heavenly light

heavenly light

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Marriage Rights (4)

Marriage Rights (4)
'Live joyfully with the wife whom you love...' Ecclesiastes 9:9
When your mate loses their job and you find yourself suddenly going through a season of financial uncertainty, here are three things you need to keep in mind. First, remember it's just a season. The important thing is to guard your attitude while you're waiting for things to turn around. Unless he's lazy or an outright freeloader, your husband already feels bad because he can't provide. He knows the children need shoes, the bills are piling up and that you're tired of eating noodles or beans on toast, so don't keep reminding him! Second, now is the time to get behind him and strengthen his ego, not deflate it. 'How?' you ask. By asking yourself, 'Am I always complaining? Do I highlight the things we don't have? Do I covet stuff that's beyond our budget right now? Am I doing my part to cut back and make ends meet, or am I splurging on non-essentials, going shopping every day and wanting to eat out every night?' Finally, remember 'this too shall pass'. Now is not a good time to remind your husband (or your wife if she's the breadwinner) about the new car your brother bought or the great house your friend just exchanged on. Now is the time to practise saying with Paul, '...I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens... I have learned the secret of being happy...' (Philippians 4:11-12 NCV). Has God ever failed you? No, and He won't now, so make up your mind to trust Him. How you handle this season may well determine whether your relationship emerges weaker or stronger.

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