heavenly light

heavenly light

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

In Harness with Jesus

In Harness with Jesus
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me..." Matthew 11:29
Some of us find it easy to trust God for health, yet we stay awake all night worrying about finances. Or we trust Him for finances, but not to direct our steps. Jesus says, 'Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.' You say, 'Learn what?' Learn that if you want to lighten your load don't take on more-take on a partner. Get in harness with the Lord and take your lead from Him. Working with God will restore your strength, not deplete it! Richard Mylander writes: 'On my way to a conference in Colorado I was driving uphill along a major interstate, when I overtook a freight train going the same direction at a slower speed. The train was being pushed uphill by two locomotives that sounded as if they were straining at full power. I'm a flatlander from the mid west. 'Is this how trains move in mountainous terrain?' I wondered. I gradually came alongside the front of the nearly mile-long string of cars. There I found five more locomotives pulling the train. Seven engines in all! Where I come from, I rarely see more than two or three. That train was a lesson for me. I had been under serious strain for some time. I was feeling tired and was wondering whether I could persevere under the pressure. How like God, I thought. When I am pushing a load uphill with all the strength I have and feel like my energy level is depleted, He wants me to know that He is in the lead, pulling with power far greater than mine.'

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