Who Are You Accountable To?
Two are better than one... Ecclesiates 4:9
On February 26, 1995, Barings, the oldest bank in Britain, announced it was going into bankruptcy after losing almost a billion dollars. In late 1994 the chief trader at Barings' Singapore office began betting big on Japan's Nikkei market. Then disaster struck. An earthquake hit Japan and on January 23, 1995, the Nikkei plunged more than 1,000 points, and Barings lost big money. But instead of cutting his losses the Barings' Singapore trader doubled his investment, betting that the Nikkei would rebound. But it didn't. Barings' London office put up nearly a billion dollars to support its falling position on the Singapore investments. Finally Barings ran out of capital and declared bankruptcy. So here's the question: how could a twenty-eight-year-old trader in Singapore lose nearly a billion dollars and ruin a 233-year-old bank? According to TIME magazine, the problem was lack of accountability: 'London allowed [the Singapore trader] to take control of both the trading desk and the back room settlement operation in Singapore. It is a mix that can be-and in this case was-toxic. A trader keeping his own books is like a schoolboy grading his own tests. The temptation to cheat can be overwhelming, particularly if the stakes are high enough.' Ever wonder why Jesus sent His disciples out in twos instead of solo? Because flanked with the right person we have support, encouragement and-protection. Protection from what? Ourselves! If you're serious about walking in victory, accountability is a step you must be willing to take. So, who are you accountable to?
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