heavenly light

heavenly light

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Marriage Rights (5)

Marriage Rights (5)
'Live joyfully with the wife whom you love...' Ecclesiastes 9:9
You say, 'My mate is a terrible housekeeper. What can I do?' Although keeping house is historically seen as a woman's responsibility, today roles have changed. Financial necessity may dictate that you both work outside the home. In many instances the husband helps run the house. It's not a 'right or wrong' issue; what's important is that you make sure you're both singing from the same song sheet concerning your expectations. When you expect one thing and your mate expects another, there's trouble ahead! So, here are a few suggestions to help you. 1) Pick the right time. Don't discuss difficult issues when you're upset, wait until you both feel better. The Bible says, '...be willing to listen and slow to speak... anger will not help...' (James 1:19-20 NCV). When emotions run high, instead of solving problems you just end up making things worse. 2) Try to compromise. Look for the middle ground. Recognise that what seems important to you may not be important to yourmate. Maybe it wasn't important to you either in the early days, so you let it slide. 3) Learn to negotiate or you'll always be frustrated. Aim for a 'win-win' solution. This may mean washing the dishes or helping put the children to bed so you can have more time together. It involves giving on both sides. 4) Pray with and for one another. Ninety per cent of couples today don't do this, yet it's the most important thing you can do, because Jesus said, '...if two of you agree... concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven' 

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