heavenly light

heavenly light

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Following Directions: GO

Following Directions: GO

Go and do likewise.
Luke 10:37

Recommended Reading
Luke 10:29-37

Newspapers recently reported a survey by the University of California that found that cooperative behavior is "contagious and spreads from person to person." According to researchers, a good deed actually results in three others being done. When people receive a kindness, they're likely to pass it on in greater proportion.

In Luke 10, Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan who rescued and befriended the wounded man on the Jericho Road. When Jesus asked which of the passersby had been the real "neighbor" to the man, the reply came back, "He who showed mercy on him."

Then Jesus said, "Go and do likewise."

The word "go" was one of our Lord's favorite commands. It occurs 224 times in the Gospels, many of them from the lips of Jesus as He urged His disciples to go into all the world, to go home to their friends with the news, to go to the lost house of Israel, to go into the highways and byways with His message, to go to the mountains searching for the lost sheep.

Let's go and do likewise.

Brotherly kindness... is the natural and proper index of Christian love. It makes (us) living epistles which the world reads....
James H. Potts

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