heavenly light

heavenly light

Sunday 11 July 2010

AVOID TEMPTATION Monday – July 12, 2010

AVOID TEMPTATION Monday – July 12, 2010

“For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless.” – 1 Thessalonians 3:5

In 2001, in response to growing Internet pornography addition, Craig Gross founded XXXchurch.com. “Any Christian man or woman who is engaging in sexual immorality of any kind is a person in conflict,” said Craig. “Often you will hear someone who has gotten addicted say, ‘I have no idea how I got here; it started so innocently.’ Pornography is both very alluring and very addictive.”
Craig’s web site had more than 35 million visitors in the first two years. One of the products his ministry has developed is X3Watch, which is accountability software. When a person surfs the web, the software logs all questionable websites that a user accesses based on content type, and then sends a report to an "accountability partner" of the person's choosing. The program, which can be turned off at any time, has the goal of helping individuals to be open, honest and accountable to each other about their web surfing.
“Unlike filters that just block specific websites all together, X3watch was intentionally designed to give users the freedom and power to show their friends, parents and spouses that they can be held accountable and make good choices,” said Craig.

We are all tempted in different areas of our lives. But the Lord is faithful and we can resist temptation through the power of Jesus Christ. Today in prayer, confess any weaknesses to temptation to the Lord. Ask the Lord to keep you far from temptation.

“Believe that as sure you are in the way of God you must meet with temptations.” – John Bunyan

God’s Word: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13

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