The Admirable Management of Omnipotence
Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go... I will not leave you.
Genesis 28:15
Recommended Reading
Genesis 28:10-17
Susanna Wesley, the famous mother of John and Charles, once wrote a morning meditation about some of her sicknesses and sorrows. "I believe there is scarce a man to be found upon earth," she wrote, "but, take the whole course of his life, hath more mercies than afflictions, and much more pleasure than pain. I am sure it has been so in my case. I have many years suffered much pain and great bodily infirmities; but I have likewise enjoyed great intervals of rest and peace."
She went on to say that in God's providence even her burdens have produced blessings. "All my sufferings, by the admirable management of Omnipotent Goodness, have concurred to promote my spiritual and eternal good."
That's a mouthful, but it's a glorious mouthful. We have a God who admirably manages our lives with His all-powerful greatness. That's why we grow more spiritually during trials than during any other time in life. Our self-sufficiency is brought low and our reliance on God becomes great.
Thank God for the admirable management of Omnipotent Goodness.
For come what may, from day to day, my Heavenly Father watches over me.
W. C. Martin
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