heavenly light

heavenly light

Thursday, 28 October 2010


THE ETERNAL CHRIST                                  Friday - October 29, 2010

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8

In April 2008, in the Swedish mountains, scientists have found a cluster of around 20 spruce trees that are approximately 8,000 years old. This would make them among the oldest living things ever discovered. 
The Norway Spruce trees were growing at an altitude of 950 meters above sea level. They were only 6.5 feet tall and about 8 inches in width. Norway Spruce trees are commonly used as Christmas Trees. 
Shortly after the discovery, scientists sent samples from the tree to a laboratory in Miami, Florida and the laboratory confirmed the tree was 7,800 years old.
Although summers have been colder over the past 10,000 years, these trees have survived harsh weather conditions due to their ability to push out another trunk as the other one died. "The average increase in temperature during the summers over the past hundred years has risen one degree in the mountain areas," explains Leif Kullman, Professor of Physical Geography at Umeå University.
Though the seeds of the trees were not originally from the area, Dr. Kullman stated: "In some way they have also successfully found their way to the Swedish mountains."

Though these trees are remarkably old, they are not eternal. Jesus Christ lives before, during and well after these old trees. Today in prayer, praise Christ Lord that He is our eternal Lord!

“The Savior is the Fountain of Life; the Gospel is a Message of Life; the Volume that John saw opened in heaven was the Book of Life. There is infinite comfort in that.” - Arthur Penrhyn Stanley

God’s Word: “You will roll them up like a robe; like a garment they will be changed. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.” – Hebrews 1:12

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