heavenly light

heavenly light

Thursday, 5 August 2010

What's Good for the Goose (4)

What's Good for the Goose (4)
Look at the birds in the sky!... Matthew 6:26
With geese, their relationship is 'till death do us part'. They take it seriously. They're fully committed. When the ravages of time or circumstances make it impossible for a bird to continue the trip and it begins to lose altitude or fails to keep abreast of the formation, the gaggle provides it with comfort, nurture and protection. Two strong geese leave the formation, flying with the 'patient' safely between them, find a sheltered location with food and water and make a home for the needy bird. They'll stay with their ward until it either recovers or dies, before joining another formation. For them, everything goes 'on hold' to care for another bird! What an example of Christ-like relationship and self-sacrificing love. '...God has combined the members of the body... that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it...' (1 Corinthians 12:24-26 NIV). In today's culture we discount and marginalise the needy, including those no longer functioning as they once did. But God demands that we 'have equal concern for each other', especially with those suffering. If a gaggle of birds can do it, surely God's family ought to do it too. 'Look at the birds in the sky!' Jesus directs. If they can do it for each other, '...Aren't you worth more than birds?' (Matthew 6:26 CEV). One of the two greatest commandments (not suggestions) Christ gave us is, '...Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater...' (Mark 12:31 NIV). When word circulates that we love each other in this way, they'll beat down the doors of our church to get in!

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