Python Spirit
Demonic Power – Principality is Apollyon
By Dr Madelene Eayrs
A Training Manual to help you identify the work of the above mentioned spirit in a
son’s life
Copy right El Qana Ministries http://www.elqana.com/.elqana.com
Python Spirit
1. Scripture regarding the Python Spirit
• Act 16:16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl pos- sessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. Act 16:17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, "These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way
of salvation."
Act 16:18 And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of
her." And he came out that very hour.
• The words “spirit of divination” in the scripture above should have been trans- lated as the spirit of python if taking the Hebrew and Greek translations into ac- count: Puthōn poo'-thone From Πυθώ Puthō (the name of the region where Del- phi, the seat of the famous oracle, was located); a Python, that is, (by analogy with the supposed diviner there) inspiration (soothsaying): - divination.
• Whilst the word “fortune-telling” is a derivative of G3105 (meaning a prophet, as supposed to rave through inspiration); to divine, that is, utter spells (under pre-
tence of foretelling): - by soothsaying. This shows that the fortune-telling is done by the spirit of Python and not by the Spirit of God by which the prophets
of God prophesy
• Rev 2:20
• Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman
Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
2. How does a spirit of Python gain entrance into a person
• Through the bloodline or unconfessed sins of the forefathers
• Spiritual contracts / claims entered into by the ancestors
• Walking on unholy ground such as idolatry temples, or places where any- thing other than God (Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) is worshipped
• Satan grabs your attention and entices you to dabbling in the occult
• Visiting a fortune-teller – this means a Christian has broken covenant with
God because the Christian is no longer asking God for answers but asking the enemy for answers regarding the future. This sin caused King Saul his life and could have the same result with all other Christians. This could also open up the Christian for transference of spirits
• Dabbling in the occult
• Through subtle suggestion, uses beguiling spirits to get you to believe that God doesn’t really mean what He says i.e. garden of Eden lie told by the snake (refer to 2 Cor 11:2-3)
3. Tasks
• The ultimate goal of the python spirit is to break down God’s plans and purposes
by attacking those in leadership positions by undermining them through rebellion
and anarchy. This spirit works by constricting, squeezing and choking the life of God out of a Spirit-filled Christian, and weighing you down and making it very dif- ficult for you to be free and rise in the Lord’s presence.Breaking all that which helps sustain spiritual life and then cutting off the blood flow and breath to cause death. Its main purpose is to destroy and kill the spiritual life of the Spirit-filled Christian. In the church it operates by suffocating the life and fire of God like a blanket and quenching the Holy Spirit in our lives and churches
• The python spirit is very territorial and will use any loopholes in the law to oppose the work of God. Examples of this would be the laws protecting the rights of gays / lesbians, as well as preventing children of God to speak out against the sins committed by gays but rather adopting an attitude of tolerance. You will see group actions taking place where the Python spirit stays, such as demonstrations promoting the gay rights or the rights to have abortions
4. Fruits by which to identify the working of this spirit in a life
• Cyclical pattern of defeat
• Frustration
• Discouragement
• Weariness and fatigue
• Heaviness
• Sorrow
• Spiritual apathy
• Depression
• Love of money
• Fear of loss
• Agitated
• Prideful
• Highly defensive
• Control or being controlled (Jezebel / Ahab)
• Rebellion against Godly order i.e. children rebel against parents, wives refuse to
be a helper to the husband and the husband refuse to serve the family in love
• Love being squeezed out of marriages
• Hurt or bruising, then progressing to constricting and crushing of Godly relation- ships
• Persecution of Christians
• Godly fruits such as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faith- fulness, gentleness, self-control will be squeezed out of Godly relationships in your life
• Division in Godly relationships such as the marriage and churches
• Spiritual barrenness and spiritual death
• After spiritual death has occurred the person is consumed with bitterness
Fruits evident in churches:
• Overwhelming opposition from every side
• Cyclical pattern of division within the church or cyclical pattern of financial de- feat of the church. The attack is usually aimed at breaking up relationships in the church through evil spirits operating through members of the church such
as rebellion, back-biting, gossiping or manipulation
• Rebellion against Godly order in the church
• Ridicules the pastor and leadership of the church and question their compe- tence
• False prophesy mostly with a profit motive
• High level of law-breaking and conviction within the church community
• High levels of child-molestation, sexual sins and addictions
• All forms of prostitution, witchcraft and lies
• Prevailing sense of filthiness and darkness, lovelessness
• Hostility towards “outsiders” and a tendency to isolation
• No real communion or sharing amongst church members
• Steals true worship and replaces it with false worship
• Antagonism
• Deceit
• People speak lies in order to gain special favour or position
• Gross injustices, manipulation and control takes place refer to Naboth and
Jezebel (1 Kings 21:13)
• Pretence
• Frustration
• Discouragement
• Weariness and fatigue
• Spiritual apathy
• Attack on the finances of those who tithe and try to contribute towards God’s
• Constriction of the finances of the church
• Prevention of business deals closing in your favour
• Prevents the sale of houses or lands
• Dries up the finances of the church until it perishes
• Breaking down God’s divine order of authority, mantle and calling
• Attack on the anointing or those flowing in the anointing in churches
• Persecutes the prophets and tries to kill them
• Question your calling
• Question your position
• Question your vision
5. Accomplices
• Spirit of death
• Spirit of infirmity
• Spirit of division
• Anti-Christ Spirit
• Religious Spirit
• Spirit of Control (Jezebel)
• Seducing spirits
• Beguiling spirits
• Principalities are: Main: Apollyon, others are Belial, Abaddon and Beelzebul
• Ashteroth – god of fertility
• Familiar spirits
• Spirit of bitterness and grief
6. How to deliver a person with a Python Spirit
• Repent before God for the sins that have taken place
• For idolatry: repent and ask God forgiveness and to break His curse that has
come upon you and your children for practising idolatry
• Repent for the sins of the forefathers and ancestors
• Forgive all people that have sinned or transgressed against you. Release
them to the Lord
• Revoke the rights that Satan and his spirits have in your life
• Tear up any spiritual contracts that Satan or his spirits have to operate in your
life and declare them void
• Declare that you take all those rights back in the name of Jesus Christ who
came in the flesh
• Identify all soul ties that have occurred due to ungodly sexual relationships.
Cut each of these soul ties individually and declare them null and void. De- clare that the demons that used these soul ties to transfer from person to per- son will have no more rights to do this. Seal theses soul ties with the anoint-
ing of the Holy Spirit and / or the blood of Jesus
• Break any curses that has been spoken over you or the church and declare
them powerless through the blood of Jesus
• Cancel all rituals that have been performed against you or the church in the name of Jesus. Seek God’s face and ask Him if there are any specific
counter / prophetic actions He wants you to perform regarding these rituals
• Bind the principalities involved
• Bind and cast out each individual spirit involved
• Cast out the principalities involved
• Ask the Lord to fill you with the Spirit of adoption into the Body of Christ
• Revoke and take back any rights Satan has to control your life, will, mind,
emotions and body and submit it to the Lord
• Renew your mind by consciously deciding against sinning. Gather scriptures that counteract the particular sins that plagued you and quote them in times of
temptation until the urge to fall into sin flees from you
• Counteract the fruits of the spirit of grief by praying and spending time in
God’s presence
• Expect opposition and that the spirits that left will try to return – be alert and
aware. Satan will try and attack you with scorn. Making you question things
that you have became certain of, he will try to bring confusion
Copyright: Elqana Ministries
E-Mail: me@elqana.com
Website Address: www.elqana.com
Hello. Thank you for your extensive explanation re: this spirit. I was born dominated by the spirit of python and even after giving my life to Christ in 1988, remained dominated. It took the Holy Spirit over twenty years to walk me out of Python's control. I strived in Christ but dark clouds hovered over me and interfered with every aspect of my life until just a few years ago when God brought everything together. The short of it is He gave me extended revelation concerning the spirit of python and had me to write a book on it. Now, I'm searching blogs for comments or teachings like yours about the spirit of python to find people who are familiar with how this spirit works and to request that they review my book. You can read the first 12 pages at Amazon.com to see if you are interested. If yes, please email me at info@paulacross.com and I will send the eBook free of charge. Just please explain that I offered this on your blog and provide the link to this page. I'm excited to help the bride come in to her inheritance. You can find the book at Amazon by searching under books "Spirit Of Python Unveiled".
ReplyDeleteThank you so much,
Paula Cross
Many are trying to come out of his dominion but have nobody covering them in regards to it. God has called me to this task so I now have a monthly prayer letter I would like to get out to those who are battling the spirit of python alone.
Is there any way you can check it out and if you approve, will you make the link available to those who come to your site?
Much appreciated,
Paula Cross
This is nice and good post. Thanks for sharing. Spiritual Events London|Spirit Release London|Spirit Release in London