heavenly light

heavenly light

Friday 20 August 2010



Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

Recommended Reading
1 Chron. 29:14-15

Be honest: How often do you catch yourself feeling "hopeful"? Hope is one of those emotions or perspectives that we seem to know more by its absence than by its presence. (Not that it should be that way, but it often is.) Even though you may not recall the last time you felt hope-full, you can probably remember the last time you felt hope-less.

Hope, often taken for granted, is nothing more than rock-solid assurance that what God has said is true and will come to pass--even when there is nothing except His Word to back up said hope. Hope is not dependent on circumstances. Seeing is not believing. Hoping is believing! Hope is the confidence that wells up as a result of our believing God. There's a fine line between the two, and the transition is almost imperceptible. But you have to believe before you can hope, and hope happens as soon as you believe. So if you are walking confidently today in your relationship with Christ--at peace about today and the future--you are full of hope. You are hope-full.

The Bible says to "hold fast the confession of [your] hope." Stay hopeful by staying faithful, just as God is faithful.

Hope means expectancy when things are otherwise hopeless.
G. K. Chesterton

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