THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS Wednesday - September 1, 2010
“Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers righteousness on you.” – Hosea 10:12
During World War I, the British Army liberated Palestine from the Turks. As the British approached Beersheeba, they outdistanced the camel train that was carrying their water. Soon their canteens were empty and slowly many of the soldiers began to become extremely dehydrated in the desert. They knew that there were wells at Sheria and so they pressed on, knowing that if they did not take the wells there by nightfall thousands of them would die. In his book, The Romance of the Last Crusade, Major Vivian Gilbert recounts that day: “We fought that day as men fight for their lives and we were victorious. Entering Sheria station on the heels of the retreating Turks, the first objects which met our view were the great stone cisterns full of cold, clear, drinking water. We lined up in formation and waited our turn to drink. First the sick and wounded, then unit by unit. It took four hours before the last man was able to drink. Standing there at attention in that blazing heat all that time we could hear the water, smell it. I believe that we all learned our first real Bible lesson on that march from Beersheba to Sheria wells. If such were our thirst for God, for righteousness, for His will in our life, a consuming, all-embracing preoccupying desire, how rich the fruits of the Spirit would be."
The Lord desires to shower His righteousness on us, but we must thirst for it. Today in prayer, desire Christ in all you do and thirst for His righteousness.
"My only hope is that I shall be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ." - M. Lloyd-Jones
God’s Word: “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place” – Ephesians 6:14
heavenly light

Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Your Work Matters to God (1)
Your Work Matters to God (1) |
..."My Father never stops working, and so I keep working, too." John 5:17 |
A salesman stopped to visit a client and was amazed to find a big dog emptying wastebaskets. 'All part of the job!' the dog said cheerfully. 'Does your boss know how fortunate he is to have a talking dog?' the salesman asked. 'No,' replied the dog, 'and don't tell him - or he'll have me answering phones next!' The Bible says, '...there is nothing better than to...find satisfaction in work...these pleasures are from...God' (Ecclesiastes 2:24 NLT). Max Lucado says, "Before God gave Adam a wife or child... He gave him a job in "the garden... to cultivate... and keep it" (Genesis 2:15 NAS)." God deems work worthy of its own engraved commandment: "You shall work six days, but on the seventh... you shall rest..." (Exodus 34:21 NAS). But emphasis on the day of rest can make us miss the command to work... your work matters to God... and society... Cities need plumbers. Nations need soldiers. Stoplights break. Bones break... Someone has to raisekids, raise cane, and manage the kids who raise Cain! Whether you log-on or lace-up... you imitate God... Jesus said, '..."My Father never stops working... so I keep working too"' (John 5:17 NCV). Your career consumes half your life. Shouldn't it broadcast God? Don't those 40-60 hours belong to Him too? The Bible never promotes work-a-holism as pain medication, but God calls the physically able to till the gardens He gives... So use your uniqueness (what you do), to make a big deal out of God (why you do it), every day of your life (where you do it).' |
When Your World Shakes
When Your World Shakes
God is...a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed.
Psalm 46:1-2
Recommended Reading
Isaiah 41:10-13
At first they couldn't believe it. Fifteen days after Haiti's devastating earthquake, workers found a miracle survivor. Darline Etienne, 16, was pulled from the rubble barely breathing and hardly able to speak. She'd apparently been alone in the house taking a shower when the quake struck. The house collapsed on her, but since she was in the bathroom, she had access to water. That's what saved her life. As she was pulled from the ruins, she weakly asked for her mother. She was immediately given food, medical care, and loving assurance.
Just as an earthquake victim eagerly accepts rescue and the provisions of food and clothing, we should look to the Lord for all we need. The psalmist said, "Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, until He has mercy on us" (Psalm 123:2).
God provides one blessing after another, and His reserves are never diminished. Trust Him to rescue and provide for you today.
In the presence of Jesus there is sheer thrilling effervescence in life. A gloom-encompassed Christianity is an impossibility.
William Barclay
God is...a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed.
Psalm 46:1-2
Recommended Reading
Isaiah 41:10-13
At first they couldn't believe it. Fifteen days after Haiti's devastating earthquake, workers found a miracle survivor. Darline Etienne, 16, was pulled from the rubble barely breathing and hardly able to speak. She'd apparently been alone in the house taking a shower when the quake struck. The house collapsed on her, but since she was in the bathroom, she had access to water. That's what saved her life. As she was pulled from the ruins, she weakly asked for her mother. She was immediately given food, medical care, and loving assurance.
Just as an earthquake victim eagerly accepts rescue and the provisions of food and clothing, we should look to the Lord for all we need. The psalmist said, "Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, until He has mercy on us" (Psalm 123:2).
God provides one blessing after another, and His reserves are never diminished. Trust Him to rescue and provide for you today.
In the presence of Jesus there is sheer thrilling effervescence in life. A gloom-encompassed Christianity is an impossibility.
William Barclay
And God said...................
And God Said…
"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light"
(Genesis 1:3, NIV)
(Genesis 1:3, NIV)
When God commanded light to come forth, it came—at 186,000 miles per second! Friend, when God commands something, you can be sure that it's going to happen.
Just like He commanded the worlds to be formed, God has commanded that you be blessed. He has commanded that you prosper and increase. He has commanded that you be above only and not beneath. As a believer and follower of Jesus, you are called to be the head and not the tail. If you will get into agreement with God and not let other people or your own thoughts talk you out of it, then you will see this commanded blessing take you further than you ever thought possible.
Today, set your heart and mind on His goodness. Believe that He is ready to take you places that you've never dreamed. Receive His promises because He is faithful. If God said it, He will do it! Get ready because He is pouring out His blessing on every area of your life!
Father God, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness. Thank You for the power in Your Word to change my world. I choose to get into agreement with You and declare that Your will be done in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Monday, 30 August 2010
DON’T BE A GRUMBLER Tuesday - August 31, 2010
“These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.” – Jude 1:16
The London Telegram newspaper compiled a listing of the 20 ridiculous complaints made by holidaymakers (those on vacation). It is a listing of true complaints made to hotels throughout the world. Here are some of the most noteworthy complaints:
"The beach was too sandy."
"We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow but it was white."
"I was bitten by a mosquito - no-one said they could bite."
"We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our swimming suits and towels."
"No-one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled."
"It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England it only took the Americans three hours to get home."
A guest at a Novotel in Australia complained his soup was too thick and strong. He was inadvertently slurping the gravy at the time.
Grumbling begets grumbling. When we complain we are only practicing for our next complaint. Today in prayer, confess any constant grumbling in your own life and seek to find peace in Jesus Christ.
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr
God’s Word: “Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!” – James 5:9
“These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage.” – Jude 1:16
The London Telegram newspaper compiled a listing of the 20 ridiculous complaints made by holidaymakers (those on vacation). It is a listing of true complaints made to hotels throughout the world. Here are some of the most noteworthy complaints:
"The beach was too sandy."
"We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as yellow but it was white."
"I was bitten by a mosquito - no-one said they could bite."
"We booked an excursion to a water park but no-one told us we had to bring our swimming suits and towels."
"No-one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled."
"It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England it only took the Americans three hours to get home."
A guest at a Novotel in Australia complained his soup was too thick and strong. He was inadvertently slurping the gravy at the time.
Grumbling begets grumbling. When we complain we are only practicing for our next complaint. Today in prayer, confess any constant grumbling in your own life and seek to find peace in Jesus Christ.
“Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses.” – Alphonse Karr
God’s Word: “Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!” – James 5:9
What's Your Attitude Towards Your Child?
What's Your Attitude Towards Your Child? |
...When he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion [on him]... Luke 15:20 |
Chuck Colson writes, 'When I was at Buckingham Palace... Prince Philip asked me, "What can we do about crime here in England?" I replied, "Send more children to Sunday school." He thought I was joking. But I pointed out a study by sociologist Christy Davies, which found that in the first half of the 1800s British society was marked by high levels of crime and violence, which dropped dramatically in the late 1800s and early 1900s. What changed an entire nation's national character? Throughout that period attendance at Sunday schools rose steadily until by 1888, a full 75 per cent of children in England were enrolled. Since then attendance has fallen off... with a corresponding increase in crime and disorder. If we fill the Sunday schools we can change hearts and restore society.' Does that mean our children will never lose their way? No, it just means they'll realise the truth of what they were taught, recall the joys of being in 'Father's house', and return because they know they'll be welcomed back. You'll notice, no charge of parental neglect is laid at the doorstep of the prodigal's father. He was a great role model. He supported his children financially and emotionally. He guided them without forcing them to conform. He gave them room to fail - and a place to return. What does reflect on us as parents, however, is our attitude towards them. Your child may be 'a great way off', but they need to know you care, that you love and pray for them, and that you'll welcome them home. |
Our Help
Our Help
Then she came and worshipped Him, saying, "Lord, help me!"
Matthew 15:25
Recommended Reading
Psalm 121
Earlier this year, a black bear in Vermont got into trouble. He was nosing around where he shouldn't and got his head stuck in an old-fashioned milk can. He lumbered around for hours bumping into trees and boulders before being spotted near the highway to Reading. It took quite a while for biologists, firefighters, and police to figure out how to help him. They used soap to lubricate his head, but that didn't work. Finally they managed to cut the can off his head.
It happens to all of us from time to time. But we have a God who is a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). He is our help and our shield (Psalm 33:20). Our help comes from the One who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:2). When we pray, we're coming to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). "Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God" (Psalm 146:5, emphasis added).
O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come....
Isaac Watts
BEWARE OF CHARLATANS! Monday - August 30, 2010
“For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” – Jude 1:4
One night in 1973, José Luis de Jesús Miranda awoke and claims to have had a vision of two hulking men at his bedside that announced the arrival of the Lord, who, said Miranda, "came to me and integrated with me."
In 1986, the Puerto Rican native founded the Growing in Grace International Ministry in Miami, Florida. In 2005, at Growing in Grace's world convention in Venezuela, Miranda declared himself Christ. He has now called himself the Antichrist and revealed a "666" tattooed on his forearm. Miranda’s explanation: that, as the second coming of Christ, he rejects the continued worship of Jesus of Nazareth.
Miranda preaches to followers in more than 35 nations, mostly in Latin America, and has nearly 300 radio programs and a 24-hour Spanish-language TV network.
In interviews, comparing himself to Jesus Christ, Miranda has said: “I am greater than him . . . I teach better than him . . . I won’t die. Even if you tried to kill me! I will be president of the biggest government that this earth has experienced. I’m going to change the whole world.”
There is only one Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone else is an imposter leading people astray. Today in prayer, thank the Lord that as we study the Bible, we get to know better the only true God, Jesus Christ.
“By entertaining of strange persons, men sometimes entertain angels unawares: but by entertaining strange doctrines, many have entertained devils unawares.” – John Flavel
God’s Word: “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” – Titus 1:16
“For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” – Jude 1:4
One night in 1973, José Luis de Jesús Miranda awoke and claims to have had a vision of two hulking men at his bedside that announced the arrival of the Lord, who, said Miranda, "came to me and integrated with me."
In 1986, the Puerto Rican native founded the Growing in Grace International Ministry in Miami, Florida. In 2005, at Growing in Grace's world convention in Venezuela, Miranda declared himself Christ. He has now called himself the Antichrist and revealed a "666" tattooed on his forearm. Miranda’s explanation: that, as the second coming of Christ, he rejects the continued worship of Jesus of Nazareth.
Miranda preaches to followers in more than 35 nations, mostly in Latin America, and has nearly 300 radio programs and a 24-hour Spanish-language TV network.
In interviews, comparing himself to Jesus Christ, Miranda has said: “I am greater than him . . . I teach better than him . . . I won’t die. Even if you tried to kill me! I will be president of the biggest government that this earth has experienced. I’m going to change the whole world.”
There is only one Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone else is an imposter leading people astray. Today in prayer, thank the Lord that as we study the Bible, we get to know better the only true God, Jesus Christ.
“By entertaining of strange persons, men sometimes entertain angels unawares: but by entertaining strange doctrines, many have entertained devils unawares.” – John Flavel
God’s Word: “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” – Titus 1:16
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Make Giving a Lifestyle
Make Giving a Lifestyle |
...God loves a person who gives cheerfully. 2 Corinthians 9:7 |
A child who had just learned to tie his shoelaces was crying, so his mum asked, 'Is it that hard?' 'No,' he sobbed, 'but now I'll have to do it for the rest of my life!' Is that how you feel about giving? You want to learn, but you're not sure that you want to make it a lifestyle? Some swallows were teaching their young to fly from a branch overhanging a lake. One by one the mother bird pushed each of her chicks to the end, until somewhere between the branch and the water they discovered they could fly. Their mother understood what they didn't: until you learn to fly you're not really living! Understand this: giving is an action built into us by God; it's the air into which we were born. But until you realise that, you'll cling to everything you have! The Bible says, '...Whoever sows generously will also reap generously' (2 Corinthians 9:6 NIV). Everything in life begins with a seed. Your seed is anything that can multiply: your love, your time or your money. Your harvest is what comes back to you in benefits such as joy, good relationships, and - yes - finances. If what you have is not enough to be a harvest, sow it as a seed, believing God will multiply it back to you in the areas you need it most. Go ahead, you'll love the results! Giving is like flying. When you learn to let go of what you're clinging to and launch out, you will realise, 'This is how I was born to live!' |
Commanded Blessings
Commanded Blessings
"If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God"
(Deuteronomy 28:1-2, NIV)
(Deuteronomy 28:1-2, NIV)
There is a blessing that God has for every one of His children that will cause you to rise out of lack into abundance! It will take you from barely getting by to living in overflow. It brings supernatural increase! We were never created to drag through life constantly struggling. If we're going to receive His blessings, we have to come into agreement with His Word in our minds, hearts and actions.
This commanded blessing is found in Deuteronomy 28. It tells us that if we will live a life that honors God and obey His Word, then all these blessings will chase us down and overtake us. It says that you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. God will open up to you His good treasury and cause you to lend and not borrow. He will make you plenteous in goods and give you a surplus of increase.
Today, let this truth sink down into your spirit: the Creator of the universe has commanded blessing upon you. Receive it today and choose to walk in complete obedience to Him!
Father God, thank You for Your commanded blessing. I receive Your truth today which sets me free. Help me, by Your Spirit, to follow Your commands so that I may live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
You Have the Power, So Use It!
You Have the Power, So Use It! | will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you... Acts 1:8 |
When Ray and Dorothy Buker went to Burma in 1926, there were other missionaries there. These missionaries had established their own banking system and afternoon tea routine, complete with trained butlers, none of which fitted Buker's concept of preaching the gospel. A former Olympian, accustomed to hardship, he wanted to go where others wouldn't, and that brought him north into China. When his wife suffered a nervous breakdown and help wasn't available, Buker prayed, read to her, and nursed her back to health. During World War II he fled for his life from the Japanese army, and when he died at 92 he left a legacy of souls won to Christ. Where did Buker get his grit and tenacity? Jesus said, 'When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power to preach with great effect.' During the early days of computers, when the power went out, if you hadn't saved your work you lost it. Now an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) stops that from happening. God never intended us to operate using the world's system, because His Spirit gives us the power to do five things. First, we are given the power to choose, by keeping us 'established... [strong in... purpose]... having control over [our]... will and desire...' (1 Corinthians 7:37 AMP) Second, we have the power to endure. Handling trials with grace proves that 'our... power is from God, not from ourselves' (2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT) Third we are given the power to overcome: 'We are weak... but... we... live... by the power of God' (2 Corinthians 13:4 RSV) Fourth, we are given the power to minister: 'According to the... working of his power' (Ephesians 3:7 RSV) Finally, we have the power to witness: 'For the kingdom of God depends not on talk but on power' (1 Corinthians 4:20 RSV). You have the power, so use it! |
Bible Bad Boys: Saul of Tarsus--Redemption Personified
Bible Bad Boys: Saul of Tarsus--Redemption Personified
Now Saul was consenting to [Stephen's] death.
Acts 8:1a
Recommended Reading
Acts 9:1-19
When we read the stories of bad men gone good--like the English slave trader, John Newton, or the New York street gang leader, Nicky Cruz, who both became champions for Christ--we are amazed. But we are amazed because we think bad men just decided to be good, that it was their idea, accomplished in their own strength. Nothing could be further from the truth--and one of the "baddest" boys in the Bible, Saul of Tarsus, proves the point.
Before he became the apostle Paul, Saul of Tarsus had a warped sense of morality. He was an Old Testament scholar who thought that killing innocent people (followers of Jesus) was pleasing to God. Saul's life was changed over a three-day period following a radical confrontation with the same Jesus he was persecuting. Blind during that period, he spent 72 hours considering the fact that the Jesus he hated had just called him into His service (Acts 9:18-20). Saul was supernaturally redeemed, and it wasn't his idea.
You may not have led a life of crime before being saved, but the idea for your redemption came from the same source as John Newton's, Nicky Cruz's, and Saul's: It came from Jesus.
No creature that deserved redemption would need to be redeemed. They that are whole need not a physician.
C. S. Lewis
Friday, 27 August 2010
Work on Your Attitude!
Work on Your Attitude! |
...the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him. Psalm 32:10 |
The most important choice you make each day is your choice of an attitude. So choose, first, an attitude of thanksgiving. 'In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God... for you' (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV). Paul was in prison when he wrote those words, so his attitude wasn't based on his surroundings; it was a choice he made. Second, choose an attitude of trust. '...the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him.' Where does such trust come from? Feeding daily on God's Word! Nehemiah's wall-builders were surrounded by enemies, yet they were able to 'celebrate... because they understood the words which had been made known to them' (Nehemiah 8:12 NAS). God's Word gives you confidence! Satan doesn't fear your sin; he knows God can forgive it. He doesn't fear your depression; he knows God can drive it away. He doesn't fear your lack; he knows God can provide. He fears your discovery of God's Word, because your ignorance of it is the most effective weapon he can use against you. Finally, choose an attitude of love. 'These things I have spoken to you... that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one another...' (John 15:11-12 NKJV). Love says, 'I accept you as you are, care when you hurt, desire only what's best for you, and erase all offences.' It refuses to look for ways to run, and opts for working things through. It's resilient. While the world around gives the opposite advice, love stands firm. |
When Less Is More
When Less Is More
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13
Recommended Reading
Romans 5:3-5
"Less" plays a significant role in our lives. On the one hand, it's good to be fearless, ceaseless, ageless, cordless, errorless, guiltless, painless, and odorless. On the other hand, we don't want to be jobless, friendless, homeless, penniless, fruitless, shiftless, spineless, aimless, careless, feckless, or lifeless--especially lifeless! But of all the things we don't want to have less of, none is as important as hope. We definitely need to have less hopelessness.
In Romans 5:3-5 the apostle Paul had a way of explaining why hope is an ultimate value to grasp in life. And how it derives from an unlikely source: tribulations. "Tribulation," he wrote, "produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us." When we lose hope in the face of tribulation, it means we have lost sight of God's love that was poured out in our heart. And to lose touch with God's love--to be loveless--is to lose touch with the greatest thing of all (1 Corinthians 13:13).
Hope, then, is a measure of our realization of God's love. Grasp His love today, and you will grasp hope as well!
Christianity knows nothing of hopeless cases.
Alexander Maclaren
Crowned with Goodness
Crowned with Goodness
"You crown the year with Your bounty and goodness…"
(Psalm 65:11, AMP)
(Psalm 65:11, AMP)
The Lord has crowned your year with bounty and goodness! That means there is an abundant supply for whatever you may need—spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially. He has also set up a system so that you can access His blessings. It's the system of seedtime and harvest. If you have a need in your life, sow a seed. For example, if you're lonely and need friends, sow a seed by being a friend to someone. If you have a financial need, pray and ask the Lord where you should sow a financial seed. The Bible says to give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. That's God crowning your year with bounty and goodness. Do you need mercy? Sow seeds of mercy. The more you sow, the more you will reap a harvest from God's abundant bounty.
Remember, He's already crowned your year with His goodness. Take a step of faith today and believe that God is ready to pour out His abundant blessing on you all the days of your life.
Heavenly Father, thank You for supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory. I submit my resources to You today and ask You to show me where I can sow seeds and be a blessing to those around me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
Always Give Your Best
Always Give Your Best |
...Don't just do the minimum that will get you by... Colossians 3:23 |
One of Michelangelo's greatest masterpieces was his sculpture of David. He worked on it with such passion that he often slept in his clothes, resenting the time it took to take them off and put them on again. He repeatedly examined and measured the marble to see what pose it could accommodate. He made hundreds of sketches of possible attitudes, and detailed drawings from models. He tested his ideas in wax on a small scale, and only when he was satisfied did he pick up his chisel and mallet. He approached the painting of the Sistine Chapel with the same intensity. Lying at uncomfortable angles on hard boards, breathing the suffocating air just under the vault, he suffered from inflamed eyes and skin irritation from the plaster dust. For the next four years he literally sweated in physical distress; but look at what he produced! Dr Martin Luther King Jr said, 'If a man is called to be a street sweeper he should sweep streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause and say, "Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well"'. If you're not passionate about what you do, find something you can be passionate about! Don't just strive to make money, strive to make a difference. Significance should be your goal, not survival. Paul gives us the ultimate reason for always giving our best: '...Don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best... Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you're serving is Christ' (vv. 23-24 TM). |
Always Give Your Best
THE DESIRE FOR PEACE Friday - August 27, 2010
“Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” – Jude 1:1-2
In 2003, Donna Pettigrew of Littleton, Colorado, had a vision to collect soccer balls, shoes, and other retired equipment, and share it with soccer-loving children around the world.
She saw it as a way to spread peace through the world. She began the Rush Equipment Assisting Children (R.E.A.C.H) project and her group has distributed more than half a million pieces of gear to places like Iraq.
"I got a request from one of our coaches who was over in Iraq, who wanted 100 balls. We ended up sending five tons of equipment," Pettigrew said.
She is now raising equipment to send to 22 African countries.
"Soccer is the world's sport, it brings nations together," Pettigrew said
The U.S. military will transport the donations to Africa, as well as Afghanistan, where Pettigrew said, soccer balls will be dropped from helicopters instead of bombs.
Every heart desires peace, but that is only possible when we give our heart to the Prince of Peace. Today in prayer, give thanks to the Lord that in Jesus Christ, no matter what our situation is in life, we have peace.
“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” – Gerald Majella
God’s Word: “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” – 2 Peter 1:2
“Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” – Jude 1:1-2
In 2003, Donna Pettigrew of Littleton, Colorado, had a vision to collect soccer balls, shoes, and other retired equipment, and share it with soccer-loving children around the world.
She saw it as a way to spread peace through the world. She began the Rush Equipment Assisting Children (R.E.A.C.H) project and her group has distributed more than half a million pieces of gear to places like Iraq.
"I got a request from one of our coaches who was over in Iraq, who wanted 100 balls. We ended up sending five tons of equipment," Pettigrew said.
She is now raising equipment to send to 22 African countries.
"Soccer is the world's sport, it brings nations together," Pettigrew said
The U.S. military will transport the donations to Africa, as well as Afghanistan, where Pettigrew said, soccer balls will be dropped from helicopters instead of bombs.
Every heart desires peace, but that is only possible when we give our heart to the Prince of Peace. Today in prayer, give thanks to the Lord that in Jesus Christ, no matter what our situation is in life, we have peace.
“Who except God can give you peace? Has the world ever been able to satisfy the heart?” – Gerald Majella
God’s Word: “Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” – 2 Peter 1:2
A Chat with Dr. Devi Shetty (Heart Specialist) - Very Useful!
Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
(Heart Specialist) Bangalore
A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
(Heart Specialist) Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees .
The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.
Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?
1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control blood pressure and sugar
Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?
Ans: No
Qn: It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person
gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?
Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.
Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary?
Ans: Yes
Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress?
Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.
Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?
Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints
Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?
Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient.
Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?
Ans: Extremely rare.
Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age
(I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?
Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.
Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?
Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.
Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?
Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.
Qn: Can yoga prevent heart ailments?
Ans: Yoga helps.
Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?
Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.
Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?
Ans: All oils are bad .
Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?
Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.
Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?
Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position , place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.
Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?
Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.
Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.
Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.
Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?
Ans: Yes.
Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?
Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have a software engineer as a child
Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you recommend?
Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.
Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short / long term)?
Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.
Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?
Ans : No.
Qn: How would you define junk food?
Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.
Qn: You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?
Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are vulnerable for the most expensive disease.
Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?
Ans : No.
Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emails on this)?
Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up.
Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?
Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.
Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise?
Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.
Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?
Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.
Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?
Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control cholesterol, BP, weight.
Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?
Ans : No.
Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?
Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to
reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.
Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?
Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45. (Present Global census show that the Percentage of heart disease in women has increased than in men )
Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition?
Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkup s if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months recommended) ....
Send it to all your friends....... They might be benefitted……
(Heart Specialist) Bangalore
A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
(Heart Specialist) Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees .
The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.
Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?
1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
3. Quit smoking
4. Control weight
5. Control blood pressure and sugar
Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?
Ans: No
Qn: It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person
gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?
Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.
Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary?
Ans: Yes
Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress?
Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.
Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?
Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints
Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?
Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient.
Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?
Ans: Extremely rare.
Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age
(I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?
Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.
Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?
Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.
Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?
Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.
Qn: Can yoga prevent heart ailments?
Ans: Yoga helps.
Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?
Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.
Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?
Ans: All oils are bad .
Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?
Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.
Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?
Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position , place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.
Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?
Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.
Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.
Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.
Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?
Ans: Yes.
Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?
Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have a software engineer as a child
Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you recommend?
Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.
Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short / long term)?
Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.
Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?
Ans : No.
Qn: How would you define junk food?
Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.
Qn: You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?
Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are vulnerable for the most expensive disease.
Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?
Ans : No.
Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emails on this)?
Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up.
Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?
Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.
Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise?
Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.
Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?
Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.
Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?
Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control cholesterol, BP, weight.
Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?
Ans : No.
Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?
Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to
reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.
Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?
Ans : No.
Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?
Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45. (Present Global census show that the Percentage of heart disease in women has increased than in men )
Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition?
Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkup s if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months recommended) ....
Send it to all your friends....... They might be benefitted……
Life in the Valley
Life in the Valley
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they
comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
Recommended Reading
Mark 9:2-13
Who doesn't love the mountains? The views, the cool, invigorating air, the absence of mosquitoes! In ancient times, worship--both pagan and real--was always in "high places," mentioned nearly eighty times in the Old Testament. The temple in Jerusalem was on the top of Mount Moriah; it was on a mountaintop where Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John (Mark 9:2).
As nice as mountaintops are, we live in the valleys below. Even Jesus refused Peter's request to set up shelters on the mountaintop to extend their stay. By their very nature, valleys can be darker with roads that have many bends and turns. Life in the valley is less predictable than life on a high place. We can't see as far or as
clearly in the valley, a fact that makes us insecure, even fearful. It is for that reason that God promises to be with us in the valleys of our life--even in the valley of the shadow of death.
Breathe deeply of God's goodness on the mountaintop, but when you return to life in the valley, know that God is with you. There is nothing to fear in the valley where you live.
Jesus was transfigured on the hilltop, but He transforms us in the valley.
J. Charles Stern
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they
comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
Recommended Reading
Mark 9:2-13
Who doesn't love the mountains? The views, the cool, invigorating air, the absence of mosquitoes! In ancient times, worship--both pagan and real--was always in "high places," mentioned nearly eighty times in the Old Testament. The temple in Jerusalem was on the top of Mount Moriah; it was on a mountaintop where Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John (Mark 9:2).
As nice as mountaintops are, we live in the valleys below. Even Jesus refused Peter's request to set up shelters on the mountaintop to extend their stay. By their very nature, valleys can be darker with roads that have many bends and turns. Life in the valley is less predictable than life on a high place. We can't see as far or as
clearly in the valley, a fact that makes us insecure, even fearful. It is for that reason that God promises to be with us in the valleys of our life--even in the valley of the shadow of death.
Breathe deeply of God's goodness on the mountaintop, but when you return to life in the valley, know that God is with you. There is nothing to fear in the valley where you live.
Jesus was transfigured on the hilltop, but He transforms us in the valley.
J. Charles Stern
Once upon a time, when Baba (Obasanjo) was in office as the president, he got an invitation from the Queen to come for a visit to England. After all the banquets and carriage rides and what not, Baba finally got the quiet moment he has craved all day in order to have a one on one chat with her majesty. After the usual small talk, Baba quickly popped the question (no silly, not that question). He asked her what the secret to her success was. You know Nigerians, we think everything is a secret…the President’s health status is a secret, his whereabouts is a secret, reports of the various panels of enquiry set up by govt to investigate the causes of different crises around the country are kept secret, we even have secret registries in every government agency in d country. Maybe we are a secretive people, we love secrets.`
Anyway, back to our story. So Baba asked for the SECRET to d Queens’s success and she told him that she relies on her people a lot and therefore she makes certain that only the intelligent get to positions of authority.
She decided to show him exactly what she meant and so she phoned Tony Blair. "Now listen carefully, Mr. Obasanjo, I'm going to ask Mr. Blair a question to determine his intelligence.”
Queen: "Hello Mr. Blair, I have a question for you: your mother has a child, and your father has a child. This child is not your brother and is not your sister. Who is he?"
Tony Blair replied instantly, "It's ME your majesty!"
Queen: "Correct! Thank you and goodbye"
"You see Mr. Obasanjo?" said the Queen
"Yes”, he replied “and thanks a lot, I'll definitely be using that!"
Once back in Nigeria he decided that he has doubts about Mantu’s level of intelligence and he decided to test him. He arranged a meeting with him and asked him:
"Mantu I have a question for you; your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Mantu thinks...... and thinks………and thinks, and finally says, "Em, Mr. President, you must give me more time to think about it."
And Mr. Obasanjo gave him 2 weeks to come up with an answer. That afternoon, Mantu called a meeting of all his aides, advisers and assistants to discuss the question, but NOBODY knew the answer. So he decided to take it to the floor of the senate. After a heated debate the senate President thought it wise to clear out the gallery and go into a closed session as he believed the revelations that may result could be damaging to the family and reputation of the distinguished senator Mantu.
After about two hours of deliberations, the house decided to set up an ad hoc committee to look into the matter and report back to it in ten days. The committee was given the following terms of reference:
1. To come up with a complete family tree of the entire Mantu clan
2. To pay a courtesy call to the traditional ruler of Mantu’s village and the State Governor
3. To interview all living relatives of Senator Mantu
4. To determine if Sen. Mantu’s dad had any extramarital affairs
5. To determine the DNA composition of Sen. Mantu (in Germany of course or Saudi)
On completion of its assignment, the committee was to submit its report to the senate which will then pass it on to the Senate committee on special duties. This committee will then review the report of the ad hoc committee and come up with a draft “white paper” (whatever that means). This draft “white paper” will then be brought back to the senate and on approval will be passed on to the President through Senator Mantu.
The Ad-hoc committee then submitted its budget which of course was kept SECRET but included funds for;
a) The immediate purchase of Land Cruiser jeeps for each of the 12 members of the committee. The jeeps will be used to travel to Mantu’s village bcos as you know, Nigerian roads are bad and Mantu’s village is remote.
b) Air tickets (first class of course) and hotel accommodation in Jos for committee members and their numerous aides. They’ll stay at the Hill-station hotel and drive to Mantu’s village in the morning.
c) Air tickets (again first class) to Germany and back, and hotel accommodation (five star) for everybody.
d) Estacodes and hazard allowances
e) Logistics
f) Miscellaneous
Even though the budget was kept secret, you can easily come up with the figure by taking the actual estimate of the above list and multiply by ten. You’ll only run into problems when u get to the final two items (logistics & miscellaneous) , as these are usually added to cover for all the people that need to be “settled” in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Therefore the figures have the tendency of varying widely and so it can’t really be predicted.
Anyway, the money was released and the committee started its assignment in earnest. They finished within the time frame that was stipulated in their terms of reference and they prepared a voluminous report which was to be presented at the senate at plenary. But on the d-day when the chairman of the committee was about to make the presentation, a distinguished senator from the Southern part of the country raised a “point of order”. He argued that the committee was illegal because its composition was lopsided in favor of a certain region in the country. He pointed out that of the 12 members; seven were from the North and only five from the South. Not to be outdone, another Senator this time from the North raised a “point of order” on the “point of order” that was raised by the Senator from the South. He argued that since the committee’s assignment was primarily to investigate the lineage of Senator Mantu (who is from the North), they needed
senators who knew the terrain, who understood the culture of the people and their language.
More points of order followed and after a while the Senate President decided to put a stop to it by subjecting it to a voice vote.
And thus he announced, “All those in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus go ahead to present its report say “AYE””. And the house responded accordingly.
And then he asked again, “All those not in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus should not go ahead to present its report say “NAY””. And the house responded accordingly.
Unfortunately for Mantu, the “NAYs had it” and thus the report was never presented. Now Mantu has a really big problem, because the president is waiting for an answer and he has run out of time. So in one last effort, he decided to phone his very good friend Jerry Rawlings who had always sounded intelligent to Mantu and thus may have the answer to this really difficult question.
"Jerry, your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Jerry answers immediately. "Hey, Mantu, It's me of course, you dumb Nigerian!"
Mantu couldn’t believe his luck and so he rushed to Aso Rock villa, his motorcade of five cars moving at top speed with sirens blaring. Ordinary Nigerians going about their normal businesses scampered out of the way. When they finally arrived their destination, Mantu literarily ran all the way to the President's office.
"Mr. President, Mr. President”, he called out, breathing heavily. “I know who he is”
Obasanjo: “Good, so tell me”
Mantu: “ it’s Jerry Rawlings Sir! In fact when he revealed the SECRET to me, I started to see the resemblance between us"
Obasanjo: "Jerry Rawlings ko, Jerry Gana ni. You are such a stupid senator. Olodo rakpata! I'll make sure you don’t return to office after this term. Stupid man, the correct answer is TONY BLAIR!"
And that’s how Mantu never returned to the Senate even though he supported the President’s third term agenda.
NB: This piece is satirical. The characters in it are fictional. Any similarities with real characters, events or places are mere coincidences.
Once upon a time, when Baba (Obasanjo) was in office as the president, he got an invitation from the Queen to come for a visit to England. After all the banquets and carriage rides and what not, Baba finally got the quiet moment he has craved all day in order to have a one on one chat with her majesty. After the usual small talk, Baba quickly popped the question (no silly, not that question). He asked her what the secret to her success was. You know Nigerians, we think everything is a secret…the President’s health status is a secret, his whereabouts is a secret, reports of the various panels of enquiry set up by govt to investigate the causes of different crises around the country are kept secret, we even have secret registries in every government agency in d country. Maybe we are a secretive people, we love secrets.`
Anyway, back to our story. So Baba asked for the SECRET to d Queens’s success and she told him that she relies on her people a lot and therefore she makes certain that only the intelligent get to positions of authority.
She decided to show him exactly what she meant and so she phoned Tony Blair. "Now listen carefully, Mr. Obasanjo, I'm going to ask Mr. Blair a question to determine his intelligence.”
Queen: "Hello Mr. Blair, I have a question for you: your mother has a child, and your father has a child. This child is not your brother and is not your sister. Who is he?"
Tony Blair replied instantly, "It's ME your majesty!"
Queen: "Correct! Thank you and goodbye"
"You see Mr. Obasanjo?" said the Queen
"Yes”, he replied “and thanks a lot, I'll definitely be using that!"
Once back in Nigeria he decided that he has doubts about Mantu’s level of intelligence and he decided to test him. He arranged a meeting with him and asked him:
"Mantu I have a question for you; your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Mantu thinks...... and thinks………and thinks, and finally says, "Em, Mr. President, you must give me more time to think about it."
And Mr. Obasanjo gave him 2 weeks to come up with an answer. That afternoon, Mantu called a meeting of all his aides, advisers and assistants to discuss the question, but NOBODY knew the answer. So he decided to take it to the floor of the senate. After a heated debate the senate President thought it wise to clear out the gallery and go into a closed session as he believed the revelations that may result could be damaging to the family and reputation of the distinguished senator Mantu.
After about two hours of deliberations, the house decided to set up an ad hoc committee to look into the matter and report back to it in ten days. The committee was given the following terms of reference:
1. To come up with a complete family tree of the entire Mantu clan
2. To pay a courtesy call to the traditional ruler of Mantu’s village and the State Governor
3. To interview all living relatives of Senator Mantu
4. To determine if Sen. Mantu’s dad had any extramarital affairs
5. To determine the DNA composition of Sen. Mantu (in Germany of course or Saudi)
On completion of its assignment, the committee was to submit its report to the senate which will then pass it on to the Senate committee on special duties. This committee will then review the report of the ad hoc committee and come up with a draft “white paper” (whatever that means). This draft “white paper” will then be brought back to the senate and on approval will be passed on to the President through Senator Mantu.
The Ad-hoc committee then submitted its budget which of course was kept SECRET but included funds for;
a) The immediate purchase of Land Cruiser jeeps for each of the 12 members of the committee. The jeeps will be used to travel to Mantu’s village bcos as you know, Nigerian roads are bad and Mantu’s village is remote.
b) Air tickets (first class of course) and hotel accommodation in Jos for committee members and their numerous aides. They’ll stay at the Hill-station hotel and drive to Mantu’s village in the morning.
c) Air tickets (again first class) to Germany and back, and hotel accommodation (five star) for everybody.
d) Estacodes and hazard allowances
e) Logistics
f) Miscellaneous
Even though the budget was kept secret, you can easily come up with the figure by taking the actual estimate of the above list and multiply by ten. You’ll only run into problems when u get to the final two items (logistics & miscellaneous) , as these are usually added to cover for all the people that need to be “settled” in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly. Therefore the figures have the tendency of varying widely and so it can’t really be predicted.
Anyway, the money was released and the committee started its assignment in earnest. They finished within the time frame that was stipulated in their terms of reference and they prepared a voluminous report which was to be presented at the senate at plenary. But on the d-day when the chairman of the committee was about to make the presentation, a distinguished senator from the Southern part of the country raised a “point of order”. He argued that the committee was illegal because its composition was lopsided in favor of a certain region in the country. He pointed out that of the 12 members; seven were from the North and only five from the South. Not to be outdone, another Senator this time from the North raised a “point of order” on the “point of order” that was raised by the Senator from the South. He argued that since the committee’s assignment was primarily to investigate the lineage of Senator Mantu (who is from the North), they needed
senators who knew the terrain, who understood the culture of the people and their language.
More points of order followed and after a while the Senate President decided to put a stop to it by subjecting it to a voice vote.
And thus he announced, “All those in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus go ahead to present its report say “AYE””. And the house responded accordingly.
And then he asked again, “All those not in favor of the committee being considered legal and thus should not go ahead to present its report say “NAY””. And the house responded accordingly.
Unfortunately for Mantu, the “NAYs had it” and thus the report was never presented. Now Mantu has a really big problem, because the president is waiting for an answer and he has run out of time. So in one last effort, he decided to phone his very good friend Jerry Rawlings who had always sounded intelligent to Mantu and thus may have the answer to this really difficult question.
"Jerry, your mother and father have a child. The child is not your brother and is not your sister, who is he?."
Jerry answers immediately. "Hey, Mantu, It's me of course, you dumb Nigerian!"
Mantu couldn’t believe his luck and so he rushed to Aso Rock villa, his motorcade of five cars moving at top speed with sirens blaring. Ordinary Nigerians going about their normal businesses scampered out of the way. When they finally arrived their destination, Mantu literarily ran all the way to the President's office.
"Mr. President, Mr. President”, he called out, breathing heavily. “I know who he is”
Obasanjo: “Good, so tell me”
Mantu: “ it’s Jerry Rawlings Sir! In fact when he revealed the SECRET to me, I started to see the resemblance between us"
Obasanjo: "Jerry Rawlings ko, Jerry Gana ni. You are such a stupid senator. Olodo rakpata! I'll make sure you don’t return to office after this term. Stupid man, the correct answer is TONY BLAIR!"
And that’s how Mantu never returned to the Senate even though he supported the President’s third term agenda.
NB: This piece is satirical. The characters in it are fictional. Any similarities with real characters, events or places are mere coincidences.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
New Times and Seasons
New Times and Seasons
"He changes times and seasons..."
(Daniel 2:21, NIV)
God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He wants us to grow and increase in every area. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives, and it keeps up from getting stuck in a rut. To help keep us on our path toward our destiny, God will supernaturally open and close doors of opportunity. He will "stir us" out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity.
Do you know how an eaglet learns to fly? That mother eagle will take her eaglet to the very highest point—way out of its comfort zone—and then she just releases it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air.
That's what God wants for you today. He wants you to soar in life! You might feel like that eaglet learning to fly, but know that God is right there with you! He is bringing you new times and seasons so that you will rise higher and embrace the very best He has in store for you.
Dear God, today I open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. I trust that You are with me directing my every step. I embrace Your seasons of change and thank You for helping me grow and increase in every area. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"He changes times and seasons..."
(Daniel 2:21, NIV)
God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He wants us to grow and increase in every area. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives, and it keeps up from getting stuck in a rut. To help keep us on our path toward our destiny, God will supernaturally open and close doors of opportunity. He will "stir us" out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity.
Do you know how an eaglet learns to fly? That mother eagle will take her eaglet to the very highest point—way out of its comfort zone—and then she just releases it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air.
That's what God wants for you today. He wants you to soar in life! You might feel like that eaglet learning to fly, but know that God is right there with you! He is bringing you new times and seasons so that you will rise higher and embrace the very best He has in store for you.
Dear God, today I open my heart and mind to receive all that You have for me. I trust that You are with me directing my every step. I embrace Your seasons of change and thank You for helping me grow and increase in every area. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Knowing Who Belongs in Your Life
Knowing Who Belongs in Your Life 26 Aug 2010
'...Those you allow to remain will become... thorns in your sides...' Numbers 33:55
Earthquakes result from two tectonic plates on a fault line shifting against one another, then lurching in opposite directions. And that's what happens when you bond with the wrong people. It's why God instructed the Israelites concerning the hostile nations in the Promised Land, 'Those you allow to remain will become... thorns in your sides.' When a relationship is not working, when your efforts to rehabilitate it have failed, acknowledge it. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and admit that instead of lifting them up, they're dragging you down. Releasing somebody doesn't mean they'll never improve, it just means God is better suited to the job. Be careful around those who are always trying to make you feel guilty for not 'being there'. Only God can always be there! There's a difference between helping somebody and carrying them. Your help may actually be a hindrance. Why should they even try, if you're always there to do it for them? Your need to be needed could be getting in the way of their need to grow. Step back and let them walk on their own. Not everybody will be happy when you do that, but they're not supposed to be. Jesus said, 'Woe to you when all men speak well of you...' (Luke 6:26 NKJV). Don't let fear of criticism overwhelm your common sense. People don't take confrontations well, but this is a matter of survival. Every relationship is for a reason, and a season. Discern those who belonged in your past, from those who belong in your life now.
'...Those you allow to remain will become... thorns in your sides...' Numbers 33:55
Earthquakes result from two tectonic plates on a fault line shifting against one another, then lurching in opposite directions. And that's what happens when you bond with the wrong people. It's why God instructed the Israelites concerning the hostile nations in the Promised Land, 'Those you allow to remain will become... thorns in your sides.' When a relationship is not working, when your efforts to rehabilitate it have failed, acknowledge it. Sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and admit that instead of lifting them up, they're dragging you down. Releasing somebody doesn't mean they'll never improve, it just means God is better suited to the job. Be careful around those who are always trying to make you feel guilty for not 'being there'. Only God can always be there! There's a difference between helping somebody and carrying them. Your help may actually be a hindrance. Why should they even try, if you're always there to do it for them? Your need to be needed could be getting in the way of their need to grow. Step back and let them walk on their own. Not everybody will be happy when you do that, but they're not supposed to be. Jesus said, 'Woe to you when all men speak well of you...' (Luke 6:26 NKJV). Don't let fear of criticism overwhelm your common sense. People don't take confrontations well, but this is a matter of survival. Every relationship is for a reason, and a season. Discern those who belonged in your past, from those who belong in your life now.
BE RECONCILED TO ONE ANOTHER Thursday - August 26, 2010
“Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good-- no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord. So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me.” – Philemon 1:15-16
On August 23, 2009, two churches joined together to become one church in Louisville, Kentucky. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, a mostly black congregation, and Shively Heights Baptist Church, a mostly white congregation, merged into St. Paul Baptist Church at Shively Heights.
More than 560 people sang, prayed and rejoiced at the unification. It was 55 years earlier that the Shively Heights area had been a flashpoint for racial violence. In 1954, just down the road from the church campus, a bomb destroyed the house of the first black family to move to Shively.
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church’s Pastor Lincoln Bingham proclaimed: “God wants us to do bigger things. We've had a great ministry here. But God has much more for us to do. And the facility and the racial mix [in Shively Heights] will provide even greater opportunity.”
He continued: “we should all follow the biblical mandate that we all be one, and that it does not necessarily suggest disaster when we obey that command.”
The Lord desires us to be reconciled to Him and to others. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that you are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and seek to be reconciled to others.
“The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West . . . But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.” – Billy Graham
God’s Word: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” – 2 Corinthians 5:18
“Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good-- no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a man and as a brother in the Lord. So if you consider me a partner, welcome him as you would welcome me.” – Philemon 1:15-16
On August 23, 2009, two churches joined together to become one church in Louisville, Kentucky. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, a mostly black congregation, and Shively Heights Baptist Church, a mostly white congregation, merged into St. Paul Baptist Church at Shively Heights.
More than 560 people sang, prayed and rejoiced at the unification. It was 55 years earlier that the Shively Heights area had been a flashpoint for racial violence. In 1954, just down the road from the church campus, a bomb destroyed the house of the first black family to move to Shively.
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church’s Pastor Lincoln Bingham proclaimed: “God wants us to do bigger things. We've had a great ministry here. But God has much more for us to do. And the facility and the racial mix [in Shively Heights] will provide even greater opportunity.”
He continued: “we should all follow the biblical mandate that we all be one, and that it does not necessarily suggest disaster when we obey that command.”
The Lord desires us to be reconciled to Him and to others. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that you are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and seek to be reconciled to others.
“The number one problem in our world is alienation, rich versus poor, black versus white, labor versus management, conservative versus liberal, East versus West . . . But Christ came to bring about reconciliation and peace.” – Billy Graham
God’s Word: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” – 2 Corinthians 5:18
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