heavenly light

heavenly light

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Direct Communication: Friends and Others

Direct Communication: Friends and Others

Faithful are the wounds of a friend.
Proverbs 27:6

Recommended Reading
Galatians 2:11-21

One of two things is true about the person who has never received guidance from another person: Either that person is perfect and has never needed guiding or correcting, or that person doesn't have anyone in his or her life who is willing to risk the possibility of a negative response from the "correctee." Since we know there are no perfect people, guess which one is true?

The Book of Proverbs says, in more than one way, we are fortunate if we have a friend who loves us enough to guide and correct us. No one would allow another person to unknowingly make a serious mistake, like taking the wrong turn on a long car trip. Yet how often do we fail to give guidance to others when they are threatening to derail their own spiritual journey? When we need guidance, we should ask someone who has been where we are or has a deeper knowledge of God and His Word. And when we give guidance--especially unsolicited guidance--it should be given gently, humbly, and in love. And received the same way.

Do you need guidance, or know someone who does? God gives "parts" to the Body of Christ so the whole may be healthy. Don't fail to do your part when it comes to guidance--whether giving or receiving.

Men give advice; God gives guidance.
Leonard Ravenhill

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