heavenly light

heavenly light

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Reaching for Pearls

Reaching for Pearls

Alas, alas... for in one hour such great riches came to nothing.
Revelation 18:16-17

Recommended Reading
Revelation 18:11-20

Someone once said, "The trouble is that too many people are spending money they don't have for things they don't need to impress people they don't like." The Methodist writer, Clovis Chappell, once wrote about excavators in ancient Pompeii who found a body that had been suddenly entombed when Mount Vesuvius had erupted. Her feet were turned toward the city gate, but her face was turned backward and her hand was stretched out, as if reaching for something. It was a bag of pearls. She had perhaps dropped them and, in turning to pick them up, met instant entombment.

It's easy to get caught up with the pearls in life. And our struggle with materialism becomes even more difficult as God blesses us more and more. We have to work hard to stay humble, to enjoy the simple life, to be generous, and to have our hearts fixed on our Master instead of our money. The Book of Revelation warns that all the wealth of the coming Babylon will be vaporized by the wrath of Tribulation Days. In one hour, great riches will come to nothing.

But the riches of Christ belong to us forever.

The fellow that has no money is poor. The fellow who has nothing but money is poorer still.
Billy Sunday

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