reading the Bible. The Bible is the only true source that we have down here on this earth where we can really learn all about God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
When you first enter into a true, personal, love relationship with someone, the very first natural desire you will have is that you will want to get to know everything you can about this person. You will want to know about all of their likes, their dislikes, where they have come from and what they have been through. And the only way that you can find all of this out about them is by asking a lot of questions.
With God, the #1 way that you will learn all about Him is to read the Bible, because the Bible will tell you everything that you will need to know about Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. You have to seek after knowledge about the Lord – and the Bible is the #1 main source that we have on this earth that can teach us about God and all of His ways.
To summarize the revelation in the above Scripture verse in one bottom line statement:
God is looking to establish a close, intimate, personal relationship with each one of us. This is done in two ways:
By establishing a direct, free-flowing and spontaneous best friend relationship with God where you commune and talk with Him on a regular and frequent basis in the exact same way you would with a best friend.
And by seeking after the knowledge of God – trying to get to know all you can about Him by studying and meditating on what is written in the Holy Bible.
I guarantee you that if you are willing to enter into both of these realms with the Lord, your life will never be the same again. This close, intimate, personal relationship that you can enter into with the Lord will be the door opener that will change the course of your entire life forver. The journey is there for all who are willing to step into it!
Your Personal Relationship With God
his, in my opinion, is the #1 secret for being able to get more of your personal prayers answered by God the Father. This particular secret is the first step you will need to take before you can expect to have any kind of major success in your prayer life with God the Father.
Here is the Scripture verse that will give us this first major prayer secret:
“IF YOU ABIDE IN ME, AND MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” (John 15:7)
Look very, very carefully at this verse to see exactly what Jesus is trying to tell you. He is giving you two powerful pieces of revelation in which to grasp if you want to be able to get God the Father to answer more of your specific prayers. Here are the two main pieces of revelation.
1. Establish a Personal Relationship With God
The first part of the first sentence – “If you abide in Me” - is telling you that the very first thing that God is wanting from you in order to be able to properly approach Him for prayer is for you to establish a very strong personal relationship with Him!
Jesus is using the word “abide.” The word abide means to “continue in a state or place, to endure.” What Jesus wants from us is that we be willing to abide in Him, that we be willing to live in Him. Being willing to abide in Jesus means that we have established a very good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The #1 reason God created the human race was for intimate fellowship. God has this incredible love for the human race, and He wants more than anything else that we approach Him and enter into this one-on-one, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
If you really stop and think about this, what is one of the greatest joys that a person can have this side of heaven? What is the one thing that most people long for? What is the one thing that will make you cry when you see this portrayed at the movie theaters? It is the longing for a personal, intimate, love relationship with a person of the opposite sex, the longing for a true soul mate. Why? Because that one person, more than any other person, is the one person who can really get to know you. It is the one person who can become your best friend. It is the one person who you can tell anything and everything to.
It is the most unique of all human relationships. Some have found this one true love in this life and others have not. Those of you who have found this one true love know exactly what I am talking about. Those of you who have not found this one true love at this time know the longing that you have to find this one special person.
This same longing that we have to meet this one true soul mate is the same longing that God has for all us. Except with God, this longing for us is much more intense. The fact that God would send down His one and only Son to our earth in the flesh to physically die on a cross in order to bring us back to Himself shows us more than anything else how much He really does love all of us.
The best analogy that I can give you on this is the “best friend analogy.” God wants to become your best friend, over your soul mate and over any other best friends you may have in this life. He wants to be #1 in your life and He will not settle for anything less. The Bible says that God the Father is a jealous God, a consuming fire.
Some Christians believe that if they go to church once a week, sing a few songs in church, and pay their tithe, that they are “in relationship” with God. However, God wants more than this. He wants you 7 days of the week, not just one time a week in a church service.
He wants to be able to freely communicate with you 24/7. He wants you to talk with Him just like you would talk to your best friend. He wants dynamic, free flowing conversation with you on anything you want to personally discuss with Him, no matter how small or trivial it may seem to you. And He then wants you to be open to listening to anything that He may have to say to you.
What happens to some Christians is that they have not established this kind of personal relationship with God, and then when a crisis or emergency presents itself, it is already too late to try to get God to answer their prayer.
Notice that Jesus starts the first sentence out with the word “IF.” IF you have established a personal relationship with God, THEN you can approach Him with your prayer requests, and THEN He will answer them.
Too many Christians attempt to use God. The only time they ever approach God is when they need something from Him. God thus has no natural desire to answer any prayer request they may have because they have never established any kind of true, personal relationship with Him.
One of the things I felt like the Holy Spirit has conveyed to me is that if you really want to be able to get God to answer more of your prayers, you have to create a desire in God to want to answer more of your prayers. And the #1 way that you create a desire in God to get Him to want to answer more of your prayer requests is by establishing a good, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The analogy the Holy Spirit gave me to understand all of this was the “Parent-Child Analogy.” Imagine you are the parent and you have two small children. The one boy really loves you. He has established a true, loving, personal relationship with you. He wants to hang out with you. He comes home from school and tells you everything that happened to him that day. He tells you all the little things that may have gone right or wrong during the day. He values your opinion.
When he gets older and more mature, all of sudden he wants to hear more about you, your life and your problems. He wants to know more about you, your past, why you do what you do and why you think the way that you do. This child is truly abiding in you, truly living in you. You feel like you and him are “one in spirit.” As you grow older, your personal relationship deepens and keeps getting better and better.
Then you have the other child. He could care less about you and your personality. The only time he will ever approach you is when he needs something specific from you. He will even go as far as to act like he cares about you, but once he gets what he wants from you, he is back to ignoring you until the next time he needs something from you. As he grows older, you grow farther and farther apart. When he is finally able to leave home on his own, you never hear from him unless he once again needs something specific from you. He hardly ever calls or comes over.
Now if you are the loving father over these two children, which of the two will you have a strong natural desire to help out when they may need your help on something? You will have no natural desire to help the one who has been using you over all of those years.
However, with the child who has established a true, loving, personal relationship with you, you will bend over backwards to give that child anything and everything that he may need. Why? Because he loves you for you! He does not love you for what you can do for him. He loves you for the person that you are and for the friend that you have become for him over all those years.
In fact, your love for this loving son will be so great, many of the times you will give him what he will need before he will even ask you for it. Why? Because you are so in tune with him, you will know what he will need sometimes before he will even know what he will need. Then you will want to give it to him before he will even ask you for it because your love for him is so great. You have a very strong, natural desire to want to make him happy, all because of the good, personal relationship that he has established with you over all those years.
It is the exact same way with God the Father! Establish a true, loving, intimate, personal relationship with God the Father and see if your whole life does not do a complete 180! Nothing will touch the heart of God deeper than you attempting to establish a good, close, personal relationship with Him – with you truly wanting Him for who He is, not for what He can do for you by way of material blessings.
Again – as a word of caution – God cannot be tricked or duped. You cannot try and enter into this kind of personal relationship with God in order to try and get Him to give you all of your wants and desires. Your motives must be pure!
You enter into a personal relationship with the Lord because you want to get to know Him personally! You do not enter into this kind of a personal relationship with Him to see how much He can give you. You have to want God for who He is – not for what He can do for you. The Bible tells us to seek the face of God – not His hand.
For those of you who have truly established this kind of close, intimate, personal relationship with God, I am sure you can testify that this is truly the greatest experience that anyone of us can have this side of heaven – that this one and only true God in the entire universe can actually make direct contact with you, communicate and talk directly with you, and establish a real, intimate, personal relationship with you.
For those of you who have not really established this kind of close, personal relationship with God, the one thing that I can tell you is that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. God will handle and relate to you on the level that you are currently operating at with Him. This kind of intimate, personal relationship with the Lord is not built up overnight, but over time.
God can satisfy and meet the deeper longings of your soul and spirit that no human could ever reach! He can truly give you a perfect, pure, and unconditional love that no other person will be able to give you in this life.
He will be able to love you better and deeper than anyone else in your life – including the good natural love that you can get from your parents, your children, your marriage mates and some of your better friends.
You can totally trust God because He is totally and completely perfect in all of His ways. He will not hurt you or harm you in any way. God has no dark side to His personality, so He is completely trustworthy. He is totally incapable of hurting you in any way.
Some Christians are afraid to go deeper with God in their own personal relationship with Him because they have been terribly hurt in other relationships, whether it be from their parents, their lovers or some of their friends.
All humans are imperfect and are thus not capable of giving you any kind of perfect, true love. Since God is completely and totally perfect in His very nature and in all of His ways – then He, and only He, is the only One who can give you that perfect, pure, true and unconditional love that you are really looking for in this life.
2. The Bible
Now we come to the second secret that is in the above verse. Note the second part of the first sentence then says, “My words abide in you.” I believe Jesus is telling us two things in this sentence.
His “Words” are literally meaning His Words. If you have established a good, loving, personal relationship with God, then He will talk to you just like you will talk to Him. And if He is talking to you, then His words will be abiding in you! This will be as a direct result of the free flowing dialogue that you will have with God as a result of having established a close, intimate, personal relationship with Him.
The other meaning to His words abiding in you is that He is referring to the Bible. If you really want to enter into a close, personal relationship with God, then you have to be willing to spend some type of regular quality time reading the Bible. The Bible is the only true source that we have down here on this earth where we can really learn all about God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
When you first enter into a true, personal, love relationship with someone, the very first natural desire you will have is that you will want to get to know everything you can about this person. You will want to know about all of their likes, their dislikes, where they have come from and what they have been through. And the only way that you can find all of this out about them is by asking a lot of questions.
With God, the #1 way that you will learn all about Him is to read the Bible, because the Bible will tell you everything that you will need to know about Him, His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. You have to seek after knowledge about the Lord – and the Bible is the #1 main source that we have on this earth that can teach us about God and all of His ways.
To summarize the revelation in the above Scripture verse in one bottom line statement:
God is looking to establish a close, intimate, personal relationship with each one of us. This is done in two ways:
By establishing a direct, free-flowing and spontaneous best friend relationship with God where you commune and talk with Him on a regular and frequent basis in the exact same way you would with a best friend.
And by seeking after the knowledge of God – trying to get to know all you can about Him by studying and meditating on what is written in the Holy Bible.
I guarantee you that if you are willing to enter into both of these realms with the Lord, your life will never be the same again. This close, intimate, personal relationship that you can enter into with the Lord will be the door opener that will change the course of your entire life forver. The journey is there for all who are willing to step into it!
The Sinner’s Prayer
The Sinner’s Prayer
Without question, the greatest and most powerful prayer that you can have in your arsenal is the Sinner’s Prayer.
The Sinner’s Prayer is the type of prayer that you will use to lead someone who is not saved into eternal salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is the type of prayer that you will use to get someone saved and born again.
The term “Sinner’s Prayer” comes from those of a more charismatic type background. The reason they have labeled it the Sinner’s Prayer is because the Bible tells us that we are all dead in our sins and trespasses until we get saved and born again by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior – hence the word “sinner’s” prayer.
This is the type of prayer you will see used when pastors and evangelists like Billy Graham make an altar call at the end of their services, calling all of those up who would like to get saved and born again by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
This is the same type of prayer that you will see TV preachers use when they are trying to get people saved right over their TV sets. Many people have been saved as a result of sitting on their couches, and then all of sudden the Holy Spirit moves in on them as they are hearing a preacher teach about the basics of salvation through Jesus Christ.
However, one of the things that you will notice when watching all of this take place is that no one really words the Sinner’s Prayer in the exact same way. Everyone uses a little bit of different wording when saying this prayer out loud – instructing those to repeat after them the exact wording of the prayer in order to get them saved. This type of prayer is very basic, short, simple and straight to the point, so there is no real harm if there is some minor variation in how the prayer is actually worded.
For those of you who would really like to be used by the Lord to get others saved and born again, but are afraid that you might get a bit tongue tied at the moment of truth in leading a sinner to the Lord, I thought I would draw this article up just for you.
In this article, I will give you a very nice, simple, basic, straight to the point Sinner’s Prayer that you can use to lead someone to the Lord when they are ready to take this step. I will also give you the appropriate verses from Scripture to show you exactly why this prayer is worded in the way that it is, and exactly what goes on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when the Lord makes a move on someone to get them saved.
You may also want to consider having this Sinner’s Prayer typed out on an index card so that you can always have it handy and by your side in the event that the Lord decides He ever wants to personally use you to get someone else saved.
Now here is a good, basic, simple and straight-to-the-point Sinner’s Prayer that you can use to lead someone into the greatest gift and event of all – eternal salvation with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Say the following prayer out loud, believe it from your heart, and you will become saved and born again.
Dear Father,
I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He came to our earth in the flesh and died on the cross to take away all of my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day to give all of us eternal life.
Lord Jesus,
I now confess to You all of the wrong and sinful things that I have ever done in my life. I ask that You please forgive me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that You have personally shed for me on the cross. I am now ready to accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I now ask that You come into my life and live with me for all of eternity.
Father, Jesus – I now believe that I am truly saved and born again.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Jesus.
So that you can fully understand why this prayer is worded in the way that it is, and exactly what is going on in the spiritual realm when God starts to move in on someone to get them saved – I will give you all of the appropriate verses from the Bible to explain all of this to you in the captions below.
These verses will give you very good insight as to what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when the Holy Spirit starts to move in on someone to get them saved.
1. God the Father Will Draw the Sinner to Jesus Through the Holy Spirit
The first thing you will need to realize is that you will not be alone when you step out to witness to someone in order to try and get them saved. As you will see in the first 4 verses I will list below, God the Father is the One who will actually be “drawing” the sinner to Jesus. And how does God actually “draw” this sinner to Jesus? He does it by and through the Holy Spirit.
As you will see in the way these verses are worded, they will specifically tell us that no one can come to Jesus to receive His gift of eternal salvation unless God the Father first starts to draw that person to Him. And then it says that no one can say that Jesus is Lord unless it is done “by” the Holy Spirit.
When you put these first two verses together side by side like you would two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle – the revelation comes through loud and clear. It is God the Father, operating through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, that will draw the sinner to Jesus in order for them to be able to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
What this now tells you is that you will not be alone when you try and witness to someone. You will literally have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself operating through you to be able to effectively witness to others. You will have the anointing of God Almighty Himself on you to be able to do this. This is why each and every Christian should always keep their spiritual radars up, as you never know when God will move to want to use you to witness to another person.
Here are the first 4 verses, all showing you exactly what is occurring behind the scenes when God starts to move in on someone in an effort to try and get them saved.
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44)
“… and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3)
“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit FELL UPON all those who heard the word.” (Acts 10:44)
“The Lord OPENED HER HEART to heed the things spoken by Paul.” (Acts 16:14)
The first two verses are telling you that God the Father is drawing the unsaved sinner to His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The third verse is a very good verse showing you that the Holy Spirit can then “fall upon” those in a room that you may be witnessing to.
The last verse then shows you that once the Holy Spirit falls upon someone as you are delivering the Word – He will then open up this person’s heart so that the words you are speaking to this person will enter in. And once those words enter into this person’s mind, heart and spirit – then the Holy Spirit can start to move in to illuminate and enlighten this person as to what the real meaning of God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son and His death on the cross is really all about.
These first four verses are very powerful pieces of revelation being given to us by God the Father as to what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when God makes a move on someone in an effort to try and get them saved. These four verses should give all Christians total confidence and faith in the Lord that His power will by their side if they are willing to step out of their boats to witness to others.
Once God the Father starts to make a move on someone in an effort to try and get them saved through the power of the Holy Spirit, something very interesting will then start to happen – which will now lead us right into the next section.
2. True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation
Once the Holy Spirit starts to move in on someone in an effort to try and get them to accept Jesus, something very profound will start to happen.
The Bible tells us that one of the main jobs of the Holy Spirit is to bring “conviction” to the sinner. Bottom line – Jesus Christ came to our earth in the flesh to die on a cross for all of our sins. What this means is that you cannot begin to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior unless you can see and realize that you are truly a sinner in need of a Savior. If you cannot see and admit that you are truly a sinner, then you will see no need to accept what Jesus did for you when He died on the cross for you.
This is why the Bible is telling us that God the Father has to work through the Holy Spirit in order to bring a sinner into a true conversion experience. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to open up that person’s mind and heart. Once that person’s mind and heart has been properly opened up – then the Holy Spirit can start to work with them to show them that they are truly a sinner, and that there is no saving grace for them in the natural sinful state in which they were born into this world with.
As you will see in some of the Scripture verses I will list below, the Bible is emphatically clear that every single one of us, with no exceptions, has been born into this world in sin and in iniquity. In other words, we have all been born into this world from our mother’s womb with a sin nature ingrained in us. The minute we are born into this world, the Bible tells us that we all appear as an “unclean thing” before the eyes of God the Father.
As a result, the Bible says that all men and all women have sinned and have fallen way short of the glory of our God. It says that there is none of us that are truly righteous before the eyes of God the Father – and with what little righteousness we think we may have, this righteousness appears as nothing but as filthy rags before God the Father.
As a result of this sinful state and nature that we have all been born into this world with, it now becomes the job of the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, to illuminate us, and to show us the real truth of the matter.
The Holy Spirit will now start to convict the sinner. He will show the person what a sinner they have been all of their life. He will show and point out certain sins of their past and how these sins and behaviors are totally unacceptable in the eyes of God the Father. He will show them how powerless and helpless they really are in their natural state in being able to pull out of some of their sins.
Once you begin to see what a hopeless and miserable sinner you really are – and that you do not have the mental or emotional capacity within your own being to change yourself for the better – then you will become open to receiving the truth of the gospel. Then you will be open to listening to what happened to Jesus when He came down to our earth in the flesh to die on the cross for all of our sins.
Once you fully see and fully realize that you have been born into this world as a sinner and that you have been living all of your life as a sinner – then you will be ready to accept God’s free gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on that cross.
Then you will see that it is the grace, mercy, love and goodness of God and Jesus that will save you from yourself and your sinful state. You will see that God the Father is now willing to grant you a pardon and make a way of escape for you from the eventual fires of a real, live, living hell if you are willing to believe on His Son Jesus Christ and His death on the cross.
The 8 verses I will list under this section will show you that a true repentance from the heart will be what will lead you to be able to have a true salvation-conversion experience with the Lord. The first three verses I will list all use the words “repent” or “repentance.” And all three of these verses are linking the word “repentance” to being saved and converted to the Lord.
The word “repentance” means a turning away from sin and a turning back to God. It means to be willing to have a change of heart, a change of attitude and a change of mind. It means that you are now willing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and once you do this, that you will then be willing to work with the Lord for the rest of your life so that He can then transform you into the express image of Himself.
Now here are 8 very powerful verses all showing us that we have all been born into this world as corrupt sinners – and that having a true, repentant heart will be the key to being able to receive God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
“For godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation …” (2 Corinthians 7:10)
“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19)
“I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:5)
“Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” (Psalms 51:5)
“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God …” (Romans 3:23)
As it is written: “There is none righteous, no not one …” (Romans 3:10)
“But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind …” (Isaiah 64:6)
“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us …” (Titus 3:4)
All 8 of these verses are major power verses on being able to understand exactly what needs to be understood before we can really have a true conversion experience with the Lord.
This is why the first three verses are really emphasizing the fact that you must first be willing to repent before God before you can really accept Jesus as your personal Savior. If you would like a bit more information on this topic, we have another article in our site titled “True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation.”
The last 5 verses are stating, without any other possible interpretation, that we have all been born into this world with an inherent sin nature and we have all thus become fallen sinners in this life. As a result, none of us appears truly righteous and good before the eyes of God the Father.
Again, God the Father could not make things any more clear on the basics of our salvation through His Son Jesus than with the way that He has worded all of the above verses.
3. Total Forgiveness of All of Our Sins
Once the sinner has been truly enlightened by the Holy Spirit as to what a sinner they really are, and that a true, repentant heart on their end will now open up the door for them to be able to receive God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ – then the last thing that will need to be explained to this person is that once he fully accepts Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior – then all of his past, present and future sins will be fully forgiven.
The verses I will list under this section are again major, foundational verses. God is once again using some very intense language in some of these verses. He says that once the sinner accepts His gift of eternal salvation, then not only are all of his sins fully forgiven – but these sins are no longer “remembered” in His mind. They have now been fully removed from Him as far as the east is from the west! In other words, your slate has now been made fully clean!
Here are 6 very powerful verses showing that all sinners will now have all of their sins fully forgiven and fully wiped clean from their past, present and future if they are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace …” (Ephesians 1:7)
“To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.” (Acts 10:43)
“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matthew 26:28)
“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.” (Isaiah 43:25)
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities … For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalms 103:2,11)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Notice in the last verse it says that you have to first “confess” your sins before the Lord before you can receive His forgiveness for those sins. This is why you have the sinner confess out all of the wrong and sinful things they have ever done in their lives in the above Sinner’s Prayer. You first have to be willing to admit that you are a sinner, and then be willing to confess all of your sins before God can move in to save you and bring you total forgiveness for all of those sins.
Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and have had all of your sins fully forgiven – something very awesome will now happen next, which will now lead us right into the next section.
4. You Have Now Become a New Creation – All Things Are Now Brand New
These next 10 verses will now be the icing on the entire cake. As a result of accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, not only are all of your sins fully forgiven, not only will you get to go straight to heaven when you die and cross over – but you have now become a brand new creation in the Lord. As a result of becoming a brand new creation in the Lord, all old things have now passed away and all things have now been made brand new!
In other words, you have now been given a brand new life with a brand new start, along with a brand new heart and a brand new Spirit being put into you by God the Father. This Spirit that God will now be putting into you will be the Holy Spirit Himself.
As you will see in several of the verses I will list below, each person who gets saved and born again receives the Holy Spirit Himself at the exact moment of their conversion. And then the Bible takes it one step further. It says that we are then “sealed” with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
These next 10 verses are so profound, that I think many Christians miss out on what God is really trying to tell them. These verses really need to be meditated on and chewed on. I will go ahead and list each one of them, and then point out some of the key revelation that God is trying to transmit to all of us.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world …” (Ephesians 2:1)
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13)
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” (Acts 10:15)
“Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:25)
Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38)
“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” (Ephesians 1:13)
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)
“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.” (2 Corinthians 1:21)
“Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.” (2 Corinthians 5:5)
Put all of these verses together, one right after the other, and you can then see what God is trying to tell you once you become saved and born again. You will now get all of the following benefits and blessings:
You have now become a brand new creation
You have now been made fully alive
All old things have now passed away
All things have now been made brand new
You have now been delivered from the powers of darkness
You have now been translated into the Kingdom of God
You have now been given a brand new heart of flesh
You have now received the Holy Spirit Himself
As a result of having the Holy Spirit now literally living on the inside of you – you have now become a brand new creation and you have now been made fully alive! You also have God’s supernatural power available to you to help transform and sanctify you.
As a result of now having the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of you – you now have His supernatural power to defeat the powers of darkness, whether they be attacking you or anyone else that may be close to you.
This is why the Bible is specifically telling us in the above verse that you have now been delivered from the powers of darkness. Satan and his demons no longer have any ability to continue to have any kind of hold or sway on you because you now have the power of God operating through the Holy Spirit to defeat any demons that may try and come against you.
Another incredible benefit that you will get as a result of having the Holy Spirit now residing on the inside of you is that you will now be given a brand new heart. In the above verse from Ezekiel, God says that He will take out your heart of stone, which is a hard type of heart, and replace it with a heart of flesh, which is tender type of heart that is now capable of feeling compassion and empathy for other people.
As a result of now making Jesus Lord over your life, this means that you have now been given a brand new life with a brand new start. God will now be placing you into His perfect plan and destiny for your life.
God, through His Holy Spirit, will now be leading and guiding you down the path that He will want you to follow in this life. God will be letting you know exactly what your call, what your purpose, and what your divine destiny is going to be in Him.
Your brand new life will now have real meaning and purpose to it – because you will now be finding out exactly why God created you in the first place and exactly what God wants to do with your life.
As a result of this brand new life that God will now be placing out before you, all old things will now past away. You can now finally let go of all of your past, along with all of the hurts and heartaches of your past.
No matter what has happened to you in your past, no matter how many sins you may have committed, and no matter how bad and how vile some of those sins may have been – God can fully forgive you of all of your sins.
God can now wipe your slate fully clean. He can also help clean up any loose ends from your past that may be trying to hold you back from being able to propel full steam ahead into the divine destiny that He now has set up for you and your life.
This is why getting a person saved and born again is the greatest thing you can do for another person this side of heaven. Not only will you get them saved from the fires of a real, live, living hell when they die and cross over – but you will also be giving them a brand new life, with a brand new start and a brand new direction to follow.
The gift of eternal salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, is without question, the greatest and most life-altering experience any person can have this side of heaven.
And God the Father can use each and everyone of you over the course of your life to lead a certain amount of people to this free gift that He is only too happy and too anxious to give to all of those who are willing to repent and believe on Him for this gift.
5. Confess With Your Mouth – Believe From Your Heart
All of the above verses will give you some major, live ammunition to use when you start to try and witness to others about the basics of salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will also be there to help you out with all of this.
The Holy Spirit will also anoint your words as you are speaking them out. And then once those anointed words have been spoken out and they have entered into that person’s mind and spirit – then the Holy Spirit can start to work behind the scenes to help illuminate and enlighten this person’s mind and intellect so they can fully understand what God’s message of eternal salvation is really all about.
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will wrestle and strive with a man in an effort to try and show them the errors of their ways and the errors of their thinking. This wrestling match that will occur between the unsaved sinner and the Holy Spirit can last anywhere from a few minutes, to a few days, to a few weeks, to several years, to many years – and in some cases, literally right up to the deathbed of that person. Many people have actually been saved right on their deathbeds.
However, in other cases, the Holy Spirit will wrestle, strive and chase after a person for a good portion of their lives, but that person keeps rejecting His strivings over and over again. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will not strive with a man forever. This means that there is a limit to God’s patience. And once that breaking point has been reached with God the Father – then it is over – and that person is then doomed to spend the rest of all of eternity in the most horrible place imaginable when they die and cross over.
God will win some and God will lose some in His efforts and strategies to try and get as many people saved as He possibly can before they die and cross over. And it will be the same with you. Some people you will be able to lead to the Lord and others you will not – no matter how hard you witness to them, and no matter how hard you may pray for them.
Man will always have his free will on all of this – and not even God Himself will force anyone to accept the pardon and redemption that He is willing to offer them through the blood and death of His Son Jesus Christ.
However, there will be many that will accept what Jesus has done for them, especially if they are being properly witnessed to by an anointed, Spirit-filled believer who knows how to flow and operate with his leadings from the Holy Spirit.
Once a sinner has seen the light and the real truth of the gospel, then they are now ready to be led into a true salvation-conversion experience with the Lord. And this is where the above type of Sinners Prayer will now come in.
Here is the verse from Scripture that will show you how a person will actually get saved. This particular verse has to be one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture – because in this verse is complete revelation on how a person is able to get saved and born again.
Here is the verse, and then I will show you how it lines up with how the above Sinner’s Prayer is worded.
“… if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:9)
Notice the following:
1. In the above Sinner’s Prayer, you are instructed to say the prayer out loud. If by chance the person cannot verbally speak the prayer out loud for whatever reason – then they can say the Sinner’s Prayer silently in their own mind to themselves. However, if they can verbally speak out loud without any problems or impediments, then the Sinner’s Prayer should really be said out loud.
Notice in the above verse that it says “with the MOUTH confession is made to salvation” and “if you confess with your MOUTH the Lord Jesus.” Both phrases are using the word “mouth.” Your mouth is what you speak things out with.
This verse is thus telling you that you need to make a public confession out loud with your mouth to God and Jesus when you start saying the Sinner’s Prayer to receive Their gift of eternal salvation. This is why you always have the pastors, evangelists and other believers have the unsaved sinner say the Sinner’s Prayer out loud based upon the specific wording of this verse.
2. The second thing I have listed in the above Sinner’s Prayer is that in addition to confessing all of this out loud – that you also have to believe in all of this from your heart. The wording in the above verse says that you have to “believe in your heart” that God has raised Jesus from the dead.
The Bible tells us that God will give each person a certain measure of faith in order to be able to believe in all of this. This is why the Bible tells us that a person cannot be brought into a true salvation experience unless the Holy Spirit is moving and working with that person. The Holy Spirit will be the One to give this person enough faith and belief to be able to believe in all of this.
3. In the above Sinner’s Prayer, you first have the person start out by stating that they now believe in who Jesus Christ really is. This will help set the stage for being able to accept what Jesus’ death on the cross really means for them.
The first part of the Sinner’s Prayer thus starts out with a very basic statement in that the sinner is now believing that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, that Jesus then came down to our earth in the flesh, and that He then went to die on the cross for all of the sins of this world. This opening statement then ends with the specific wording that the sinner now believes that God has raised Jesus from the dead on the third day from His crucifixion.
The above verse says that you have to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead. If you don’t or can’t believe that Jesus literally resurrected from the dead on the third day – then you cannot get saved and brought into God’s kingdom. The death and resurrection of Jesus go hand in hand, and both doctrines have to be fully believed before you can get saved and born again.
4. After this opening statement has been made, then the unsaved sinner will confess out all of the wrong and sinful things they have ever done in their lives. In the above caption titled “True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation” – a person cannot enter into a true, salvation experience with the Lord unless they are willing to admit that they are a sinner – and then be willing to confess those sins out – and then be willing to repent and turn away from those sins.
The person does not have to list out each one of their sins individually at this time unless the Lord is specifically wanting them to do it. The Lord may deal with them a little bit later on in the privacy of their own thoughts and life – as this may take some additional time depending on how much of a bad past this person may have.
But for the purposes of getting this person saved, born again and crossed over into the arms of the Lord – all they have to be willing to do at this time is to admit that they are a sinner, and then be willing to confess all of their sins in general to God and Jesus. Notice that you have the person make the statement that they are now willing to confess all of their sins to Jesus – and then they ask God to please forgive them from all of their sins by the blood that Jesus has personally shed for them on the cross.
5. After the above confession is made out on their sins, then the person ends the Sinner’s Prayer by stating that they are now ready to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and then they will ask Jesus to come into their lives and live with them for all of eternity.
This sinner’s prayer is simple, short, sweet and straight to the point. If this sinner’s prayer is confessed and said out loud, and believed from the heart before the Lord, then that person will become saved and born again – right there on the spot where they complete this prayer. It can literally be that quick and that simple!
A sinner can get saved anywhere at anytime. It can happen at an altar call at a church, or as you are witnessing to someone in the privacy of your own home or their home. It can also happen out in a public setting such as a shopping mall, street corner, or in a car, train, or plane.
It can also happen to someone all by themselves as they are watching a TV minister preach over the TV and then he has them recite the Sinner’s Prayer out loud as he gives them the specific words to say. Many people have been saved right over their TV sets. The Holy Spirit can literally move into a person’s house right off of the anointing that a TV minister may have operating through him.
There is no end to the different ways that God will use to try and get someone saved. And in many of these situations, God is wanting to pull that person in through another believer. The Bible tells us that God the Father wants all of us to become fisherman for Him. As such, every single Christian should always keep their radars up and be very sensitive to any leadings, promptings or unctions they may receive from the Holy Spirit to work with an unsaved person.
As I said at the top of this article, leading an unsaved person into the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has to be the greatest and most awesome experience that either you or the unsaved person can have this side of heaven.
For the person that you will lead into eternal salvation – you will have just given them the greatest gift that anyone can give to them down here in this life – the gift of Jesus Christ and His free gift of eternal salvation.
The personal reward that you will receive for leading a sinner into God’s gift of eternal salvation is the personal satisfaction that you will have that will last for all of eternity – knowing that God had personally used you to channel His knowledge, His power and His anointing through to save that sinner from the fires of a real, live, living hell.
When you really step back and look out at the real big picture – the only thing that really matters in this life is that people get saved, born again and brought home to the Lord when they die and cross over. All of the money these sinners will make, all of the friends they will make in this life, and all of the things they will accomplish in this life will all be for naught if they do not get saved and born again before they die and cross over.
It simply amazes me that so many people are only living this life for the temporary pleasures and luxuries they can get out of this life while they still can – while all the while thinking that they will never really die or have to face God Almighty Himself for any kind of a personal judgment. If there is one thing that we all know for sure – every single one of us is going to physically die and depart from this life sooner or later – no exceptions!
As much as science likes to think that they have a lot of the answers to everything and that we do not need a divine God to answer to or live for – not one of them has yet to find or come up with any kind of solution that will give man personal immortality down here on this earth. No one has yet been able to stop the aging process and the eventual physical death of our bodies. And not only can we not stop the aging and death process, but we can’t even control when and how we are going to die.
Yet man still continues to live thinking that he is going to live forever and that he will never have to face what may be lying on the other side when he does die and cross over.
The big picture is a real bone chilling scenario. Each man and each woman only has one chance, one shot, and one opportunity to see the light and truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ before they die. They will not be given a second chance to see the light and truth of His gospel once they die and cross over. If they wait until they die – it will have already been too late!
Each man and each woman thus walks out this life never knowing when the next day may literally be their last day on this earth.
Knowing that this is the kind of big picture that we all have to face in this life, each and every Christian should always keep themselves open to being able to be used by the Lord to try and get other people saved.
So many of these unsaved and hardened sinners are totally clueless as to how close they really are to falling into the fires of a real, live, living hell. And the only thing that may be standing between them and this real, live, living hell may be you and what God can possibly do through you to reach that hardened sinner’s mind and heart with the truth of His Word.
Remember, you have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself operating through you to be able to effectively witness to others. God will set the stages for you. He can lead you as to who you should be witnessing to, when you are to witness to them, how long you will need to stay with each one of them, and exactly what to say and how to handle each one of them.
God is calling each and every Christian at this time to become a powerful and anointed eagle for Him. You only have a certain number of years on this earth to accomplish everything that God would like for you to accomplish for Him. You only have one shot in the eternal scheme of things to be able to be used by God to save a sinner from a fate of eternal torment and agony.
Don’t lose your one and only chance in being able to be used by God for a major rescue and deliverance mission. Lives are hanging in the balance. You personally may be the difference as to whether or not a certain number of sinners will ever see the love, mercy and saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before they die and cross over.
Remember – the Word of God is your Sword. Keep this Sinner’s Prayer on the tip of your Sword – and always be ready to move into action should the Holy Spirit ever call upon you to literally save the day for a soul that may be headed straight into the pits of a real, live, living hell.
Without question, the greatest and most powerful prayer that you can have in your arsenal is the Sinner’s Prayer.
The Sinner’s Prayer is the type of prayer that you will use to lead someone who is not saved into eternal salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. It is the type of prayer that you will use to get someone saved and born again.
The term “Sinner’s Prayer” comes from those of a more charismatic type background. The reason they have labeled it the Sinner’s Prayer is because the Bible tells us that we are all dead in our sins and trespasses until we get saved and born again by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior – hence the word “sinner’s” prayer.
This is the type of prayer you will see used when pastors and evangelists like Billy Graham make an altar call at the end of their services, calling all of those up who would like to get saved and born again by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
This is the same type of prayer that you will see TV preachers use when they are trying to get people saved right over their TV sets. Many people have been saved as a result of sitting on their couches, and then all of sudden the Holy Spirit moves in on them as they are hearing a preacher teach about the basics of salvation through Jesus Christ.
However, one of the things that you will notice when watching all of this take place is that no one really words the Sinner’s Prayer in the exact same way. Everyone uses a little bit of different wording when saying this prayer out loud – instructing those to repeat after them the exact wording of the prayer in order to get them saved. This type of prayer is very basic, short, simple and straight to the point, so there is no real harm if there is some minor variation in how the prayer is actually worded.
For those of you who would really like to be used by the Lord to get others saved and born again, but are afraid that you might get a bit tongue tied at the moment of truth in leading a sinner to the Lord, I thought I would draw this article up just for you.
In this article, I will give you a very nice, simple, basic, straight to the point Sinner’s Prayer that you can use to lead someone to the Lord when they are ready to take this step. I will also give you the appropriate verses from Scripture to show you exactly why this prayer is worded in the way that it is, and exactly what goes on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when the Lord makes a move on someone to get them saved.
You may also want to consider having this Sinner’s Prayer typed out on an index card so that you can always have it handy and by your side in the event that the Lord decides He ever wants to personally use you to get someone else saved.
Now here is a good, basic, simple and straight-to-the-point Sinner’s Prayer that you can use to lead someone into the greatest gift and event of all – eternal salvation with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Say the following prayer out loud, believe it from your heart, and you will become saved and born again.
Dear Father,
I now believe that Jesus Christ is Your only begotten Son, that He came to our earth in the flesh and died on the cross to take away all of my sins and the sins of this world. I believe that Jesus Christ then rose from the dead on the third day to give all of us eternal life.
Lord Jesus,
I now confess to You all of the wrong and sinful things that I have ever done in my life. I ask that You please forgive me and wash away all of my sins by the blood that You have personally shed for me on the cross. I am now ready to accept You as my personal Lord and Savior. I now ask that You come into my life and live with me for all of eternity.
Father, Jesus – I now believe that I am truly saved and born again.
Thank You Father.
Thank You Jesus.
So that you can fully understand why this prayer is worded in the way that it is, and exactly what is going on in the spiritual realm when God starts to move in on someone to get them saved – I will give you all of the appropriate verses from the Bible to explain all of this to you in the captions below.
These verses will give you very good insight as to what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when the Holy Spirit starts to move in on someone to get them saved.
1. God the Father Will Draw the Sinner to Jesus Through the Holy Spirit
The first thing you will need to realize is that you will not be alone when you step out to witness to someone in order to try and get them saved. As you will see in the first 4 verses I will list below, God the Father is the One who will actually be “drawing” the sinner to Jesus. And how does God actually “draw” this sinner to Jesus? He does it by and through the Holy Spirit.
As you will see in the way these verses are worded, they will specifically tell us that no one can come to Jesus to receive His gift of eternal salvation unless God the Father first starts to draw that person to Him. And then it says that no one can say that Jesus is Lord unless it is done “by” the Holy Spirit.
When you put these first two verses together side by side like you would two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle – the revelation comes through loud and clear. It is God the Father, operating through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, that will draw the sinner to Jesus in order for them to be able to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
What this now tells you is that you will not be alone when you try and witness to someone. You will literally have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself operating through you to be able to effectively witness to others. You will have the anointing of God Almighty Himself on you to be able to do this. This is why each and every Christian should always keep their spiritual radars up, as you never know when God will move to want to use you to witness to another person.
Here are the first 4 verses, all showing you exactly what is occurring behind the scenes when God starts to move in on someone in an effort to try and get them saved.
“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44)
“… and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.” (1 Corinthians 12:3)
“While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit FELL UPON all those who heard the word.” (Acts 10:44)
“The Lord OPENED HER HEART to heed the things spoken by Paul.” (Acts 16:14)
The first two verses are telling you that God the Father is drawing the unsaved sinner to His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The third verse is a very good verse showing you that the Holy Spirit can then “fall upon” those in a room that you may be witnessing to.
The last verse then shows you that once the Holy Spirit falls upon someone as you are delivering the Word – He will then open up this person’s heart so that the words you are speaking to this person will enter in. And once those words enter into this person’s mind, heart and spirit – then the Holy Spirit can start to move in to illuminate and enlighten this person as to what the real meaning of God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son and His death on the cross is really all about.
These first four verses are very powerful pieces of revelation being given to us by God the Father as to what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm when God makes a move on someone in an effort to try and get them saved. These four verses should give all Christians total confidence and faith in the Lord that His power will by their side if they are willing to step out of their boats to witness to others.
Once God the Father starts to make a move on someone in an effort to try and get them saved through the power of the Holy Spirit, something very interesting will then start to happen – which will now lead us right into the next section.
2. True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation
Once the Holy Spirit starts to move in on someone in an effort to try and get them to accept Jesus, something very profound will start to happen.
The Bible tells us that one of the main jobs of the Holy Spirit is to bring “conviction” to the sinner. Bottom line – Jesus Christ came to our earth in the flesh to die on a cross for all of our sins. What this means is that you cannot begin to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior unless you can see and realize that you are truly a sinner in need of a Savior. If you cannot see and admit that you are truly a sinner, then you will see no need to accept what Jesus did for you when He died on the cross for you.
This is why the Bible is telling us that God the Father has to work through the Holy Spirit in order to bring a sinner into a true conversion experience. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to open up that person’s mind and heart. Once that person’s mind and heart has been properly opened up – then the Holy Spirit can start to work with them to show them that they are truly a sinner, and that there is no saving grace for them in the natural sinful state in which they were born into this world with.
As you will see in some of the Scripture verses I will list below, the Bible is emphatically clear that every single one of us, with no exceptions, has been born into this world in sin and in iniquity. In other words, we have all been born into this world from our mother’s womb with a sin nature ingrained in us. The minute we are born into this world, the Bible tells us that we all appear as an “unclean thing” before the eyes of God the Father.
As a result, the Bible says that all men and all women have sinned and have fallen way short of the glory of our God. It says that there is none of us that are truly righteous before the eyes of God the Father – and with what little righteousness we think we may have, this righteousness appears as nothing but as filthy rags before God the Father.
As a result of this sinful state and nature that we have all been born into this world with, it now becomes the job of the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, to illuminate us, and to show us the real truth of the matter.
The Holy Spirit will now start to convict the sinner. He will show the person what a sinner they have been all of their life. He will show and point out certain sins of their past and how these sins and behaviors are totally unacceptable in the eyes of God the Father. He will show them how powerless and helpless they really are in their natural state in being able to pull out of some of their sins.
Once you begin to see what a hopeless and miserable sinner you really are – and that you do not have the mental or emotional capacity within your own being to change yourself for the better – then you will become open to receiving the truth of the gospel. Then you will be open to listening to what happened to Jesus when He came down to our earth in the flesh to die on the cross for all of our sins.
Once you fully see and fully realize that you have been born into this world as a sinner and that you have been living all of your life as a sinner – then you will be ready to accept God’s free gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death on that cross.
Then you will see that it is the grace, mercy, love and goodness of God and Jesus that will save you from yourself and your sinful state. You will see that God the Father is now willing to grant you a pardon and make a way of escape for you from the eventual fires of a real, live, living hell if you are willing to believe on His Son Jesus Christ and His death on the cross.
The 8 verses I will list under this section will show you that a true repentance from the heart will be what will lead you to be able to have a true salvation-conversion experience with the Lord. The first three verses I will list all use the words “repent” or “repentance.” And all three of these verses are linking the word “repentance” to being saved and converted to the Lord.
The word “repentance” means a turning away from sin and a turning back to God. It means to be willing to have a change of heart, a change of attitude and a change of mind. It means that you are now willing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and once you do this, that you will then be willing to work with the Lord for the rest of your life so that He can then transform you into the express image of Himself.
Now here are 8 very powerful verses all showing us that we have all been born into this world as corrupt sinners – and that having a true, repentant heart will be the key to being able to receive God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
“For godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation …” (2 Corinthians 7:10)
“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19)
“I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:5)
“Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” (Psalms 51:5)
“… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God …” (Romans 3:23)
As it is written: “There is none righteous, no not one …” (Romans 3:10)
“But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind …” (Isaiah 64:6)
“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us …” (Titus 3:4)
All 8 of these verses are major power verses on being able to understand exactly what needs to be understood before we can really have a true conversion experience with the Lord.
This is why the first three verses are really emphasizing the fact that you must first be willing to repent before God before you can really accept Jesus as your personal Savior. If you would like a bit more information on this topic, we have another article in our site titled “True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation.”
The last 5 verses are stating, without any other possible interpretation, that we have all been born into this world with an inherent sin nature and we have all thus become fallen sinners in this life. As a result, none of us appears truly righteous and good before the eyes of God the Father.
Again, God the Father could not make things any more clear on the basics of our salvation through His Son Jesus than with the way that He has worded all of the above verses.
3. Total Forgiveness of All of Our Sins
Once the sinner has been truly enlightened by the Holy Spirit as to what a sinner they really are, and that a true, repentant heart on their end will now open up the door for them to be able to receive God’s gift of eternal salvation through His Son Jesus Christ – then the last thing that will need to be explained to this person is that once he fully accepts Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior – then all of his past, present and future sins will be fully forgiven.
The verses I will list under this section are again major, foundational verses. God is once again using some very intense language in some of these verses. He says that once the sinner accepts His gift of eternal salvation, then not only are all of his sins fully forgiven – but these sins are no longer “remembered” in His mind. They have now been fully removed from Him as far as the east is from the west! In other words, your slate has now been made fully clean!
Here are 6 very powerful verses showing that all sinners will now have all of their sins fully forgiven and fully wiped clean from their past, present and future if they are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace …” (Ephesians 1:7)
“To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.” (Acts 10:43)
“For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matthew 26:28)
“I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins.” (Isaiah 43:25)
“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities … For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalms 103:2,11)
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
Notice in the last verse it says that you have to first “confess” your sins before the Lord before you can receive His forgiveness for those sins. This is why you have the sinner confess out all of the wrong and sinful things they have ever done in their lives in the above Sinner’s Prayer. You first have to be willing to admit that you are a sinner, and then be willing to confess all of your sins before God can move in to save you and bring you total forgiveness for all of those sins.
Once you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and have had all of your sins fully forgiven – something very awesome will now happen next, which will now lead us right into the next section.
4. You Have Now Become a New Creation – All Things Are Now Brand New
These next 10 verses will now be the icing on the entire cake. As a result of accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, not only are all of your sins fully forgiven, not only will you get to go straight to heaven when you die and cross over – but you have now become a brand new creation in the Lord. As a result of becoming a brand new creation in the Lord, all old things have now passed away and all things have now been made brand new!
In other words, you have now been given a brand new life with a brand new start, along with a brand new heart and a brand new Spirit being put into you by God the Father. This Spirit that God will now be putting into you will be the Holy Spirit Himself.
As you will see in several of the verses I will list below, each person who gets saved and born again receives the Holy Spirit Himself at the exact moment of their conversion. And then the Bible takes it one step further. It says that we are then “sealed” with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
These next 10 verses are so profound, that I think many Christians miss out on what God is really trying to tell them. These verses really need to be meditated on and chewed on. I will go ahead and list each one of them, and then point out some of the key revelation that God is trying to transmit to all of us.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)
“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world …” (Ephesians 2:1)
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” (Colossians 1:13)
And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” (Acts 10:15)
“Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:25)
Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let everyone of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38)
“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” (Ephesians 1:13)
“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)
“Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a deposit.” (2 Corinthians 1:21)
“Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.” (2 Corinthians 5:5)
Put all of these verses together, one right after the other, and you can then see what God is trying to tell you once you become saved and born again. You will now get all of the following benefits and blessings:
You have now become a brand new creation
You have now been made fully alive
All old things have now passed away
All things have now been made brand new
You have now been delivered from the powers of darkness
You have now been translated into the Kingdom of God
You have now been given a brand new heart of flesh
You have now received the Holy Spirit Himself
As a result of having the Holy Spirit now literally living on the inside of you – you have now become a brand new creation and you have now been made fully alive! You also have God’s supernatural power available to you to help transform and sanctify you.
As a result of now having the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of you – you now have His supernatural power to defeat the powers of darkness, whether they be attacking you or anyone else that may be close to you.
This is why the Bible is specifically telling us in the above verse that you have now been delivered from the powers of darkness. Satan and his demons no longer have any ability to continue to have any kind of hold or sway on you because you now have the power of God operating through the Holy Spirit to defeat any demons that may try and come against you.
Another incredible benefit that you will get as a result of having the Holy Spirit now residing on the inside of you is that you will now be given a brand new heart. In the above verse from Ezekiel, God says that He will take out your heart of stone, which is a hard type of heart, and replace it with a heart of flesh, which is tender type of heart that is now capable of feeling compassion and empathy for other people.
As a result of now making Jesus Lord over your life, this means that you have now been given a brand new life with a brand new start. God will now be placing you into His perfect plan and destiny for your life.
God, through His Holy Spirit, will now be leading and guiding you down the path that He will want you to follow in this life. God will be letting you know exactly what your call, what your purpose, and what your divine destiny is going to be in Him.
Your brand new life will now have real meaning and purpose to it – because you will now be finding out exactly why God created you in the first place and exactly what God wants to do with your life.
As a result of this brand new life that God will now be placing out before you, all old things will now past away. You can now finally let go of all of your past, along with all of the hurts and heartaches of your past.
No matter what has happened to you in your past, no matter how many sins you may have committed, and no matter how bad and how vile some of those sins may have been – God can fully forgive you of all of your sins.
God can now wipe your slate fully clean. He can also help clean up any loose ends from your past that may be trying to hold you back from being able to propel full steam ahead into the divine destiny that He now has set up for you and your life.
This is why getting a person saved and born again is the greatest thing you can do for another person this side of heaven. Not only will you get them saved from the fires of a real, live, living hell when they die and cross over – but you will also be giving them a brand new life, with a brand new start and a brand new direction to follow.
The gift of eternal salvation by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, is without question, the greatest and most life-altering experience any person can have this side of heaven.
And God the Father can use each and everyone of you over the course of your life to lead a certain amount of people to this free gift that He is only too happy and too anxious to give to all of those who are willing to repent and believe on Him for this gift.
5. Confess With Your Mouth – Believe From Your Heart
All of the above verses will give you some major, live ammunition to use when you start to try and witness to others about the basics of salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will also be there to help you out with all of this.
The Holy Spirit will also anoint your words as you are speaking them out. And then once those anointed words have been spoken out and they have entered into that person’s mind and spirit – then the Holy Spirit can start to work behind the scenes to help illuminate and enlighten this person’s mind and intellect so they can fully understand what God’s message of eternal salvation is really all about.
The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will wrestle and strive with a man in an effort to try and show them the errors of their ways and the errors of their thinking. This wrestling match that will occur between the unsaved sinner and the Holy Spirit can last anywhere from a few minutes, to a few days, to a few weeks, to several years, to many years – and in some cases, literally right up to the deathbed of that person. Many people have actually been saved right on their deathbeds.
However, in other cases, the Holy Spirit will wrestle, strive and chase after a person for a good portion of their lives, but that person keeps rejecting His strivings over and over again. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will not strive with a man forever. This means that there is a limit to God’s patience. And once that breaking point has been reached with God the Father – then it is over – and that person is then doomed to spend the rest of all of eternity in the most horrible place imaginable when they die and cross over.
God will win some and God will lose some in His efforts and strategies to try and get as many people saved as He possibly can before they die and cross over. And it will be the same with you. Some people you will be able to lead to the Lord and others you will not – no matter how hard you witness to them, and no matter how hard you may pray for them.
Man will always have his free will on all of this – and not even God Himself will force anyone to accept the pardon and redemption that He is willing to offer them through the blood and death of His Son Jesus Christ.
However, there will be many that will accept what Jesus has done for them, especially if they are being properly witnessed to by an anointed, Spirit-filled believer who knows how to flow and operate with his leadings from the Holy Spirit.
Once a sinner has seen the light and the real truth of the gospel, then they are now ready to be led into a true salvation-conversion experience with the Lord. And this is where the above type of Sinners Prayer will now come in.
Here is the verse from Scripture that will show you how a person will actually get saved. This particular verse has to be one of the most powerful verses in all of Scripture – because in this verse is complete revelation on how a person is able to get saved and born again.
Here is the verse, and then I will show you how it lines up with how the above Sinner’s Prayer is worded.
“… if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Romans 10:9)
Notice the following:
1. In the above Sinner’s Prayer, you are instructed to say the prayer out loud. If by chance the person cannot verbally speak the prayer out loud for whatever reason – then they can say the Sinner’s Prayer silently in their own mind to themselves. However, if they can verbally speak out loud without any problems or impediments, then the Sinner’s Prayer should really be said out loud.
Notice in the above verse that it says “with the MOUTH confession is made to salvation” and “if you confess with your MOUTH the Lord Jesus.” Both phrases are using the word “mouth.” Your mouth is what you speak things out with.
This verse is thus telling you that you need to make a public confession out loud with your mouth to God and Jesus when you start saying the Sinner’s Prayer to receive Their gift of eternal salvation. This is why you always have the pastors, evangelists and other believers have the unsaved sinner say the Sinner’s Prayer out loud based upon the specific wording of this verse.
2. The second thing I have listed in the above Sinner’s Prayer is that in addition to confessing all of this out loud – that you also have to believe in all of this from your heart. The wording in the above verse says that you have to “believe in your heart” that God has raised Jesus from the dead.
The Bible tells us that God will give each person a certain measure of faith in order to be able to believe in all of this. This is why the Bible tells us that a person cannot be brought into a true salvation experience unless the Holy Spirit is moving and working with that person. The Holy Spirit will be the One to give this person enough faith and belief to be able to believe in all of this.
3. In the above Sinner’s Prayer, you first have the person start out by stating that they now believe in who Jesus Christ really is. This will help set the stage for being able to accept what Jesus’ death on the cross really means for them.
The first part of the Sinner’s Prayer thus starts out with a very basic statement in that the sinner is now believing that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, that Jesus then came down to our earth in the flesh, and that He then went to die on the cross for all of the sins of this world. This opening statement then ends with the specific wording that the sinner now believes that God has raised Jesus from the dead on the third day from His crucifixion.
The above verse says that you have to believe that God had raised Jesus from the dead. If you don’t or can’t believe that Jesus literally resurrected from the dead on the third day – then you cannot get saved and brought into God’s kingdom. The death and resurrection of Jesus go hand in hand, and both doctrines have to be fully believed before you can get saved and born again.
4. After this opening statement has been made, then the unsaved sinner will confess out all of the wrong and sinful things they have ever done in their lives. In the above caption titled “True Repentance Will Lead to Salvation” – a person cannot enter into a true, salvation experience with the Lord unless they are willing to admit that they are a sinner – and then be willing to confess those sins out – and then be willing to repent and turn away from those sins.
The person does not have to list out each one of their sins individually at this time unless the Lord is specifically wanting them to do it. The Lord may deal with them a little bit later on in the privacy of their own thoughts and life – as this may take some additional time depending on how much of a bad past this person may have.
But for the purposes of getting this person saved, born again and crossed over into the arms of the Lord – all they have to be willing to do at this time is to admit that they are a sinner, and then be willing to confess all of their sins in general to God and Jesus. Notice that you have the person make the statement that they are now willing to confess all of their sins to Jesus – and then they ask God to please forgive them from all of their sins by the blood that Jesus has personally shed for them on the cross.
5. After the above confession is made out on their sins, then the person ends the Sinner’s Prayer by stating that they are now ready to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, and then they will ask Jesus to come into their lives and live with them for all of eternity.
This sinner’s prayer is simple, short, sweet and straight to the point. If this sinner’s prayer is confessed and said out loud, and believed from the heart before the Lord, then that person will become saved and born again – right there on the spot where they complete this prayer. It can literally be that quick and that simple!
A sinner can get saved anywhere at anytime. It can happen at an altar call at a church, or as you are witnessing to someone in the privacy of your own home or their home. It can also happen out in a public setting such as a shopping mall, street corner, or in a car, train, or plane.
It can also happen to someone all by themselves as they are watching a TV minister preach over the TV and then he has them recite the Sinner’s Prayer out loud as he gives them the specific words to say. Many people have been saved right over their TV sets. The Holy Spirit can literally move into a person’s house right off of the anointing that a TV minister may have operating through him.
There is no end to the different ways that God will use to try and get someone saved. And in many of these situations, God is wanting to pull that person in through another believer. The Bible tells us that God the Father wants all of us to become fisherman for Him. As such, every single Christian should always keep their radars up and be very sensitive to any leadings, promptings or unctions they may receive from the Holy Spirit to work with an unsaved person.
As I said at the top of this article, leading an unsaved person into the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has to be the greatest and most awesome experience that either you or the unsaved person can have this side of heaven.
For the person that you will lead into eternal salvation – you will have just given them the greatest gift that anyone can give to them down here in this life – the gift of Jesus Christ and His free gift of eternal salvation.
The personal reward that you will receive for leading a sinner into God’s gift of eternal salvation is the personal satisfaction that you will have that will last for all of eternity – knowing that God had personally used you to channel His knowledge, His power and His anointing through to save that sinner from the fires of a real, live, living hell.
When you really step back and look out at the real big picture – the only thing that really matters in this life is that people get saved, born again and brought home to the Lord when they die and cross over. All of the money these sinners will make, all of the friends they will make in this life, and all of the things they will accomplish in this life will all be for naught if they do not get saved and born again before they die and cross over.
It simply amazes me that so many people are only living this life for the temporary pleasures and luxuries they can get out of this life while they still can – while all the while thinking that they will never really die or have to face God Almighty Himself for any kind of a personal judgment. If there is one thing that we all know for sure – every single one of us is going to physically die and depart from this life sooner or later – no exceptions!
As much as science likes to think that they have a lot of the answers to everything and that we do not need a divine God to answer to or live for – not one of them has yet to find or come up with any kind of solution that will give man personal immortality down here on this earth. No one has yet been able to stop the aging process and the eventual physical death of our bodies. And not only can we not stop the aging and death process, but we can’t even control when and how we are going to die.
Yet man still continues to live thinking that he is going to live forever and that he will never have to face what may be lying on the other side when he does die and cross over.
The big picture is a real bone chilling scenario. Each man and each woman only has one chance, one shot, and one opportunity to see the light and truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ before they die. They will not be given a second chance to see the light and truth of His gospel once they die and cross over. If they wait until they die – it will have already been too late!
Each man and each woman thus walks out this life never knowing when the next day may literally be their last day on this earth.
Knowing that this is the kind of big picture that we all have to face in this life, each and every Christian should always keep themselves open to being able to be used by the Lord to try and get other people saved.
So many of these unsaved and hardened sinners are totally clueless as to how close they really are to falling into the fires of a real, live, living hell. And the only thing that may be standing between them and this real, live, living hell may be you and what God can possibly do through you to reach that hardened sinner’s mind and heart with the truth of His Word.
Remember, you have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself operating through you to be able to effectively witness to others. God will set the stages for you. He can lead you as to who you should be witnessing to, when you are to witness to them, how long you will need to stay with each one of them, and exactly what to say and how to handle each one of them.
God is calling each and every Christian at this time to become a powerful and anointed eagle for Him. You only have a certain number of years on this earth to accomplish everything that God would like for you to accomplish for Him. You only have one shot in the eternal scheme of things to be able to be used by God to save a sinner from a fate of eternal torment and agony.
Don’t lose your one and only chance in being able to be used by God for a major rescue and deliverance mission. Lives are hanging in the balance. You personally may be the difference as to whether or not a certain number of sinners will ever see the love, mercy and saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before they die and cross over.
Remember – the Word of God is your Sword. Keep this Sinner’s Prayer on the tip of your Sword – and always be ready to move into action should the Holy Spirit ever call upon you to literally save the day for a soul that may be headed straight into the pits of a real, live, living hell.
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