heavenly light

heavenly light

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


A GRIEVING HEART IS THANKFUL Thursday – November 18, 2010

“and said: ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.’” –Job 1:21

On October 25, 2010, Luke Bucklin took off in his private plane from Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He was returning home to Minnesota with his three sons after a family vacation. Not long after take off, Luke radioed that he could not maintain altitude because of mountain wind currents. Then there was silence.
During the search, Luke’s family issued the statement: "our heroes ... the incredibly courageous search team, men and women who have worked tirelessly over the past week to find our boys. Our gratitude for their efforts is infinite, and we ask that everyone pray for their continued safety as the mission draws to a close."
Then on November 1, a highly skilled mountain rescue team reached the wreckage of the lost plane. No one survived.
The following week, 1,000 people packed the small church in Edina, Minnesota where Luke and his family worshiped.
Luke’s grieving widow Ginger said: “While I still can't really fathom living life without the Bucklin boys at my side, I feel incredibly blessed and I thank God for bringing them into my life."

We sometimes go through times of incredible grief. But the Lord is faithful and we need to praise Him for all that life brings us. Today in prayer, thank the Lord for the wonderful things in your life. Ask Him to give you the faith and strength to praise Him during times of sorrow.

"If any one would tell you the shortest, surest way to all happiness, and all perfection, he must tell you to make a rule to yourself, to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you." - William Law

God’s Word: “always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – Ephesians 5:20

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Use Your Gift (1)

Use Your Gift (1) 17 Nov 2010

'Having...gifts...let us use them...' Romans 12:6

The Bible says, 'Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them...' (Romans 12:6 NKJV) God has 'graced' you to do certain things well. Now, that doesn't mean doors will automatically open, and, like cream, you'll just rise to the top. Indeed, what you get overnight you can lose overnight. You must first discern your gifts, use every opportunity to sharpen them, learn from your mistakes, and be tenacious about what God's called you to do. In high school 'Sparky' flunked Latin, algebra, English and physics. He made the golf team but promptly lost the only match of the season, then he lost the consolation match. He was awkward socially-more shy than disliked. He never once asked a girl out on a date in high school. One thing, however, was important to Sparky-drawing. He was proud of his artwork even though nobody else appreciated it. He submitted cartoons to the editors of his high school yearbook but they were rejected. Even so, he aspired to be an artist. After high school he sent samples of his work to The Walt Disney Studios. Again he was rejected. But Sparky didn't quit. He decided to write his autobiography in cartoons. The popularity of his cartoon strip eventually led to countless books and television shows. You see, Sparky was Charles Schulz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, the most famous cartoonist of all time. Like his main character, Charlie Brown, Schulz seemed unable to succeed at many things. But he made the most of his God-given talent, refused to quit, and ended up winning. So, use your gift.

Never Betray a Confidence

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Anxious for Nothing

Anxious for Nothing

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God”
(Philippians 4:6, NASB)
So many people today are living uptight, worried and anxious about the future, filled with frustration and concern. In the natural there may be good reason, but understand, living that way is not God’s best. God doesn’t want us to be filled with anxiety and frustration; He wants us to live in peace. You can find rest in Him knowing that no matter what is happening around you, God Almighty has His hand on you.
The next time you’re tempted to worry or be anxious about something, remember this verse. God invites us to come to Him. In fact, the Bible says He rewards those who diligently seek Him. But notice, we can’t just come to Him any old way. He wants us to come to Him with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving. Begin by simply saying, “Father in heaven, thank You for the privilege to come before You. Thank You for hearing my prayers.” As you come to Him with an open and humble heart, He will hear you and fill you with His peace and joy to live free from anxiety all the days of your life!


Heavenly Father, today I choose to be anxious for nothing. I choose to set aside my worries and concerns. I thank You for Your faithfulness to meet every need in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Legalism or Grace? (2)

Legalism or Grace? (2)
We are made fit...by the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus. Hebrews 10:10
Rigid adherence to a list of do's and don'ts appeals to our pride and self-sufficiency by fostering the myth that if we work hard enough we can earn God's favour. That's fear-based thinking, and '...God has not given us a spirit of fear...' (2 Timothy1:7 NLT). 'There is no fear in love...fear has to do with punishment...' (1 John 4:18 NIV). Legalism is fear that God isn't big enough to forgive your sins, that unless you do the right thing in the right way at the right time-and do it perfectly-you're in trouble. Jon Walker writes: 'That's a lie with the smell of hell all over it! When we fear making mistakes we become timid, and limit ourselves from living abundantly. We let...analysis permeate our decisions as we lead quiet, desperate, anti-faith lives, afraid to move with the bold confidence that grace gives us to walk in uncertainty...unafraid of rejection.' Speaking against works-based religion, Martin Luther said, 'Be a sinner and let your sins be strong, but let your trust in Christ be stronger...rejoice in Christ...the victor over sin.' No, Luther wasn't excusing sin! He was restoring grace to its rightful place, affirming that nothing can separate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39). He wasn't downgrading the law, He was upgrading grace. Grace means talking to God and listening for His voice when it would be easier to just consult the rule book. The truth is, when '...[Jesus] entered...heaven...to appear...before God on our behalf' (Hebrews 9:24 NLT), He freed us to have a relationship with Him without fear of sin separating us.

Take Off the Limits

Take Off the Limits

“I have seen that everything [human] has its limits and end [no matter how extensive, noble, and excellent]; but Your commandment is exceedingly broad and extends without limits [into eternity]”
(Psalm 119:96, AMP)
Did you know you can actually limit your life by dwelling on the wrong things? So often, wrong thinking keeps people stuck right where they are. If you think you’ll never accomplish your dreams, then your life will follow your thoughts. If you think you don’t have the talent, the connections or the funds, then you are limiting yourself. We have to remember that God’s promises are forever settled in heaven. His Word stands true throughout all eternity!
Don’t limit what God can do in your life by focusing only on what you see in the natural realm. You have to realize that you serve a supernatural God, and just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a way. God can bring one opportunity across your path that will thrust you to a whole new level. He has explosive blessings in store that can blast you out of where you are and into a place of abundance. If you’ll shift your focus from this earthly realm and start looking at God’s supernatural realm, you’ll see His unlimited possibilities for your future. Take the limits off by setting your thoughts on what He can do in your life today!


Father in heaven, today I lift my eyes to You. You alone are the source of my strength, peace and provision. I choose to delight myself in You knowing that You will give me the desires of my heart. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


I EXALT THEE!                Wednesday – November 10, 2010

“For you, LORD, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods.” – Psalm 97:9

In 1975, Pastor Pete Sanchez, Jr. ministered at Christ Covenant Church in Houston, Texas. One of the goals of his life was to write a praise song for each of the 150 Psalms. He would often have his devotional time at the piano, and he then began singing what is now the first part of the praise song “I Exalt Thee.”
Each time he worshipped in this manner, a little bit more of the song was revealed. The following spring, as he was waiting for his wife prior to going to church, Pete sat down and began to worship. This time the entire song came out. “When I finished it I thought, ‘Well, something just happened, but I don’t know just what,’” said Pete.
That morning he was visiting another church and the pastor asked him to present special music. He sang “I Exalt Thee” and it had a profound effect on the congregation. The song has become a favorite of the church worldwide. One of Pete’s greatest joys was hearing people sing “I Exalt Thee” in ten different languages all at the same time at an international conference. 

Nothing lifts our own spirits and pleases the Lord than praise. Today in prayer, exalt the Lord that He is Lord of all.

“For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth, Thou art exalted far above all gods, For Thou, O Lord, art high above all the earth, Thou art exalted far above all gods, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O Lord, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee, O Lord.” – Pete Sanchez, Jr.

God’s Word: “The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!  – Psalm 18:46

Legalism or Grace? (1)

Legalism or Grace? (1)
..do not set aside...grace... Galatians 2:21
Imagine going to the emergency room and being asked to leave because you're bleeding all over the floor! Jesus encountered that legalistic mindset when he healed a crippled woman on the Sabbath. 'Indignant...the synagogue ruler said..."There are six days for work...come and be healed on those days...' ' (Luke13:14 NIV). Observing the law was more important to him than the people he was supposed to care for. Max Lucado says: 'All religion falls into...two camps: legalism or grace. A legalist believes if you look right, speak right and belong to the right group, you'll be saved...The outside sparkles...but something's missing...Joy. What's there instead? Fear-that you won't do enough. Arrogance-that you've done enough. Failure-that you've made a mistake. Legalism is...slow suffocation of the spirit, amputation of one's dreams...enough religion to keep but not nourish you...Your diet is rules and standards. Legalism...doesn't need God...It's the search for innocence-not forgiveness...a systematic process of defending...explaining...exalting...justifying...It turns my opinion into your burden. There's only room for one opinion...and guess who's wrong? It turns my opinion into your boundary. Your opposing opinion makes me question not only your right to fellowship with me, but your salvation. It turns my opinion into your obligation. Christians must toe the company line. Your job isn't to think, it's to march...Salvation is God's business. Grace is his idea, his work, and his expense. He offers it to whomever he desires, when he desires. Our job is to inform people, not screen them.' Paul writes, 'Do not set aside...grace...for if righteousness comes through the law...Christ died in vain.' Thank God 'he saved us because of his mercy...not...good deeds we did...' (Titus 3:5 NCV).

Monday, 8 November 2010

Don't Judge!

Don't Judge!
'Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen?...' Romans 8:33
When you tear someone down, you're on thin ice with God. The Bible says: '...who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare...point a finger? The One who died for us...is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us...no way!...' (Romans 8:33-35 TM). Your fellow-believers are not perfect, but God says they '...belong to his dear Son' (Ephesians1:6 NLT). There's nothing you can bring against them that God doesn't already know. Stop and think; by discrediting them you're questioning the One who redeemed them, implying He made a mistake and doesn't know what He's doing. You say, 'But shouldn't I speak up when something is wrong?' Yes, but be careful about overstepping your bounds and condemning the person. Your attitude should be one of helpfulness, forgiveness and reconciliation. Anytime you try to judge what you've no authority over, you're out of your jurisdiction! Paul writes, 'Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand' (Romans 14:4 NIV). It's God's job to judge others-and He doesn't need your help to do it!

Show Kindness

Show Kindness
Be kindly affectionate to one another... Romans 12:10
Sometimes we defend our lack of love, kindness, gentleness, patience, and all those other 'fruits of the spirit,' in the name of productivity and hard work. But we can't square it with Christ's teachings. He said, '...whatever you want [others] to do to you, do also to them...' (Matthew 7:12 NKJV). When was the last time you went out of your way to help somebody, expecting nothing in return? Mother Teresa said, 'A day lived without showing love for others, is a day not worth living.' Loving people must be a way of life, a fixed attitude, a commitment we make every day. William Barclay said: 'More people have been brought into the church by the kindness of real Christian love than by all the theological arguments in the world. And more people have been driven from the church by the hardness and ugliness of so-called Christians than by all the doubts in the world.' Have you ever stopped to think that all those little irritations which come your way each day, are just God giving you an opportunity to become more Christ-like? Years ago Chuck Swindoll wrote: 'What does the Lord do to help broaden my horizons and assist me in seeing how selfish I am? Very simple: He gives me four busy kids who step on toes, wrinkle clothes, spill milk, lick car windows, and drop sticky candy on the carpet...being unselfish in attitude strikes at the very core of our being. It means we are willing to forego our own comfort, our own preferences, our own schedule, our own desires for another's benefit. And that brings us back to Christ.'

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Your Prayers Carry Weight with God

Your Prayers Carry Weight with God
...earnest prayer...produces wonderful results. James 5:16
In the Old Testament Abraham journeyed south. When he reached Gerar we read that he '...said of his wife Sarah, "She is my sister." Then Abimelech king of Gerar sent for Sarah and took her' (Genesis 20:2 NIV). Can you imagine how Sarah felt, trapped and alone in the palace, contemplating what lay ahead at the hands of her captor? And what's worse, her husband, the man she trusted with her life, let it happen! We're not privy to how Sarah prayed that night. But she must have touched the heart of God because He '...came to Abimelech in a dream...and said..."the woman you have taken...is...married...return the man's wife...and you will live...if...not...you...will die' (Genesis 20:3-7 NIV). God's directives are always clear; there's never any ambivalence about what He says. 'The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it...wherever he pleases' (Proverbs 21:1 NIV). That means authority figures who don't even know you exist, have to stop and listen when God speaks, because to Him '...one man is not different from another' (Romans 2:11 AMP). So what can you do when you're helpless to change a situation you didn't create? Or when someone you loved and trusted lets you down? Pray! Instead of giving in to bitterness or fear, cry out to God. He will hear you like He heard Sarah. How can you be sure? Because His Word says, 'The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.' No matter how bad things may look right now, and they looked pretty bad for Sarah that night, your prayers carry weight with God.
Bible in a Year: Exodus 20:1-17 M

Friday, 5 November 2010


SING PRAISES TO YOUR NAME            Friday – November 5, 2010

“You exalted me above my foes; from violent men you rescued me. Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O LORD; I will sing praises to your name.” – Psalm 18:48b-49

In 1977, Dave Moody was a piano teacher in Toronto, Canada. He had some time before his first piano lesson, so he sat down at the piano to worship the Lord. “The furthest thing on my mind was the writing of a song,” said Dave. “My only purpose was to spend time with the Lord. Quite suddenly, I began to develop a melody that was coming to me – something I never had played before. And just as quickly came some words that I began to sing, using the melody the Lord was giving. When I finished, I realized the Lord had given me a song.
I played it over several times and put it on paper so I would not forget it.”
Dave played the song the following Sunday at his church. "I opened my eyes to see a congregation of about 800 people all on their knees, worshiping the Lord as they sang, "All Hail King Jesus," he recalls. "It was an experience I shall never forget!"
Within 10 years, people were singing the praise song as far away as India and Japan.

The Lord delights in our praise. Today in prayer, praise the Lord for He is good and He loves you immeasurably.

“All hail king Jesus! All hail Emmanuel!
King of kings, Lord of lords
Bright Morning Star
And throughout eternity I'll sing Your praises
And I'll reign with You throughout eternity” – Dave Moody

God’s Word: “I will sing a new song to you, O God; on the ten-stringed lyre I will make music to you, to the One who gives victory to kings, who delivers his servant David from the deadly sword.  – Psalm 144:9-10

Live Caleb's Way (1)

Live Caleb's Way (1)
'...the Lord has kept me alive...' Joshua 14:10
At the ripe old age of eighty-five, Caleb said to Joshua, '...the Lord has kept me alive...just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war...give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day...And Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb...because he wholly followed the Lord...' (Joshua 14:10-14 NKJV). There was nothing half-baked or half-hearted about Caleb. His dream kept him alive; he got out of bed every morning intent on pursuing it. When God gives you a dream as big as a mountain, it will keep you going while others around you are giving up. But be careful who you listen to. Don't let the critics discourage you by saying, 'You're too old.' The Bible says that like a palm tree, you can produce your greatest harvest of fruit in your final years (Psalm 92:12-14). When the sun goes down the stars come out-so you can shine brightest in the closing chapters of your life. Barbara Klassen says: 'My great-great uncle lived to one hundred and six. He was healthy and spry and took joy in chauffeuring his less able-bodied senior friends around town. On his hundredth birthday his driver's licence came up for renewal. When he went to the licensing bureau a sceptical clerk said, 'You're a hundred years old! What do you need a driver's licence for?' My uncle, completely nonplussed, replied, 'Somebody has to drive the old folks around!' He continued to have a legal driver's licence for the next five years.' Do it Caleb's way: live to the moment you die!

Persevere Until You See the Promise

Persevere Until You See the Promise

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised”
(Hebrews 10:36, NIV)

What are you believing God for today? Promotion? Healing? Stronger relationships? Deliverance? God has promised all these things to you in His Word because it’s His heart for you to live in blessing and wholeness.
When you follow the will of God by obeying His Word and precepts, it opens the door for His promises to be fulfilled in your life. You may be doing all the right things today — don’t give up! Perseverance will carry you to the promise.
Perseverance means that you are focused, that you are believing what God says about your situation. It’s looking away from distractions and any negative, defeating thoughts. Perseverance looks away from discouragement and looks to the Word of God. Perseverance has a voice, and it says things like, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper! If God is for me, who can be against me! I am more than a conqueror through Jesus!”
Whatever you are believing for today, keep believing! Stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. Ask God to give you endurance, perseverance and patience so that you can see His promises fulfilled in every area of your life!


Father in heaven, thank You for Your good promises to me. I ask that You give me a heart that is steadfast and fixed on You. Fill me with Your peace and perseverance so I can live in victory all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Having All That You Need

Having All That
You Need

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”
(2 Corinthians 9:8, NIV)

We serve a God of abundance! He is more than enough! No matter what is on your “plate” of life, God wants to pour out His abundant grace upon you. One of the meanings of grace is God’s good will, loving kindness and favor. His grace keeps us, strengthens us and causes us to increase. In fact, He’s already extending that grace to you right now; all you have to do is open your heart and humbly receive it by faith.
Humility is an important key to receiving God’s grace. If we are seeking our own way, it blocks Him from working in our lives. But when we are humble, then He will empower us by His grace. Notice in this verse that by His grace you will have everything that you need at all times...that’s living in abundance! And when you are living in abundance, you are equipped to be a blessing to those around you. Today, seek His ways first and allow Him to empower you by His grace.


Father in heaven, today I humbly come before You. I surrender my heart, will, mind and emotions to You. I ask that You pour out Your grace on me today and equip me for every good work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


THANKFUL FOR LIFE                Thursday – November 4, 2010

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever.” – Psalm 136:1

On September 10, 2010, Hayward Demison was playing in a football game for Central Catholic High School in Portland, Oregon. He couldn't catch his breath and he ran to the sidelines to get his inhaler. It did not help.
"All of a sudden, I collapsed and I (woke) up a few minutes later with people standing in front of me," he said.
Cardiac nurse Lisa Lyver, who was a spectator in the crowd, performed CPR after Demison's heart stopped for about two minutes.
"I was just happy to be alive because she saved my life," he said. "She's a lifesaver. And I thank God and I thank her for that."
Demison gave spectators a thumbs-up to signal he was OK as he was carried off the field on a stretcher. Since then, tests have revealed that Demison will need heart surgery.
"It kind of hurts to think about it," he said. "(I'm) taking it one day at a time. I'm nervous to go into surgery."
Demison will miss the rest of his junior season at Central Catholic.

The Lord has given us life, and through Christ, He has given us eternal life. Today in prayer, give thanks to the Lord for your life.

“This day and your life are God’s gift to you: so give thanks and be joyful always!” – Jim Beggs

God’s Word: “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – Psalm 106:1

Don't Lose Your Peace of Mind

Don't Lose Your Peace of Mind
'You will keep him in perfect peace...' Isaiah 26:3
We lose our peace of mind for four reasons: 1) We try to change the people in our lives. As you grow wiser you begin to realise that you can't change other people, only God can! And He does, when you back off, and love them as they are. This doesn't mean agreeing with everything they do. It means committing to love them regardless, claiming God's promises on their behalf and allowing Him to deal with them His way, in His time and for His glory. The reason you're stressed out may be because you keep trying to do something-about something you can't do anything about! 2) We try to make things happen when it's not the right time. 'There is a time for everything...' (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV). If you've raised children you know that one of their chief characteristics is impatience; they can't wait for anything. God wants us to outgrow our childishness so He makes us wait, trust, and mature! 3) We get upset because we're not progressing fast enough. You can slow down your spiritual growth through neglect, but ultimately, '...We all...are being changed...[by] the Spirit' (2 Corinthians 3:18 NCV). So learn to enjoy your life while God works on your problems, for you'll always have problems! 4) We push ourselves harder and harder. We do what we think God wants without consulting Him as to what He actually wants, when He wants it, or how He wants it done. As a result we wear ourselves out. What's the solution? 'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is [focused] on You, because he trusts in You.'

He Brings Justice

He Brings Justice

“And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night?”
(Luke 18:7, NIV)
Have you been crying out to the Lord for something? Maybe there’s a situation in your life that’s been overwhelming, and you feel like you’ve done everything you know to do and can’t see a way through. Be encouraged today because we serve a God of justice! He is faithful to His Word, and He will always be faithful to you.
Not only is He a God of justice, He is your vindicator. One thing we have to remember is that our battle is not with the person who may have wronged us. Scripture says that the enemy of our souls, the accuser of the brethren is our ultimate enemy. Know today that God already has a plan; He already knows the future, and He will bring about justice! Before eternity is through, He will right the wrongs that have been done to you.
Your part is to release the situation into His capable hands. You don’t have to straighten everybody out or right the wrongs in your life, that’s God’s job. Trust Him with your future because the God of justice is working things out on your behalf!


Father God, today I release every care, every concern, every situation that is beyond my control. I trust that You are working things out for my good, and You are bringing justice to me. Thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Appreciate Your Wife

Appreciate Your Wife
'...a good wife... is worth more than rubies.' Proverbs 31:10
Do you have any idea how hard your wife works to be a good mother? Imagine this: Six dads are dropped on a desert island with one car and three kids each for six weeks. Each child will play two sports and take music or dance lessons. There's no fast food, and every man has to correct homework, help with science projects, cook meals, do laundry, budget for groceries, pay the bills without enough money, know the birthdays of friends and relatives and send cards. In addition, he has to take each kid for haircuts and to doctor and dentist appointments, bake cakes for school functions, plant flowers, and keep his home presentable at all times. He can only watch TV after the kids are in bed and his chores are done, and then he must have enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's notice. He should be well-groomed, go to church at least once a week, read to his kids, pray with them every night, pack their lunches and favourite snacks, fix breakfast, make sure they're dressed and on the school bus by 8.00 am. At the end of six weeks every guy will be tested on his child's height, weight, shoe size, favourite colour, song, drink, toy, and their biggest fear. And here's the best part-the winner gets to play the game over and over again for the next eighteen to twenty-one years! So, do you still think you want to change places with your wife? The Bible says: '...go all out in your love for your wives...' (Ephesians 5:25 TM) because 'a good wife... is worth more than rubies.'

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (2)

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (2)
'...you should follow His steps.' 1 Peter 2:21
Jesus knew He didn't have to prove Himself. At the cross, sceptics said, '...If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross' (Matthew 27:40 KJV). His reaction? He refused to let their comments intimidate Him or alter His plans. He didn't need their approval; He already had His Father's: '...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased' (Matthew 3:17KJV). Jesus didn't waste time answering His critics. '...Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge-to the great amazement of the governor' (Matthew27:14 NIV). Jesus responded to hunger, to need, to seekers, but not to people trying to trap Him. You owe nothing to a critic. 'Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words' (Proverbs 23:9KJV). Do you know why there's never been a monument built to a critic? Because critics are spectators, not players! Jesus didn't focus on the past, but the future. His mother was pregnant with Him before she was married. Only a few people knew the truth. Jesus grew up with this, yet He didn't feel the need to explain it. Stop complaining that your family was poor, or talking about your limited education, or repeating stories of those who failed you, or advertising your pain, or meditating on your flaws. All of us are challenged in some way. 'Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing...' (Isaiah 43:18-19KJV). Satan discusses our yesterdays; apparently that's the only information he has about us. Jesus discusses our tomorrows. So if you want to follow in His footsteps, focus on what's ahead.

One Thought at a Time

One Thought at a Time

“...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”
(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV)

Transforming something in your life whether it’s your attitude, mindset, financial situation or bringing change into a relationship can seem like an overwhelming task. But as the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Likewise, the way you change your life is one thought at a time.
Your thoughts set the direction of your life. If you need to change the direction you are headed, you simply need to change your thoughts in that area. When a thought comes to your mind that “you’re never going to get well; this is your lot in life,” don’t dwell on that. Don’t sit around and have a pity party. No, immediately reject it and replace it with God’s Word. Just say, “Father, You said in Isaiah, ‘By the stripes of Jesus I am healed.’ You said in Jeremiah, ‘You would restore health unto me.’ So Father, I thank You that I’m coming out of this in the name of Jesus.”
I encourage you to be aggressive in taking every single thought and making it obedient to Christ. Stay determined, stay focused and keep declaring His Word because you can change your life, one thought at a time!


Father God, thank You for empowering me today to become better, stronger, more alive and blessed. I receive Your Word as truth and choose to change my life one thought at a time. Thank You for leading me and guiding me by Your Spirit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (1)

Following in the Footsteps of Jesus (1)
'...you should follow His steps.' 1 Peter 2:21
If you want to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, observe the following things about Him: 1) He never acted in haste. He didn't make decisions in response to the pressure tactics of others. Skilled negotiators know that waiting is a weapon; whoever is the most hurried usually ends up with the short end of the deal. Waiting reveals the weakness in any plan, plus the motives of those around you. Your greatest mistakes will often happen because of impatience, so think long term. 2) He knew when to work and when to rest. In the storm on the Sea of Galilee the disciples sweated, but Jesus slept. In the garden of Gethsemane the disciples slept, but Jesus sweated. That's because He knew when to work and when to rest. Knowing when to act and when to trust, what to give your attention to and what to leave in God's hands, is a secret you must learn if you're to do God's will and not burn out. Nobody was busier than Jesus. Everybody wanted something from Him. The more successful you are the more people will reach for you. Jesus separated Himself in order to receive. He understood that you can't give what you don't have. Work means giving; rest means receiving. Jesus understood the balance; that's why He accomplished so much in three short years. When you're rested you think more clearly, you make better decisions, you see life through confident eyes, you accomplish more in less time, and what you build is built to last. So stop your frantic rush. Following in the footsteps of Jesus means being led, not driven!


INGRATITUDE                    Monday – November 1, 2010

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened." - Romans 1:21

In 1992, the movie “A Few Good Men” debuted. One of its stars was Demi Moore. Sony Pictures graciously sent an eight passenger Lear jet to her home in Idaho to fly Ms Moore to New York to attend the premiere of the film.
Moore promptly demanded that the studio send a second plane. The problem? The first one, she explained, was too small to carry all of her luggage without stacking bags on top of one another.
Her husband, Bruce Willis, also showed his ingratitude. He held up production of his own television show “Moonlighting.” He was filming a ski commercial and the studio sent a jet to rush him back to tape his show. Willis is said to have refused the jet hired by the studio because it was too small.

We need to be grateful for all the God has given us and not think we are “entitled” to better treatment. Today in prayer, confess any sin of ingratitude and be thankful to the Lord.

“Ingratitude is always a kind of weakness. I have never seen that clever men have been ungrateful.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

God's Word: "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy" - 2 Timothy 3:2



“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — His good, pleasing and perfect will”
(Romans 12:2, NIV)

Most people have things in their lives that they want to change — old habits, addictions or something they want to overcome. The world offers so many “solutions” to improve your life; but really, the only way we are truly changed, the only way to be permanently transformed is by renewing your mind with the Word of God.
The scripture tells us that we shouldn’t follow the pattern of the world. What is the pattern of the world? It’s the constant striving to do more, be more and have more that only leads to weariness, emptiness and frustration. That’s not what God intends! Instead, focus your thoughts on the Word of God because when you make the Word your number one focus, something supernatural takes place.
Only you can control the doorway to your mind. Nobody can do this for you. You choose what you meditate on and what you set before your eyes. I encourage you to stay on the offensive and diligently guard your mind and heart because when you do things God’s way, you get God’s results — life, peace and joy!


Father God, today I submit myself to You and to Your Word. I invite You to transform me into Your image. Help me to make wise choices and keep me close to You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.