Are you like the man who said, 'The devil never takes a vacation, so why should I?' Since when did the devil become your role model? The words 'He maketh me to lie down in green pastures' teach us that only the shepherd can choose the path, prepare the pasture, and protect us. Our role is simply to follow, feed and fellowship with Him. Getting the idea? Of the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses, which one do you think required the most words? Adultery? No, that only took five words. Murder? No, that only took four words. The longest of the Ten Commandments is about taking a day off: 96 words! (Exodus 20:8-11). God knows us so well: He knew the store owner would say, 'Somebody's got to work that day; if I can't my son will.' So God says, 'Nor thy son.' 'Then my daughter will.' 'Nor thy daughter.' 'Then an employee.' 'Nor thy manservant.' God says, 'One day a week you'll say no to work and yes to worship. You'll slow down, sit down, lie down and rest. After all, I rested on the seventh day and the world didn't crash. So repeat after me, "It's not my job to run the world."' Charles Spurgeon said, 'Even the sea pauses at ebb and flood; earth keeps the Sabbath of the wintery months, and man must rest or faint, trim his lamp or let it burn low. In the long term we shall do more, by sometimes doing less.' The bottom line is that if you honour God's principles you will find rest for your body, mind and emotions. |
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