heavenly light

heavenly light

Saturday 3 July 2010

Following Directions: STOP

Following Directions: STOP

Be still, and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10

Recommended Reading
Psalm 46

When following God's directions through life, we occasionally come to stop signs--closed doors, frustrated plans, lost jobs, and various hard-to-bear disappointments. At such times, we must pause, pray, remind ourselves that God is in control, and commit our ways to Him.

But there are other times when our delays are caused by another kind of sign, one that says "Scenic View Ahead." It's refreshing to pull over during the busyness of life and stop for some unhurried time at God's vistas. To be practical about it, we need to schedule spiritual breaks into our planners. We need a daily quiet time. We need a weekly "Sabbath." We need an occasional retreat. We need time by the pool with an inspirational book or in the porch swing with our prayer lists. Some people schedule prayer days into the calendar, providing "holy leisure" for reading, praying, singing, resting, thinking, and spending time with the Lord.

The decibels in this world are loud right now, but the Lord's disciples know how to practice Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God.

When you grow faint through the fierce fires of affliction...do not try to be strong. Just be still and know that He is God.
Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

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