heavenly light

heavenly light

Monday, 11 October 2010

Money matters (2)

Money matters (2)
Following on from yesterday's look at managing money for good, today we're going to have a go at moving Alan Sugar's bowels as we look at how to make money. OK, so you're somewhere between selling the 'perfume' you attempted to make from rose petals aged five, and getting a full-time job - the point is you're never too young to be entrepreneurial for God.
Remember how Jesus bigged up the poor old widow for giving all she had, even though it was only spare change? Well guess what? Even though you might not own IKEA, any bit of spare change is welcome in God's economy. Some ideas:
1) A carwash service: There may be people you know whose lives are too hectic and busy to take care of their car. Explain that you want to raise money for the Haiti relief fund and offer a car shampoo and wax service. 2) A dog walking service: If you're not scared of the four-legged gnashers, how about giving some tired mongrel owner a break by offering to take them walkies? Any hard cash could be sent straight to your church's mission pot. Or 3) A painting service: Don the overalls and busy your brushstrokes over the church fence. All for a worthwhile fee of course.
Be creative with your ideas and remember don't place yourself in situations of unnecessary risk and always tell your parent or guardian what you're doing first.  But forget about your personal gain - make money 

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