heavenly light

heavenly light

Friday, 13 August 2010

'Do I Have Compassion for Others?'

'Do I Have Compassion for Others?'
...when he saw him, he had compassion. Luke 10:33
The priest and the Levite in the story of the Good Samaritan saw the plight of the dying man, but the Good Samaritan exercised compassion and did something about it. So, ask yourself, 'Have I become too calloused to care or too busy to be bothered?' There's so much need around us, and - God knows - we can't meet all of it. But what needs are you called to meet? Next time you see the Salvation Army selling the Warcry and taking donations, remember how it all started. There was a couple who were living in London 155 years ago. For the first ten years of their time there, William Booth was in a quandary: what was God calling him to do? One day his wife Catherine, a Bible teacher, was invited to speak at a local event. While they were there William took a late-night walk through the slums of the East End. Every fifth building was a pub. Most had steps at the counter so little children could climb up and order gin. That night he told Catherine, 'I seem to hear a voice sounding in my ears, "Where can you go to find such heathen as these, and where is there so great a need for your labours?" Darling, I have found my destiny!' Later that year, 1865, the couple opened the East London Christian Mission in London's slums. Their life's vision: to reach the down-and-outers who other Christians ignored. That simple vision of two people grew into the Salvation Army, which ministers through three million members in 91 countries. Now, stop and ask yourself, 'Do I have compassion for others?'

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